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Quado — Envy

from the August 2004 Star Beacon

by Carrie Hart

Q: I recently became aware that on the rare occasions that I am unhappy, it can almost always be traced back to envy. Not necessarily envy of material things, but rather envy of things like positive attention from others that I work with, positive relationships with men, etc. My mind knows that I am creating my own unhappiness when I compare myself to others, but still my heart really falls into a nasty cycle of wanting more or different than what I have. Most of the time I am very content, but three or four times a year I get very needy for attention. How can I let go of this and move on?

     Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

    Yes, of course, of course.

    First, let us address the issue of envy. Envy can be a poisonous viper in your heart or it can be a teacher. If you choose to, you can take a new attitude toward envy, one which will open you up to new information about yourself.

    When envy comes to you, stop and look at it and ask yourself, what does this tell me that I am missing? If you go to a concert and sit in the quiet dark of the audience and feel intense envy for the person on the stage who is dancing, or playing the guitar and singing, does this indicate something to you about your need for expression, your need for attention, anything else? Is it time to take that guitar out of the closet, time to take that dancing class?

    If you envy someone who is attractive and well-dressed, perhaps more slender than you are, does this indicate to you that you need to pay more attention to your body, that you need to instill more discipline in your life?

    Often envy is focused on those who have managed to be more disciplined, who have managed to overcome cravings and procrastination, who have pulled themselves out of the fog of self-absorption and turned those energies into action, action which benefits them. For discipline, of course, is not a punishment, but rather a gift that you give to yourself, a gift to manifest daydreams through action, a gift of patience and perseverance which makes dreams come true.

    And so look to this. See if you are hungering for discipline underneath the permissiveness you have allowed yourself. See if you are yearning for the effects of a true discipline which springs from a deep love for yourself, a love which is deep enough to be translated into performing acts which will enhance your life and show yourself and the world that you are much beloved, much beloved by yourself.

    Honor yourself by giving yourself this gift. Express your love for yourself through action.

    And this then leads to the second issue, which is your need for attention, for love from an outward source. Again, this is really just an expression of the poverty of self-love within. It is that simple. And the answers are two-fold.

    First, do spend the time you need to spend in meditation and quiet time alone, filling yourself with love for yourself. And then, as we have already said, translate that into action which will actually lead you toward what you wish to have in your life. Act on your self-love. Do not merely fill yourself with it energetically. Do both.

    And then, secondly, open up your life to allow the attention you crave. Are you shy? Are you going home and spending time alone instead of going out and meeting people? If you live like a hermit, afraid to interact with people, only venturing out when you are within the safe cocoon of friends of long-standing, then any little thing that happens may seem like a large injury. If, on the other hand, you are out and about, interfacing with new people all of the time, you will see things in a different way. You will learn that if you say hello to 20 people, at least one or two will be glad to meet you and offer the potential of a budding friendship. If, however, you only say hello to one or two, you may not find the gems hidden among the group, those with whom you can easily connect and who are happy to meet a new person. You must open yourself to a wider world in order to reduce the sting of rejection which comes.

    And yes, rejection will come, but it is not personal. When you go out among people, and if you allow yourself to see the world with new eyes, you will realize that people are all within their own shells, anxiously looking out to see if they are protected, guarding against having their fragile egos injured. In short, they are afraid and full of self-doubt. And so, when you approach, they may defend. But it is not personal. And if you get out and about enough, if you speak up enough, if you expose yourself bravely to life, you will begin to be able to differentiate and to take things more easily, to let life flow off you like water, not dig in deep like a painful injury.
It is an odd thing but true, that the wider you open yourself to the world, the less harmful it is. The less you allow the world in, the more that little entry may harm you. And so you close down tighter, allowing even less to come in, and a vicious cycle beings.

    Open to life. Take that envy and turn it into action. Let it tell you when you need to open up your life and expand. When you contract and feel the victim, when envy wants to tell you that life is unfair, take it as a signal to go out in life, to express yourself more openly, to speak up in a more expressive way, to try new things, to meet new people. Open wider and wider and the little slights and rejections will begin to seem like nothing compared to the wonderful new things which are streaming in through the open doors.

About the Author:
     Carrie Hart is the author of There is a Garden, the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie’s CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on

Copyright © 2004 by Systematique, Inc.

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