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from the January 2010 Star Beacon

edited by Ann Ulrich Miller

Orb Photo
         Robin Campbell of Dewey, Ariz., sent in a photo of an interesting orb taken by her daughter Amy when “she had us over for Christmas,” writes Robin. “Amy had just moved into this home and has seen and felt spirits all the time. She told these energies that if they were happy spirits, they were welcome.” When Amy took this picture, says Robin, “she was calling all of us into the living room to show us how our seven-month-old Great Dane named Taj was under the tree with Dino, her cat. They were playing and flirting with each other.
        We were all laughing and having fun. If you notice, the orb has a grid mark pattern and looks a little like something from another planet to me. It also looks as if it is very happy. At this home of my daughter Amy’s, the doorbell rings for no reason and spirits abound. She may have brought some of them with her as she is psychic and spiritual.” Robin, who is a gifted intuitive herself, invites other opinions on this particular photo.

Colorado cattle mutiliations continue
        SAN LUIS — Paranormal field investigator Chuck Zukowski performed an investigation of a bizarre cattle mutilation that took place on Dec. 7, 2009. The rancher had never experienced previous mutilations on his property and the cow was not insured. The cow calved in 2008. The calf is alive and doing fine. The cow was found lying on its left side 90 yards from the rest of the herd. Snow was present in the area at the time of finding the mutilation; some snow had melted by investigation time. At the time of death, weather was subzero conditions with negative wind chill. There were no footprints nor tire wheel markings found initially by the rancher. The udder, tongue, right eyeball and left side of the face were removed, and approximately 48 square inches of flesh were missing. No blood pooling was seen around the animal by the rancher. The cow was 4 years old and estimated to weigh 900 pounds. A very unusual high EMF meter movement occurred when passing over the base of the right ear near the face wound. This was Chuck Zukowski’s fifth cattle mutilation investigation for 2009.
        Chuck writes, “The Miller mutilation looked as though the calf had been dropped, the bones were crushed, but no impact marks on the ground.
“The Duran and Aaron San Luis mutilation — the animals seemed as though they were laid down. Both of those cases the animals were laying on soft ground showing no signs of leg movement or struggle. The most amazing one was the Aaron mutilation, using an AlphaLab Trifield EMF Meter, which measures electric field and magnetic field; the meter was measuring over 100 microteslas! The static magnetic field of the earth is about 50 microteslas, so the measurement I observed was more than double that of the earth! I never saw that with any of the previous animals.”
To see detailed mutilation reports, visit:
        (Source: Filer’s Files #52 Dec. 23, 2009. Thanks to Chuck Zukowski)

California UFO Photo
        SAN JOSE — On Aug. 7, 2009, driving southbound on I-680 in San Jose, Calif., between Hostetter Rd. and Capital Ave. exits, a driver took pictures with a 2 megapixel cell phone camera of the sky while driving, to see what kind of pictures would come out, since he had not used the camera yet. He writes, “There are many ‘orbs’ and what appears to be black helicopters in the pictures. None were visible at the time, nor did I hear any sounds. I have taken many pictures showing these objects in this area over the last couple years. These may be the best and most recent. I have had good results using other cameras also. It seems I get something in this stretch of road most of the time. I have others, but here are two pictures.”
        (Thanks to MUFON CMS) (Source: Filer's Files #52 Dec. 23, 2009)

You can get regular UFO sighting reports from Filer’s Files on the Internet. Send check or money order for donations to: George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055. Contact George A. Filer through his Web sites at

        For excellent weekly reports on UFO sightings and space anomalies, visit George Filer’s Web sites at and also You can sign up for email at He depends on donations to keep these colorfully illustrated reports coming.

        Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of The Star Beacon.

        Order her spiritual autobiography, Throughout All Time.


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