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Quado — Pleasing Others

from the August 2004 Star Beacon

by Carrie Hart

Q: I am interested in knowing what my life purpose is. I try my best to please everyone and be a good person and I just feel like I am nothing sometimes. I want to be the best that I can be for my kids and for myself and everyone around me, but I feel that life sometimes seems so meaningless. I have gone through many hard times and I just really want to know if there is any purpose to me being here on Earth and what I can do to be a better person and help others and make others proud to have me in this world.

     Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

    Ah, yes, of course, of course.

    I am proud to have you on this Earth. The angels who surround you are proud of each and every action you take, each time you draw another breath and step falteringly out on the path of your life. You are surrounded by spirit and by helpers. You are surrounded by guides who wish you well. You are surrounded by and fully embraced by love, the unending love of the universe.

    And you can feel this love when you dip down into this moment, right now. When you sit alone in nature and allow yourself for a moment to just appreciate the sky, study the detail of a leaf. For this moment, you are, and in this being, you will find your own perfection, you will feel the love which is there for you and the deep loving and warm embrace of life.

    And so, what you must do is come here often. You must put as your highest priority in life, higher than pleasing others, higher than accomplishing anything in particular, just spending a little time each day, breathing, relaxing and feeling your own oneness with the world, feeling who you are and how you fit into the scheme of things. Just a few minutes each morning to calm your busy mind, enjoy a touch of beauty and find a little peace. And then, as you go through your day, you can remember it, you can reach back with a deep breath and return to that brief moment of peace and joy and love you found in the morning.

    And as life goes on and you continue to do this for a few more months, a few more years, you can begin to expand it and let more and more of your life find this calm space, this place of being which is there for you. And some day, gradually and day by day, you will find that you have achieved a sort of calm in the heart of your existence.

    Your purpose is to be yourself. Your purpose is not to please others. It is to find the best and fullest and widest expression of who you are. And in order to do this, you will need to free yourself of the tyranny of trying to please everyone else. Of course there are many who are delighted to have you dedicate your life to them, and with children there is a certain point in their lives when it is, of course, necessary. But as they grow older, you can free yourself a bit and begin to explore who you are.

    You will never please other people, because you cannot fill their needs. Just as no one else can truly fill your needs. You must please yourself. You must build inside a deep core of being and truth and joy and peace, a core of self love and a deep respect and honor of the person that you are. Your purpose is to be. That is why you are here. Just to be. And in this being, to open up to all of the talents and wonders that you are.

    It is not possible to live for others, hoping to get from them the recognition, praise and appreciation you believe will make you happy. When you do this, you may appear to be giving, but you are actually needy and trying to get. But it will not work. You cannot get what you need to make yourself complete from anyone else, nor can you give it to them. You must be yourself, centered and whole. And you must ask that others do this as well, that they learn to complete themselves and give themselves what they need.

    Begin with loving and respecting yourself, finding yourself in the quiet space of those morning moments alone. Then out of this love and respect for yourself you will find the strength to ask others to give you the respect you deserve, to treat you well, to honor who you are. This is not the same as trying to please them, as trying to get praise or recognition from them. All you are asking for is that they allow you to be who you are. That they allow you to express yourself honestly and live with integrity.

    A true life of integrity may not please anyone else at all. But it will please you. A life of integrity is one in which you take the risk of displeasing others by speaking your own truth, doing what you believe is right, living your life as a testament to that feeling you have deep inside, that feeling that makes you feel calm and whole and centered. That peaceful center inside that knows your truth.

    And if you have not reached this, if you do not know your own center, have not found your own truth, then your focus must be, above all else, to spend the daily time necessary to reach at least a little of this, just enough to learn to recognize when you have reached the core of truth within you, the place where you feel who you are really are.

    This seed inside you, that feeling of peace in your solar plexus, that place you reach when you close your eyes for a moment , take a deep breath and listen to the sound of a bird, this place is the foundation for everything else good which will come out of your life. It is the place where you learn to know yourself. It is the place where you begin to give yourself the love and appreciation you have been trying to get from others. It is the answer to everything which is troubling you.

    And you have a right to demand this of the people in your life, to demand a few minutes every day of peace and quiet, a few minutes in which you can be alone in your own space, breathing deeply, feeling who you are, just being the wonderful person you truly are deep inside.

    Find yourself. Be yourself. Express yourself. Find the courage to dig deep and then bring out the wonderful, quirky, different and odd things that you are. Glow all over with who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks. Shine out in your wonder. Go deeply inside and find that glow, that fire, that wonder that is you.

    Then your life begins to be a true gift to others, for then you are lighting the world up with your own glow. You are not trying to get from others, because you have everything. You are not trying to complete yourself because you recognize your own wholeness. You do not have to please anyone, because there is nothing you need from them in return. You are. And that is what you are meant to be.

About the Author:
     Carrie Hart is the author of There is a Garden, the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie’s CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on

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