Encounter with an ET and MIB

An article from the October 2014 Star Beacon

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is from a young woman who prefers not to reveal her identity.

      I live in San Diego and I am 24 years old. My close encounter happened on August 22 of this year. I like to go walking in my neighborhood early in the morning, even though it is still dark out.
      I feel very safe walking in my neighborhood, and I usually see other friendly people along the way who always say "hi" to me.
      As I walked towards this one house, I witnessed something that was out of this world, literally. I saw this small Gray being, about 3-4 feet tall, enter the house through the opened window. The window had a screen on it, and it even had curtains, but the little intruder was still able to get inside. I didn't get to see the front side of the Gray, only the back side, since he was going inside the house.
      I do not think the Gray saw me. I think there was a UFO above the house, but if so, it was cloaked, to make it look invisible to anyone near the house. Maybe there were other Grays in the bedroom before I saw one of them enter through the window, and I just saw the last one go in.
      In any case, after I saw this, I just continued walking because I was not sure if it would have been good for me to stick around to see what would occur next.
      Although the Gray did not appear to be aware of my presence, that did not leave me off the hook for what was to happen next.
      A couple hours after my encounter, I decided to go to the grocery store. On my way home from the store, there was this car that came right in front of me. Then suddenly, the car made a left turn and then it looked like the driver was going to make a U-turn.
      As he was doing that, he stopped and just stared right at me. He was one of the infamous Men in Black. He was driving a black car. He wore black sunglasses and I could see he was wearing a black suit. He also had a black hat on. Typical "Men in Black" style.
      He purposely stopped at a spot where he knew I would be able to catch a glimpse of him. He wanted to make sure I knew that he was onto me and that he was watching me very closely. It was very brief. He had his window down, and I had mine down at the time, but he did not speak to me.
      I continued driving, and that was the end of that. He did not follow me or anything. He just wanted me to know that he knew what I saw beforehand and that he was spying on me.
      I have always been very interested and fascinated with UFOs and ETs. I would watch programs about them and would do research on them. The night before this happened, I finished reading Sanni Ceto's two books (ed: Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child). My encounter happened on a Friday and that entire week -- every night -- I was having multiple dreams about UFOs, abductions and Grays. The timing on this experience was unbelievable.
      Also, my aunt was abducted as a young kid and into a part of her adolescence. So the ETs may be interested in my bloodline. I live in the same house and the same room that she lived in (I’ve lived in this house my whole life). This house has had a lot of paranormal activity throughout the years.
      Also, the day after my encounter, I thought I saw an apparition of a small Gray ... for a brief moment.
      This is the end of my story ... for now.

      The writer welcomes any comments or suggestions from Star Beacon readers, which will be printed in the next issue.


This page updated October 8, 2014

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