The Meaning of It All
© 2022 (all rights reserved)
An article from the August 2022 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Photo by Doug Elmore
Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer
How many people do you know resent you if you speak up about something you know in your heart to be true, but to them it is "false" or "propaganda"? Does it make you want to crawl back into your shell and hide, or do you want to inform everyone that things are not what they seem?
Ufology has been through this game for decades. People experienced sightings, abductions, even multiple visits and ongoing contact with unknown entities. Just a couple of decades ago, you were labeled as a "nut" (or worse) if you dared to talk about your UFO experiences in public, or about the knowledge given to you by ETs. Thankfully, we live in a time period now where people are more open about the subject of UFOs, aliens and the supernatural.
But in other respects, things have grown worse. For decades the media throughout the world have combined forces to make themselves the "only true" source of information, and they control how you get it, and they decide what you should know and what they prefer to keep you from knowing. In fact, they insist on it. And if you question them, they will find a way to silence you.
This comes as no surprise as we are all aware of this and may complain about it now and then, but we really don’t do anything about it … do we? I find that people in general are lazy and they don’t want to dig to discover if the information they hear or read about is actually true. It's much easier to read headlines, let out a sigh, and then get back to your "Words with Friends" game on your cell phone.
Most of us already know that the propaganda on TV, radio, and in print is overwhelmingly directed at us in order to control how we think and believe, and anyone who dares to question that gets flogged for speaking out. Bottom line: There are some very evil people in this world who do not want you to think for yourselves. They want to control everything about you, from cradle to grave. Some of them even want to get rid of you because they don’t believe you deserve to live.
I do not claim to be psychic or anything like that, but I do have my intuition (inner knowing) and it has served me well. My invisible Truth Monitor knows when something simply does not resonate as truth. This skill (or gift) was not recognized until later in life. (And by the way, everyone has it.)
For instance, in my late teens/early 20s, my first husband and I were college students at Michigan State. In high school we had gone to Young Republican meetings. At MSU we did a flip-flop. Both of us considered ourselves Democrats for the next 20 years. I carried that ideology after our divorce when I met my late husband, who was a union man and always voted for Leftists.
Something changed in me when I returned to Colorado in 2009. Suddenly, I began to see both sides and came to realize that corporate media controls the minds of way too many people in this world. Instead of sticking to my ingrained views, I began to test them. I opened my eyes to what was around me, and within the last couple of decades I started to question everything instead of taking it all at face value.
My Truth Monitor kicked in, I believe, while I was living in Pagosa Springs and had Southwest Light and Learning Center, with a lot of like-minded people in my circle. I also met my current partner, Doug, at this important stage of my life. We may not agree on some things even today, but he taught me a lot and I learned to respect what he did in serving our country and saving lives in the US Coast Guard.
Today I pay attention to world events more than ever, not just because we live in a very dangerous time. I am concerned for my grandson and what kind of world he is going to live in as an adult. I can "see through" a lot of the screens and mirrors being shown to us… and a lot of this does not ring true with me. My inner knowing flares up when I watch a news segment on TV that I know, psychically, is a bunch of B.S. I see a bunch of silly actors on a stage that sometimes make me want to gag. I wonder how the heck we got this way … well, it was too easy for them. The New World Order (which I used to laugh at because I thought no way could that be real…) has taken over. We are on the edge of collapse.
I know people who are glued to their TVs ("You Tube") and are addicted to watching "the war" in the Ukraine. My Truth Monitor flashes red (invisibly) when I discuss it with them. Why? Because as absurd as it may sound to you, I don't believe we are being shown the truth about that situation. I dare not explain why because I might get labeled as a conspiracy nut, but I happen to know a lot of like-minded people who agree with me.
Besides, I also believe that if I paid as much attention to all the B.S. as the media wants us to, I’d end up being ill from it. Bad vibes = bad health.
When you're marching to the beat of a different drummer, you may be actually doing yourself a favor. I am a much happier person because I believe we create our own reality, and in order to do this we must focus on those things in life that bring us happiness and fulfillment -- not destruction and death... nor politics.
Things such as my garden, my music, feeding the outdoor birds, helping others with publishing, baking cookies for a friend, planting trees and flowers … all of these simple things keep my mind off horrific world events that -- in my opinion, at least -- are not what God wants us to focus on in the short time we are here on Earth.
And I do believe things will get better. I just hope it is soon. n
Ann Ulrich Miller, author of Stepping Forth, An American
Girl Coming of Age in the ’60s and Throughout All Time, A Cosmic Love Story, is
working on a new memoir, Show Me the Path of Love.
Be sure
to visit Earth Star Publications' on-line catalog
Throughout All Time, A Cosmic Love Story
by Ann Ulrich Miller
Published in May 2009, 320 pages, 6"x9"
ISBN 978-0944851-29-6 (orig. $17)
Ann Ulrich Miller, Star Beacon publisher, is editor of The Star Beacon and Wisp, TSB’s sister publication.
Get Ann Ulrich Miller’s latest romantic suspense thriller, The Dream Chasers ($15).
The Dream Chasers, is available on Amazon in paperback ($15) or as an ebook from Amazon Kindle ($5.99). The audiobook version will be available soon.
Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of The Star Beacon and Wisp, and has authored 19 books. Check them out at
This page updated August 3, 2022
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