Commander's Star Base
by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2022 (all rights reserved)
article from the August 2022 issue of
EDITOR’S NOTE: In early July I
had the opportunity and privilege of visiting Commander Sanni in her lovely home
which is filled with many, many clocks of all sizes, shapes and ages. She has
clocks in every room, some of which are very old and unique. She has names for
each one. She revealed that she has always had a great interest in horology
clocks). I brought her a clock to see if she could repair it. And she did! The
clock was from the estate of Julian Joyce, who passed in January 2000. I love
hearing it chime.
This month an interested reader from Nevada sent in questions about Sanni’s interest in clocks.
Is there a clock or certain time piece you would consider to be more accurate than the others?A:
Atomic clocks are the most accurate as were the older clocks used in huge train stations and other places of commerce. Also a millennium or an anniversary clock is a good and fairly accurate time keeper.
I've heard that time is "speeding up" due to the increased vibration on Earth. Is there a time piece that can measure and quantify this?A:
Currently, a few might be in development, probably using the magnetic energy of the earth, and yes, time is speeding up, due to internal and external events occurring on the planet and its consciousness.Time is always going ahead, though it can reverse. The earth as a whole is a complex time-piece in a biological science through the seasons, influenced by the orbit of the planet around its star or sun, along with the tides and the moon, which are all part of this.
I've heard that other dimensions live "out of time," and time as we see it is irrelevant to them. Are there any other planets that also measure time? If so, is it similar to how we measure time?A:
Time is a universal, unseen force of nature that governs all planets, all universes, and is measured through the changes of the seasons and the orbit of a planet around its parent star or sun. Some planets observe and measure this force called time by special machines called a clock or a sundial. Other planets do not measure time by this means.
Can you offer any insight to the so-called "Mandela Effect," where events of the past seem to have been altered in some way?A:
Past events are altered as a way to teach others to be observant as to how their actions can create their realities, and as a way to awaken people to inner abilities that can affect future events.On this reality of time, the events can be looked at and processed with many outcomes, all in their minute ways that can affect places, people and history. Whether in a large way or a tiny way, actions create consequences.
This next question comes from Lisa P. in California:
Are you familiar with the Betz Mystery Sphere? It is an unknown, unidentified ball found on a family’s property in the 1970s. The ball would move on its own and make noises. Is it ET technology, and if so, what is it and what does it do?A:
The sphere was one of two things: a drone or an AI device that was a robotic probe, with sensors and other circuitry from early computer technology that was a secret program to send out drones or probes to different planets or even locations on Earth in order to monitor the environment in areas too dangerous to send in people.The sensors within the probe could sense and move away from light, and sounds; dark and light inner sections were probably encased in a hollow sphere and would be the works or guts of the mechanism.
Another possibility was it could have been of ET origin -- released by spacecraft to serve as a probe as well as of advanced technology, or either covert or ET technology.
Sanni Ceto is the world-renowned author of two autobiographies: Stranded on Earth and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World, available from or from Earth Star Publications.
We invite readers to submit their questions for Commander Sanni by emailing
Sanni Ceto is the author of Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Survivor
($16), and its sequel, Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World ($12), both
available from or from Earth Star Publications, P.O. Box 267, Eckert
CO 81418.
She advocates for autism and lives a quiet life in an undisclosed town in the
Rocky Mountain West.
Special Announcement!
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.
Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!
Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at
Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).
This page updated August 3, 2022
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