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from the February 2009 Star Beacon

by Ann Ulrich Miller

CNN video captures UFO during Inauguration of Obama

          The following item appeared on and US News 1800’s Web sites, brought to my attention by subscriber R.K.
                                                                                Jan. 21, 2009
          First of all, congratulations to President Obama and the people of the United Stated of America. Change has happened. And, it seems possible that not only the whole world was watching the inauguration but beyond as well …
         One of the questions Obama was asked was whether or not he would give the world insights in to the UFO phenomenon. Some people might think it is not such an important matter where some think it is the most important question of all time that needs to be answered to the people.
          How important shows the following video from CNN, live from the inauguration. Please watch the video and take note at 0:08 and focus on the right of the screen.
          Clearly to be seen is a disk shaped object that flies with incredible speed from the right of the screen to the left. Just to prepare you: First you will see Mister W- Blitzer and his fellow presenter talking about the message Mr. Obama had said. Then, you will see an overview with the Washington monument to the right.
          The object becomes visible on 0:08 on the right side of the Washington Monument and moves within seconds to the left side of the screen. The object is, in our opinion, way too fast to be a plane or helicopter. No way is it a bird. Should it have been a plane, it must have been a fighter jet. And, if it was a fighter jet there should have been a sound of the plane flying over at the speed it did. Maybe a security drone by the Government? Then why is it flying at the speed it does?
          But, our fighter jets do not make 90-degree corners as this craft clearly demonstrated once it flies to the left. At a certain moment it seems to be bending to the left with a 90-degree move to the left just above the tree, after the last screen shot we took. The question remains: What was it?
          We have taken some screen shots of the video to show you just what you should be looking for. (See one image from the actual video above.)

          UPDATE: As one of our readers mentioned, the video on the bottom of this news post (on the Web site) is rather small. For the best results please watch the video from the original CNN Source.

          EDITOR’S NOTE: I couldn’t get the video to play on my computer and soon gave up trying.

Millions see UFO crash in Saudi Arabia
          The following special report is by Michael Cohen and appeared on All News Web ( January 19, 2009:

          Astonishing events are occurring around the world and not as much as a word about them is being written or said in the West. In Saudi Arabia last week what might well have been a UFO, possibly crashing into earth or simply executing maneuvers designed to scare humans. Others are claiming the object was an asteroid or a satellite. Witnesses are reported to be waiting for an explanation from local meteorological bureaus, but have received no answers yet.
          On Wednesday, Jan. 7, after evening prayers a loud noise was heard in the sky, followed by the sighting of an intense large light heading from the west above the Al-Qasim region east of Saudi Arabia’s capital city Riyadh. Many locals had seen meteors prior to this but claimed this one did not fit the typical description at all: It was a blue-green color and was shooting out green lasers.
          One witness, Khalid, commented, “No one has ever seen anything like it.”
          Amazingly for an incident that hasn’t even made the news in the West, the object was seen as far away as Kuwait. The complete absence of this story within Western media is truly surprising as this was not your average incident involving a few people seeing strange things in the sky; the Saudi police received thousands of calls about this one incident alone.
          It was also reported that thousands of people were terrified by what they saw and heard and many even began to pray. Some have even posted messages on the Web, warning that this might be a sign from God for the Kingdom’s silence on Gaza. Locals in the region where the object appeared to be heading claim they heard an explosion and felt a large tremor indicating that the object crashed. The Saudi government has not released information regarding the crash site but is reported to have sealed the area.
The picture (on left) was taken of the object.

Secret Astronaut Corp on Mars
          Dr. Richard Boylan sent the following e-mail message to his group (which was forwarded to me by Sheri Gould) on Jan. 17, 2009:

          Here are excerpts from a message which Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Control Officer Clark McClelland sent me.
          “I am ONLY Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida!
          “A new Prophet, maybe; well, we can wait and see. I am certain I will NOT be here to know it.
          “Mars has a secret Astronaut Corp there NOW! It has been on Mars for many decades.
          “What do you think CLEANED the Mars Rover view ports after that terrible dust storm a year or so ago?
          “NASA acted ‘surprised,’ but some within the agency has that knowledge. As I DO!
          “We are at least FIFTY YEARS + ahead of the general knowledge that the human race has been informed of to date.
          “The former CEO of the Lockheed Skunk Works, Ben Rich, told me that at KSC in person.
          “He has died now, so I feel it is OK to release what he said to me.” — Clark

          Former Ground astronaut (SCO) at Kennedy Space Center, FL Clark McClelland sends this word (below) that his report about the very tall Star Visitor seen talking to Human astronauts in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle appears in the Sun (U.S.) tabloid newspaper this week. You might look for it at your supermarket check-out stand. — Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Dr. B:
          My Tall ET article is in this week’s Sun tabloid magazine. I bought one at Wal Mart. Publix also has them in Florida. It has Obama and an Alien on the front page. Ha, ha!
          Look for it.                                                             — Clark

Obama predicted to release secret UFO files
          The following article appeared Jan. 1, 2009 on the Examiner Web site (Denver):

          Predictions are increasing that President Elect Barack Obama will release secret UFO files to the public. Nearly 40 percent of all UFO-related news articles archived by Paradigm Research Group over the last 13 years occurred in 2008. The astonishing news coverage and the events themselves prompted the predictions.
          In January 2008, major UFO sightings in Stephenville, Texas drew global attention. The flip-flopping attempts by confused Air Force personnel to discredit the witnesses failed in light of FAA radar reports. In April, the proposed ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver started another global media blast.
          On May 13, Vatican astronomer Father Funes declared that it’s OK to believe in extraterrestrial beings as ‘our brothers and sisters’ and that such beliefs are not in conflict with faith in God. On May 14, Britain released more than 1,000 documents on UFO sightings from the 1970s and 1980s.           Also on May 14, a UFO crashed south of Las Vegas near Needles, Calif., that immediately attracted “men in black” and a secret military operation. The May 30 Denver press conference showing of Stan Romanek’s “Alien-in-the-window-video” became a smash Internet and news hit and even broke page view records at
          On July 23, former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell shocked the world with his interview on Kerrang Radio by proclaiming that the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO crash was real and so are government cover-ups of UFO phenomena. Further proof of this cover-up was the Oct. 20 release of more UFO files in Britain that included the story of US airman Milton Torres who was told to shoot down a UFO in 1957 near England.
          Finally, on Nov. 5, President Elect Obama announced that John Podesta, an advocate of UFO disclosure, would co-manage the White House transition team. Podesta has stated publicly, “I think it’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it really because it’s right. We ought to do it because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth. And we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
          Other key White House Cabinet members are like-minded. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, home of the 1947 Roswell extraterrestrial vehicle crash, has stated that “The federal government has not come clean on all that issue [Roswell UFO] and should.” The Rockefeller Initiative briefed Sen. Hilary Clinton on the UFO issue. Gov. Napolitano of Arizona surely knows that former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington has admitted to seeing the “Phoenix Lights” UFO. He said he thought it was “some sort of alien spacecraft.” Symington also believes the government has used dis-information tactics to try to discredit thousands of other witnesses.
          Confidence that the Obama administration will release the UFO files has also encouraged Jeff Peckman to temporarily suspend his ballot initiative campaign to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver.

Southern Comfort
          In December I took a two-week holiday and visited my son Scott Ulrich, who lives in Montgomery, Alabama. Leaving Jessica (my cat) and the chickens in the care of some dependable neighbors, Ranger and I drove south.
          We spent the first night in Morristown, Tenn., and awoke to an Arctic blast that brought temperatures close to zero.
          Alabama was beautiful with its forests, and was much warmer than Ohio. Scott had to work most of the time I was there, but he had a four-day weekend, so we headed for Pensacola, Fla., the day after Christmas and visited Gulf Breeze. What a lovely place!
          The next day Scott took me to see “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” a modern version of the ’40s era science fiction flick that had triggered my buried memories of space at the age of 9. I enjoyed it, even though it carried a different twist in its much stronger message aimed at our modern society.
          Heading home in early January, Ranger and I met up with two Star Beacon subscribers. Dr. Paul Jones from Deep Water, W. Va., and Christine Davidson from Tazewell, Va., met me for lunch in Bluefield, Va. Dr. Jones is the regular pianist/organist at the Princeton Presbyterian Church, and some readers may remember Christine’s articles in the Beacon about her channelings with Dr. Zaner and Quivet, the Atlantis Crystal, back in July and August 2001, plus subsequent issues. Our time together was too short, of course, but it was great to meet. I tried to connect with other subscribers in Johnson City and Kingsport, but failed to find their phone numbers listed.

Another Angel Crosses Over
          On a sadder note, a friend from Paonia, Colo. passed over on Jan. 2 following a battle with myeloma. Laraine Ferrara was my friend for many years. Her soul mate, Mike Sawicki, wrote a Soliloquy for Laraine and read it at her memorial service, which was held in the Paonia Town Hall.
          I want to thank everyone who sent me cards or was concerned for me over the holidays. I got through them just fine. My plans for returning to Colorado are still not definite as it all depends on when the Ohio property sells. But I know something is in the works... the little voice in my head keeps telling me: “Get ready, you’re gonna move!”

     Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of The Star Beacon.

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