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from the May 2004 Star Beacon

by Ann Ulrich Miller

Canada's prime minister encounters UFO over Alberta

     On March 28, 2004, Canada’s new prime minister Paul Martin was flying over Alberta with his entourage when their Challenger jet encountered an otherworldly object that resembled a streak of light across the night sky.

     According to a report made to Edmonton air traffic controllers, the pilot flying the jet saw a “very bright light falling” through the air, with smoke trailing, while the jet passed over Suffield, Alberta, that Sunday night. People on board at least two other carriers also saw the object, which was traveling “at a very fast rate of speed” from a high altitude, says the report.

     The story was covered in the Vancouver, B.C., Sun the next day, and went on to say that a copy of the one-page form titled “UFO Procedures” was provided to the Canadian Press by Chris Rutkowski of the Winnipeg-based group Ufology Research of Manitoba. Rutkowski, who has tracked UFO sightings for a long time, obtained the report from the federal Transport Department.

     Prime Minister Martin traveled to a farm near Picture Butte in Alberta, to announce an aid package for farmers. Rutkowski says it is unlikely an extraterrestrial envoy was trying to convey a message to the new leader. He explained that what Martin and many others saw that night was almost certainly a chunk of a comet or asteroid entering Earth’s atmosphere that burned up into fragments.

     An amateur astronomer in Calgary happened to capture the blazing stream on video, and it appears one or more such fireballs were witnessed by others across the Canadian prairies and as far east as Quebec.

MUFON meeting in Delta interesting

     Several interesting reports were shared at the April 10 MUFON meeting in Delta, Colo., hosted by Davina Ryszka. About 20 people attended the meeting to hear John Blake and Bill Merkel from Grand Junction talk about recent UFO conferences they had attended.

     John Blake attended the Aztec UFO Conference in Aztec, N.M., March 20-21. Most people are familiar with the famous Roswell UFO crash in July 1947. Not everyone knows about the crash that occurred north of Aztec on March 25, 1948 in Hart Canyon. One of the speakers at the Aztec conference was Scott Ramsay, who spoke on the Aztec crash (fact vs. folklore), and reported new evidence, including his discovery of two remote top secret radar bases in northern New Mexico. During that time, the Air Force had powerful radar bases that interfered with UFO technology.

     There were witnesses who say bodies were recovered at the crash site. The vehicle was 80-100 feet in diameter, and they could see two bodies inside it. Apparently there were 20 to 30 people at the site before the military showed up and swore everybody to secrecy. The craft was then taken to Los Alamos.

     George Greene, another speaker at the Aztec conference, was in Air Force intelligence with a high security clearance at Edwards AFB. He entered a hangar and saw a flying saucer and walked right up to it, and also saw photos of ETs. In later years Greene met Billy Meier and won his confidence. He saw UFOs and ETs with Billy Meier.

     John Blake also reported on Freddie Silva’s talk at the Aztec UFO Conference. Silva talked about crop circles, cathedrals and sacred space.
Crop circles are nothing new, according to Silva, as farmers have been reporting them since the 1600s. He mentioned that the soil is heated to 1500 degrees in just a few seconds. Energy that forms the circles forms them from above and below the circles. Flying an airplane over a crop circle too low may affect the instruments and cause the plane to crash.

     There are electromagnetic frequencies associated with the crop circles. The higher the frequency, the more complex seem to be the circles. Silva’s book is titled Secrets in the Field.

Bob White re-creates UFO scene

     On March 27, a British film crew came to Grand Junction, Colo., and re-enacted a UFO event that took place less than a quarter mile from the Colorado-Utah state line on an old highway. Bob White was the witness in the 1985 incident. He and his wife were driving at 2:30 in the morning, on their way to Las Vegas, when they saw a large UFO.

     A piece fell off the ship and Bob retrieved it. The cone-shaped artifact, which has a scaly surface, measures 3 inches on one end and 1/2 inch at the other end, and is about 4 1/2 inches long. It has been analyzed by three or four labs and the story was covered on Unsolved Mysteries, which helped pay for one of the expensive analyses.

     An interesting thing about this is that the strange object that Bob recovered was forgotten for many years. After his aunt died, the object was discovered in her attic, and Bob’s wife told him he had to share it with the rest of the world. And so he did.

     Bob now lives in Reeds Spring, Mo., and has the Museum of the Unexplained, located at 22183 Main St. in Reeds Spring, which is close to Branson. You can read more about this fascinating account at his Web site, The telephone number is 417/272-9620.


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