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from the July 2009 Star Beacon
by Ann Ulrich Miller
New York Triangle
A sighting of a triangle occurred on Rocky Point, Long Island, on
Saturday, June 13 at 11:30 a.m. The witness was sitting on his
porch, texting, when he heard a loud humming noise “like (an)
engine above my head.” He looked up and saw a slow-moving triangle
flying low. “No way around it, this is a UFO,” he said. (40.939N,
72.93W) Thanks to MUFON CMS (Source: Filer’s Files 2009 #25)
Carolina Triangle photographed
The witness was outside watching some thunderstorms pass over his
home in Greenville, S.C., on May 26 at 12:30 p.m. “I had my camera
with me, hoping to get a picture or two of some lightning. I
didn’t hear any sound, but then again there was thunder in the
background... the camera I was using was a Minolta Z5.” Special
Note: The witness did capture three clear shots of the object as
it flew across the sky. Thanks to UFO Case Book and Ken Pfeifer
MUFON NJ. (Source: Filer’s Files 2009 #25)
Factual TV
A brand new Web site has been
launched, called ufo.factualtv.com.
Users at the Web site will find the best long and short form
videos and documentaries about UFOs and UFO sightings. The site
also provides news, blogs and other content related to UFOs.
FactualTV is an on-line service
dedicated to gathering content relating to many different themes
and subjects. You can also visit factualtv.com to see the entire
choice of channels and categories.
Chile — What the devil?
Researcher Raúl Nuñez from IIEE-Chile
sends us this image from Las Ultimas Noticias, which asks: “What
the devil is in this photo?” The text goes on to say: Rosa Araya
says that the only thing she did was take a photo of her nephews
in the backyard of her house in Montegrande to finish a roll of
Upon developing the roll, she became
aware of two things. She had only focused on the boys’ heads and
that some strange luminous dots forming a sort of saucer appeared
over the skies of Valle de Elqui. Ufologist Patricio Diaz, when
consulted by the El Dia newspaper, dismissed the possibility that
the image was a hoax.
Then, in bold red: “The controversy
is afoot. Diaz, a ufologist that everyone believed to have
retired, opines and jumps into the fray...”
A number of photo experts will surely
opine as well and invoke a number of camera defects capable of
producing such an image, but here at Inexplicata, it reminds us
powerfully of the “clock” images studied by psychologist Berthold
E. Schwarz in the 1970s as part of the Stella Lansing case. Could
this be a Chilean equivalent?
— Scott Corrales
posted by Inexplicata
at 8:31 AM, June 19, 2009
UFO researcher wants your input
Thomas J. Streicher, a student
researcher from Saybrook Graduate and Research Center in San
Francisco, sent the following request:
Have you had an experience of
visiting another planet? Will you share your experience with me
confidentially as a part of a research study?
I am conducting a doctoral research
study of experiences one may have had during travels to another
planet and possible changes caused from these experiences. I am
interested in learning about your experiences. I have particular
interest in how these experiences may have changed your life. If
you have had such experiences and are interested, please fill out
the information questionnaire and consent form. This questionnaire
may require approximately 15-30 minutes. To receive the
questionnaire, please e-mail Thomas at tomasstreicher@hotmail.com.
He is from Nevada City, Calif.
Contribute to an anthology for starseeds
and hybrids
This came in from Cari Barlow:
My Dear Star Family, My name is Jujuolui. I am an ET/Human Hybrid
from the Andromedan Galaxy, on a planet we call Faqui. My Earth
name is Cari Barlow. I have been told by my people to contact all
Awakened Starseeds and Hybrids who are willing to share their
personal stories. We will be collecting these stories as soon as
possible and compiling them into a book.
The intention for this book is of a
very high vibration. My intention and my people’s intention is to
help awaken the readers and to gather our Star Family closer
A publisher has already been chosen
who is whole-heartedly in the ufology field and has a successful
monthly journal. We are currently working on the details.
Each “autobiography” will be listed
separately in the book. We are looking to include the following
* As much specific information as you
know and are willing to share about your ET identity; such as your
name, your species, your home world location/description, your
spoken/written language, type of vehicles (ships) you use, etc.
* How you “came out” or awakened to
your ET identity and how it has affected your life.
* The most significant of your ET
experiences. We understand each one is important, but some have so
many they could write their own books!
* Your “Mission” here on Earth as you
understand it.
* Any drawings or pictures you wish
to include.
Each person whose story is used in
this book will receive a free copy upon completion.
We ask that each of you allow a way
to be contacted in the book. Our intentions are to provide a way
for the readers, who connect with you and/or your story, to reach
out for assistance in their own growth and awakening.
You may most certainly use a
fictitious name in the book. It is a valid concern when disclosing
this type of information to the public and we respect your
If you wish to be a part of this
endeavor, please let me know you are interested so I can count you
in. (We will only have so much room for stories we can include). I
will send you any more information I have regarding the book plus
a form you will have to sign before we can use your story. Please
contact me any time at my e-mail address: Faquian@gawab.com.
Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of
The Star Beacon.