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from the October 2006 Star Beacon  

Edited by Ann Ulrich Miller

Light in the Sky
          Kaye Studstrup wrote from Salt Lake City about a recent UFO sighting:
          “Just a short note. I have a new puppy (Missy), and I have been trying to train her to do her duty outside. (I have not had a dog for over 39 years. It is like having a new baby.)
          “On Sunday, Sept. 3, at 10 pm, I told my husband to come outside with me and see if this dog will get the message as to what she is supposed to be doing out here. We both went out, and we were on the lower patio deck. My husband was sitting in a chair facing the east mountains. I was sitting on the bottom stair, watching the dog run around in the dark. We did have our light on outside.
          “My husband said, ‘Look at that light in the sky.’ I looked up and here was this enormous light. It looked like the planet Venus, it was so big. It was sparkling SO SO BRIGHT. I said, ‘That’s strange,’ and my husband said, ‘Yes, but the strange thing is that it is moving.’ I said, ‘WHAT?’
“I looked at it again and then it shot off up into the sky like speeds that you’d see in Star Wars and disappeared. It was so large, I thought it was a planet. It was hanging out over our house.
          “After that we went inside. I decided to go back out maybe 30 minutes or so later. I sat in the same chair my husband was sitting in and I looked up into the night sky. I saw four stars that looked like the bucket of the Big Dipper, and I looked around. Then I said (inside my head), ‘OK, if you are really up there, prove it to me.’ Just then, one of the four stars in the bucket took off like a bat out of you-know-what.
          “Well, this really spooked me and I went inside. I had a very strange dream three days before this happened, and it really shook me up.
          “We saw this same type of light at our Montana property some years ago and it did the same thing, shot off into the sky. That was really something, especially this close to the CITY.
          “I don’t think that I will be going outside at night alone for some time.””

Personal UFO Experience
          Sheri Gould from Buffalo, Wyo., wanted to share her personal UFO experience:
          “I, too, have had some interesting experiences throughout my life! The memory of some of these experiences came as a result of a hypnosis session with Dr. Leo Sprinkle. And actually, it’s because of Dr. Sprinkle that I had the hypnosis session in the first place (a catalyst to my reawakening?).
          “Dr. Sprinkle came to my town in 1983 to give a talk on UFOs. Now, mind you, ours is a town of only 3,500 people, and I wondered why he would come here and not to a bigger town... Anyway, after his lecture, I began having recurring dreams of flying in ‘round airplanes’ — the same dreams I had as a child living in Alaska.
          “(Someone once mentioned seeing a ‘buck’ on a bridge), well, mine was a moose on top of the hill behind the grade school (Ursa Major) I attended (8 years old) at Fort Richardson, Alaska. So, instead of walking home from school, I walked up the hill to check out the moose (now, we lived around a lot of moose, and my parents always told me to stay clear of them), and when I got to the top of the hill to check out the moose, I saw a silvery craft sitting in the trees... and then found myself inside.
          “I was invited by Zetas to take a trip out of Earth’s atmosphere after some kind of balancing was done to me with a variety of metallic-colored balls of light. (I’ve never heard of this being done to anyone else.) Oh, it WAS SO BEAUTIFUL to see the stars all around, and I didn’t want to leave, but then I saw the tree tops again and found myself outside the craft. I then walked home, telling my mother I saw a moose on top of the hill behind the school.
          “Then, when I was 13, and walking to school one day in Tucson, Ariz., I saw a man in a trenchcoat behind a saguaro cactus and he talked to me telepathically and he pulled out of his pocket these same metallic-colored balls of light.
          “Another time, I was working at my husband’s business on a Sunday, and (there was) no one else in the store, and this lady walked in — her energy was just overwhelming and she told me about the Cloudships she saw over the Bighorn Mountains (and how did she know I knew about Cloudships in the first place?). And I was so excited that I took her back to my office where all my Cloudship pictures are and she gave me a hug and told me that ‘I’m on track, doing a great job and to stay where I’m at!’
          “She then walked out and I was a step behind her, and I didn’t see her leave ,and the doorbell didn’t go off — she just disappeared!
          “That was a time period when I was questioning things about my spiritual life — Am I doing my highest purpose on the planet? Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? Should I be moving somewhere else? All my questions were answered! And then she disappeared.
          “Anyway, these are just a couple of the stories I have to share, and it’s SO important to share our stories with each other!”
                                                  BE Love & Light
                                                  — Sheri

Space Shuttle Videotapes UFOs
          CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA reports that a UFO called a mystery object, and at least two more have been sighted near the space shuttle Atlantis. The UFO has delayed the spacecraft's landing. Fox TV News on Sept. 19, 2006, at 3 PM Eastern time showed a UFO flying below the Space Shuttle and reports NASA canceled its scheduled landing. Allegedly a UFO flew near the shuttle for an extended period. The video showed on FOX TV shows a small dark object flying below the shuttle at roughly the same speed. Wayne Hale, NASA’s shuttle program manager, told reporters “The question is ‘What is it?’ ”
          The object appeared small and dark against a blue Earth in the video. The dark object was recorded on a camera in the payload bay of space shuttle Atlantis early Tuesday. The object shot by NASA TV, is located in the center of the highlight and NASA officials are not sure what it is.
                                        Thanks to (NASA TV) Sep 19, 2006

Definition of that word
          Hartmut Jager, new age artist living in Australia, had this to say about that word, Namasté:
          “Namasté is an ancient Sanskrit understanding that says: ‘I respect the place in you that is of love, of truth and of Light. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, then we are one.’ ”


Unusual lunar activity baffles scientists
          It seems that despite what people have believed for years, the moon is far from Earth’s cold, inert neighbor. In an article by Tim Swartz, published in Mysteries Magazine (, the moon — our closest planetary neighbor — is the subject of much debate in the scientific world. Unexplained lights and shapes seen on the moon throughout the centuries are a classic example of an enigma called Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLP).
          The first recorded example occurred on June 18, 1178, when a group of men in Canterbury, England, were startled by “a flaming torch” on the four-day-old crescent moon. In May 1783, an astronomer named William Herschel saw a strange glow through his telescope, with more observations in recent years.
          TLPs were observed close up by Apollo astronauts. When the Apollo 11 command module had just achieved orbit around the moon on July 19, 1969, Mission Control received word from amateur astronomers that a TLP was in the vicinity of the crater Aristarchus, and Neil Armstrong looked out his window and saw an “area that is considerably more illuminated than the surrounding area.” In 1972, while in lunar orbit, Harrison Schmitt on Apollo 17 witnessed a flash of light near the crater Grimaldi.


Professor claims explosives toppled WTC on 9/11
          Brigham Young University professor Steven E. Jones has apparently been “silenced” for speaking out in public about his explanation on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001.
          According to an article by Tim Swartz in Mysteries Magazine, using Deseret News as a source, Jones wrote a 9,000-word article that claims the official report that hijacked jets crashing into the towers caused them to collapse is a lie. He believes there were pre-positioned explosives in the three buildings — explosives that were detonated after the planes crashed into the WTC skyscrapers, and that the crashes themselves were a diversion tactic.
          The three buildings collapsed nearly symmetrically, a phenomenon only associated with a controlled demolition. No steel-frame building, such as the WTC buildings, has ever collapsed due to fire. But explosives can effectively sever steel columns.
          WTC 7, which was not hit by hijacked planes, collapsed in 6.6 seconds, just .6 second longer than it would take an object dropped from the roof to hit the ground. However, there should have been a delay due to conservation of momentum. But this paradox is easily resolved by the explosive demolition hypothesis.
          In addition, horizontal puffs of smoke were seen coming from the lower side of the buildings prior to their collapse, a common phenomenon during a controlled demolition. Molten metal found in the debris of the World Trade Center may have been the result of a high-temperature reaction of a commonly used explosive, such as thermite.
          Numerous witnesses heard a rapid sequence of explosions from the lower part of the twin towers prior to their collapse.
          Prof. Jones gave a six-minute spot on MSNBC in September, and shortly after, Brigham Young University issued a public statement discrediting him. Critics suggest the US State Department pressured university officials to silence Jones and may have threatened to rescind government grants awarded to the university. Within a week, Jones issued a press release stating it was better that he limit his speaking on his theories to his academic peers.

CREDIT: Thanks to Valerie Benson for providing these last two news items.

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