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from the November 2009 Star Beacon
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
Japan's first
lady flew to Venus in a UFO
Miyuki Hatoyama, a former actress and the wife of Japan’s Prime
Minister Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in her book, Most Bizarre Things
I’ve Encountered, about her surrealistic space trip. “While my
body was sleeping, I think my spirit flew on a triangular-shaped
UFO to Venus,” she wrote. “It was an extremely beautiful place and
was very green.”
Her book is a
compilation of interviews with 26 prominent people published
monthly in a spiritual magazine, Mu. Hatoyama is a strong believer
in spiritualism and was born to Japanese parents in Shanghai. She
met her husband in the United States, where he was a Ph.D. student
at Stanford.
(Source: Filer’s Filers #43, Oct. 21, 2009)
NASA's Moon Bombing
NASA’s recent lunar
mission (bombing the surface of the Moon) apparently was not the
high-profile flop as it first appeared. Officials at Ames Research
Center in California, which managed the mission, released images
that clearly show a plume of debris estimated to a mile above the
Cabeus crater shortly after the space agency’s LCROSS rocket
plowed into it. Creating a plume was key to the mission’s success
because the goal was to measure dust kicked up by the Centaur
rocket to learn whether ice might lie hidden in polar craters. To
do that, the accompanying $79-million Lunar Crater Observation and
Sensing Satellite was to fly through the debris cloud so its
spectrometers and cameras could sample the lunar dust.
Hundreds of citizens who had gathered
at Ames’ campus in Mountain View to watch the 4:30 am event on a
huge outdoor movie screen were disappointed to see only a close-up
of the craggy lunar surface before the screen went black when the
satellite crashed. New images, lifted from a different camera
aboard the spacecraft, show that a plume did occur. That means the
satellite should have been capable of detecting water, if it was
Photos and video of the impact showed
little more than a fuzzy white flash from the LCROSS flight
mission to the Moon.
But before crashing into the lunar
surface itself, the LCROSS spacecraft’s instrumentation
successfully recorded close-up the details of the rocket stage
impact, the resulting crater, and debris cloud. In the coming
weeks, data from the challenging mission will be used to search
for signs of water in the LUNAR material blasted from the surface.
(Source: Filer’s Files #43-Oct. 21, 2009)
For excellent weekly reports on UFO
sightings and space anomalies, visit George Filer’s Web sites at
www.NationalUFOCenter.com and also www.ufofiler.com. You can sign
up for email at http://www.ufoweek.com. He depends on donations to
keep these colorfully illustrated reports coming.
Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of
The Star Beacon.