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Conversations with
Chief Joseph and John Cali |
from the January 2010 Star Beacon
A Curious Dream
by Chief Joseph and John Cali
had a short, but strange and curious dream several nights ago. It
was very vivid, and I knew it held an important message. As our
dreams often do.
John Cali
In the dream Spirit gave me a gift, an unusual gift. It
was a small multi-colored ball. Small enough to easily hold in the
palm of your hand, or carry around in your pocket or purse. It had
a pattern similar to the ball used in American soccer games. Or,
for those of you in Europe, I believe you call those games
This is the curious part of the dream. If I made a
mistake, I could simply squeeze the ball and the mistake would be
erased forever. My life would start over anew.
Pretty neat trick, don’t you think?
Of course we all make “mistakes.” But Chief Joseph has
often said there are no mistakes. We’ve never done anything
Here’s Chief Joseph.
Chief Joseph
Humans have a bad habit of beating up on themselves
whenever they do something “wrong.”
But — think about this, friends — what is “wrong,” what is
“right,” what is “good,” what is “bad”?
You have a long litany of “sins” you either committed or
barely managed to avoid committing.
When your higher selves decided to incarnate in your current
physical bodies at this fascinating time of growth for your race
and your planet, they knew exactly what they were doing. They did
not intend for you (the human aspect of themselves) to see if you
could get life “right.”
There is no right or wrong. There is no good or bad. There
is nothing — nothing at all — except experience. Experience in
Consciousness is what it’s all about. Period. Nothing more.
Nothing less. Nothing else matters.
It’s all good!
That is how we see you from our perspective. That is how
your higher selves see you. It’s all good. You are all good!
In your choice to incarnate at this amazing time of
transformation, we applaud you. We love you. We admire your
courage. We respect your willingness to be in the vanguard of this
new era, the likes of which the universe has never seen.
When you get past your self-imposed limitations and
perceptions of what you’re “supposed” to be, do, and have, you
will see yourselves as we see you — as Gods in human form. Gods
who have temporarily forgotten who they are. But Gods nonetheless.
Friends, John’s little soccer ball is a beautiful metaphor
for the way you can live your human lives.
You are not shackled by your past — the past of this
lifetime or any other lifetime. The past — or what you call the
past — is an illusion. It’s part of your illusion of linear time.
But you can transcend that illusion when you remember who
you are — God. With God every breath you take is a new beginning —
literally a new life. Every inhalation renews and revitalizes
every aspect of your being, physical and spiritual. (This is often
the basis of what you call spontaneous or instant healing.) Every
exhalation releases all of your “past” — all of your “mistakes.”
They simply cease to exist.
You are reborn with every breath. Rejoice in knowing that.
You do not have a little soccer ball to renew yourselves. But you
do have an even more powerful tool of renewal — your breath. Your
breath is literally the breath of life, the breath of renewal.
Breathe out the old. Breathe in the new. Rejoice. All is