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Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali

from the June 2008 Star Beacon

The Myth of Reincarnation

by Chief Joseph and John Cali   

We’re doing something a bit unusual this week — unusual for us, at least. Many of you, especially if you’ve had a private reading with us, know Chief Joseph does not often talk about reincarnation or past lives.       

John Cali

          We’ve rarely discussed reincarnation publicly in these newsletters. But today we’re going to do just that.
          We’re also doing something else slightly different today. Joseph and I are “co-authoring” this article. Let me explain.
          Many years ago, a friend asked me if, when I was in a conversation with another person, Joseph was there and “participating” in the conversation. I said yes, that happened often. It still does. Back then I called it a “blended” conversation, or a “blending” of Joseph’s and my energies. It wasn’t just me talking, it was both of us.
          I don’t know the “mechanics” of how that happens. But I do know when it’s happening, and I do know I can ask Joseph to come in and participate with me. To an observer, it appears it’s just me talking. But it’s really both of us.
          That’s how we did this article. I don’t know as we’ll do this again in the newsletter. But it’s kind of fun when the “spirit” moves us.
          Here’s Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph
         Thirty years ago I was going through a deeply painful time. The Roman Catholicism I was born into no longer made spiritual sense to me. I was struggling mightily to find a spiritual path that did make sense.
         Then I discovered the Seth books. I read every one of them, several times each. Seth, as many of you know, was the spirit guide of Jane Roberts for many years until her death in 1984. Jane and her artist husband, Rob Butts, created a series of books that contributed much to what we now call the New Age movement.
         Seth was my first spiritual teacher, and he remains a powerful influence in my life today. The phrase, “You create your own reality” (which Chief Joseph often uses) began with Seth.
         Seth also talked about what we call reincarnation, the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Back then I didn’t believe in reincarnation.
         In a way I still don’t fully understand, Seth’s ideas about reincarnation resonated powerfully with me. They brought me a deep sense of peace I’d never known before. It was the beginning of the end of the years-long spiritual struggle I’d had, the quest to know who I was and why I was here.          I realized we are all eternal, with no beginning and no ending. That realization was powerfully liberating for me.
         In the years since then, I’ve come to see reincarnation through Chief Joseph’s “eyes,” from an even broader perspective. And I’ve gone back and re-read some of Seth’s words, and found new meaning in them, meaning that totally escaped me 30 years ago.
         For example, in his book, The Seth Material, Seth says “You will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will. It is much easier if your theories fit reality; but if they do not, you will not change the nature of reincarnation one iota. ... When I tell you that you lived, for example, in 1836, I say this because it makes sense to you now. You live all of your reincarnations at once, but you find this difficult to understand.”
         Joseph has often said linear time, as we experience it, simply doesn’t exist. In Seth’s words, “... the fact is that all ‘time’ is simultaneous.”
         I particularly love the analogy Joseph gave me many years ago. He likened time to a reel of movie film (for those of us born before this digital age). When we’re watching the movie, we view it one frame at a time. So, as the movie plays, we see the frames as “past,” “present,” and “future.” Yet, in the film reel, they all exist at once — “simultaneous time.”
         All that’s happened in the “past” and that will happen in the “future” exist now, in this present moment, our eternal now.
         We can freely move back and forth across this landscape of time. It’s all there, before and behind us, as with the film reel. Even though we focus only on one frame “at a time,” it’s all available to us now. We can change any of it at will, depending on our thoughts and where we choose to focus them.
         We are, therefore, never imprisoned by the “past” — nor need we ever be worried about the “future.” If we don’t like what we see, we can choose another thought and create a new reality, “past” or “future.”
         Joseph and I view reincarnation as simply a way, as Seth said, of understanding more clearly who we are. So many believe they are suffering in this lifetime for past “misdeeds” in another lifetime — you know, paying their “karmic debts.”
         Reincarnation, as we think of it now, is a myth. It simply doesn’t exist since “past,” “present,” and “future” are all simultaneous. For me, that is a very liberating concept. And certainly a very thought-provoking one.

          The Book of Joy: How to Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.
          Get Chief Joseph’s wise advice and guidance on how to live your life exactly the way you want to, and how to do it with deep joy. Surf to:

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