from the April 2009 Star Beacon
By Jelaila Starr
If yo u
are like me, you are well versed in the biblical book of Revelations
and especially in the prophetic “Great Tribulations.” For those not
taught this information, the “Great Tribulations” are a
three-and-a-half year period in which humanity will experience great
global suffering that would include famine, a third world war, and
the death of a third of the population.
I used to live in terror of this event, so much so that I would wake
from nightmares covered in sweat. It was the one great fear that
motivated me to begin the spiritual path. I had to know whether I
could safely let go of this prophecy, and if not, what to do to
survive it.
My guides have learned that if they want me to know something, the
best time to send the message is in the morning while I am having my
morning coffee and watching the birds at the feeders in my back
yard. Last week, just before the Emotional Clearing workshop began,
they sent a most profound message: “The ‘Great Tribulations’ are
humanity’s great ‘Dark Night of the Soul’.” Wow! What a revelation!
(No pun intended.)
For the first time in almost 52 years, I was able to completely
release the fear that had gripped me. Granted, it was far less than
it had been, but there was still that little bit of fear that held
on because although I could handle a Dark Night of the Soul, I had
no real idea of how to get through the prophesied great
Recognizing the “Great Tribulations” as the “Global Dark Night of
the Soul” that we are going through a collective “Dark Night”
enabled me to feel in control. Why? I have been through at least two
Dark Nights of the Soul since I began the Ascension Path and I have
come through both. Moreover, I am better and stronger for each one.
Knowing this takes the mystery and fear out of the future.
I felt no sense that I could survive the “Great Tribulations”; I had
no tools to do it. On the other hand, I know how and have the tools
to survive and complete a Dark Night of the Soul. They are contained
in the Keys of Compassion and the DNA Recoding Process. So, a “Dark
Night of the Soul” is doable whereas a “Great Tribulation” was not —
at least for me. What a relief!
Though times will be tough, there is a way to get through our
collective Dark Night of the Soul.
It’s my understanding that we entered this time known as “great
tribulations” last summer.
Recognizing it as a Dark Night of the Soul enabled me to conquer my
fears around it. I understood that I could get through this time of
great change because, a) I had gotten through other Dark Nights of
the Soul, and b) I had the necessary higher- dimensional knowledge
and tools to do it.
Due to the scope of this subject, I’ll cover it in segments. First,
I’ll cover the required knowledge and address the tools later on. It
is my intention to prepare you to move through and successfully
complete this global lesson. It does not take that many people
“getting it” for the world to shift.
The Knowledge
A Dark Night of the Soul is a time when dysfunctional beliefs are
brought to our attention in order that we may change them. This
process will always include some part of our lives being destroyed.
One could say, a prop or props of our life are pulled from under us,
leaving us with a life in shambles. Such a situation triggers
extreme fear ... as it is meant to do. We cannot integrate what we
have not experienced.
On a global level, we are having the props of our world — our
systems — pulled from under us. The Mayans speak of this time as
when the systems will begin to crumble in order to make way for new
ones to be built. The world will crumble in the following order:
1. Financial
2. Industry
3. Government
4. Religion
We have already seen the first two crumble here in the USA. Since
ours is the world’s reserve currency, what happens here will affect
the world, and so it is. Many countries are in grave trouble. For
example, Iceland has filed for bankruptcy, and here in the USA, our
president has approved a $600 billion bailout package for the banks,
and more recently, another multi-billion package for automakers.
Having the understanding that the systems must fall is just one
thing that helps us to keep fear in check because we realize that
manifesting a new reality is a process and contains a predictable
cycle of events. Being a cycle means there will be an up side once
the down side is complete.
Understanding the belief that we are collectively attempting
to change, along with the multitudes of fears it fosters, also
provides some degree of comfort. Moreover, recognizing this belief
is critical to completing the Dark Night. At least we know what our
goal is. As I see it, we are working to change our belief regarding
the origin of our safety. In other words, where we look for safety.
We have been trained by all of our systems to look outside of
ourselves for safety.
As children we look to our parents; they are the God of our
young world. As adults we are taught to look to the government, the
state, police and religious leaders. In all areas we look outside
ourselves for safety.
The higher perspective tells us that when we look within for
our safety, by calling on our guides and the God within each of us,
our Higher Self, our “God aspect,” we find life becomes easier and
miracles occur.
Our global “Dark Night” will end once we realize that every
system, every authority figure that we try to turn to for safety,
will not be able to do so. Our only safety comes from within.
The Tools
Now we will take a look at the higher dimensional tools that
enable us to successfully work with our Souls to successfully
complete our global Dark Night. The lesson we as a planet are
attempting to learn is about where we look for safety. We have been
taught to look outside ourselves for safety, to the systems upon
which our world has been based.
We look to our governments, our social, economic, political
and religious leaders, and to our police and military. As our
systems collapse, our leaders are falling with them. With funding
cuts, they can no longer lead, or faced with what appears to be
insurmountable hurdles, they stumble making decisions that, though
good on the short term, will have devastating long-term effects.
Fear escalates as we begin to come to terms with the reality
that our leaders are not equipped to lead and restore safety and
security. We collectively gasp as we watch our lives disintegrate;
our life savings and retirement dreams gone. As the bills pile up,
we sit with head in hands, staring blankly into space, wondering how
we are going to survive.
Yes, our fears are triggered, staring us right in the face. How do
we get through them? How do we make our way out of this tunnel of
never-ending darkness?
Fortunately, we already created our way out. Unfortunately,
we cannot see that plan; our Soul has it. In a “Dark Night” lesson
we walk through what appears to be an invisible dark maze. Blind
with no light to show us the way, we must turn inward for guidance.
When we begin to use higher dimensional tools given to us, we will
be able to see the next step, the next turn, because our Soul will
reveal them to us. Below are a few of the most important tools:
1. Synchronicities — The Soul shows the way by
bringing to us seemingly random events. If we learn to pay
attention, we will begin to see that these events have a message.
They are pointing us in the direction we need to go.
2. Signs come in threes — the Soul communicates
through signs and always sends them in groups of three. Be aware of
what’s going on around you. Slow down so that you can be aware. This
means being in the moment because that’s the only way you will be
able to see the signs. Write them down, keep a journal. It’s the
best way to detect a sign series.
3. Intuitive hits — when the Soul speaks, you will
feel it as an intuitive hit or knowing. We feel these knowings in
our thymus or high heart. Pay attention to these knowings and follow
them, even when they appear to make no sense. Remember, the Soul is
attempting to help you clear a fear. That often requires jumping
without knowing where you will land.
4. People, money, opportunity — the Soul lets you
know when it is time to make a move, whether it be a physical move,
a new job, or new investment. He/she does this by sending the
people, money and opportunity to you. These will flow into your life
in quick succession. Resist making a move until all three have
appeared. Remember, they must come to you; if you go out to find
them, they are not part of the plan.
I hope these tools will help you as you move through your
individual part of our global “Dark Night.”
Now we will explore the tools for working with our Inner
The Inner Child/Ego Tools
To fully utilize the tools I am about to share, a basic
understanding of the higher perspective regarding the Inner
Child/Ego is helpful. You will find this info on our Web site in the
Inner Child articles. Look in the “Articles” area. More in-depth
information can be found in The Divine Partnership, the 3rd Key of
1) Make your Inner Child/Ego a partner — Like it or not,
both the Inner Child and his/her protective side, the Ego, are part
of each of us. As such, he/she each plays a vital role in our lives.
Learning to partner with this most amazing aspect of ourselves can
provide moments of light and brevity during our Dark Night, as well
as prevent unnecessary blocks.
2) Give him/her a voice — When we are frightened — and let’s
face it, fear is a big part of a Dark Night — we need to ensure that
we dissolve that fear as quickly as possible. Otherwise it can lead
to yet another boulder in our path. It is the Ego side of the Inner
Child that carries the fear, since fear is also a tool that we use
to alert us to danger and keep us safe. Giving the Ego a voice
provides a way to dissolve the fear. Talking to someone safe ...
just processing out loud, allowing our Ego Child within to express
his/her feelings, with no regard for how crazy and silly we may
sound, is the quickest and most effective way to dissolve fear.
3) Ask, what do you need to make this comfortable for you? —
Once you become aware of your fear, and thus your Inner Child/Ego’s
fear, you must do something to comfort him/her. What the child wants
is to feel safe because safe is comfortable.
Sometimes it is as simple as picking them up in your arms
and carrying them. When I am in fear, I ask this question of my
Inner Child. More often than not, being carried in my arms is all
she needs. So, I pick her up, feeling her wrap her slender arms
around my neck as she buries her face in my shoulder. Then, I take
hold of my Soul’s hand and together we take a step forward.
Visualizing this causes the fear that has been gripping my
gut to release. It really works for me and even more so if I
immediately go out and do something fun. That has amazing results.
Remember, your Inner Child/Ego will follow you through hell and back
as long as he/she knows that no matter what, you will not abandon
I hope these tools will help you as you move through your
individual part of our global “Dark Night.”
Jelaila Starr is part of the Nibiruan Council (
For more information on her work, e-mail:
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