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Sustainable Living — Internet Communication

from the April 2006 Star Beacon

by Marty Ulrich

          Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to go to the office to make a living? Many people are sick and tired of wasting hours, days, ultimately years of their life driving to and from work. Especially in today’s urban sprawls, driving to work has become part of the daily norm for many Americans. It seems developers keep building subdivisions farther away from commercial areas where people take care of their business. As more cars pile onto the freeway each day, one has to ask, how much more can be taken? There are alternatives. One option would be to move closer to the city. Another, likewise, would be to get a job closer to home. Better yet, you could get a job working from your own home.

          Many jobs in today’s workforce do not actually require you to be at the place of business. Mainly jobs involving computers in some way. Most companies have some kind of computer network within their organization. Using information technology, they are connected over a local area network. In the same way, computers can be connected to the company network over the Internet. Security advancements make it quite easy for a private computer network to exist with computers all over the world.
Accountants could theoretically work for more than one company and contract their services out from home over the Internet. Drafters, computer programmers, lawyers, bookkeepers, and journalists could all offer their services without ever leaving home. As an IT professional, most of the work we do can be done without ever leaving our house. At times, we do have to go on-site to work on clients’ workstations and networks. But we control our own hours and rarely get stuck in the daily rat race on the California freeways.

          The Internet also allows us to buy and sell products and services without ever going anywhere. If you’re a salesperson, then you, too, could work from home. Just about anything you could need can be found and ordered online. Office supplies, electronics, clothing, various machine parts, cars, tools, even groceries can be delivered to your home. Many people have taken advantage of this relatively new tool in marketing and turned their homes into warehouses and created online stores.

          If computers aren’t for you, and you need to work with your hands and be out in the field, you will still have to drive to work every day. At least finding a good job is a lot easier, thanks to the Internet. And, if more and more people take on work from home, there will be that much more room on the freeway for your car. Maybe in the future, street-legal ultralight aircraft/automobiles will be manufactured, and you will be able to fly to work instead.

          Just about any conceivable information can be found on a computer connected to the Internet. No longer do people need to go to libraries or buy printed newspapers. Many libraries make information available online and just about every newspaper has an Internet version available. In fact, all of the sources for this series of articles were Internet-based.
The amount of information available to the average person has been increased exponentially. Never before has it been so easy to learn so much. The only downside is that the information superhighway is so big that often it can be hard to find exactly what you are looking for; but, with a little patience, you can usually find what you are looking for.

          The integrity of information on the Internet is called into question as well, since after all, anyone can post information on the Internet. Any credible information on the Internet will be found on a site with integrity, such as a government Web site or a Web site associated with a credible organization, such as the American Heart Association, Bureau of Land Management, and the Environmental Pollution Agency.

          Many companies are taking advantage of yet another benefit of computers in the workplace. Computers allow companies to perform more tasks with fewer people. Complex database programs can basically run an entire company’s operations. As someone who works from home, an online store set up properly with the right equipment could be quite profitable and run by only one or two people. Sure, people will be laid off from their jobs as computers take over. This is not the end of the world. As more technology takes over, the bigger the information technology industry grows, and more jobs are being created every day. It is merely a shift, not an end to the economy and, if followed in the right direction, will lead us to balance our equilibrium with the environment.

          Marty Ulrich, age 25, works and sometimes commutes in Vista, California, while contemplating how to improve our destructive lifestyle on Planet Earth.

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