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The Perfect Molecule

from the August 2008 Star Beacon

HHO could well be the most practical fuel on Earth

By Marty Ulrich

          I know, it’s been a long time since I’ve composed anything, but I haven’t given up. I’ve just come back from a long phase in my life. All this talk about sustainable living, is just that — TALK! So I’ve decided to put it to the test and allow you Star Beacon readers to see the results as they happen.
          Our future is bright, but it won’t happen overnight. Here’s what I am doing today to get closer to being energy-independent.
          Gas prices are finally dropping slightly, from $4.85 to $4.65 per gallon of premium gas, here in Southern California. I buy only premium gas for my truck, and here’s why: Since 91 octane gas ignites at a higher pressure than lower octane fuels, the combustion is more complete and there are fewer pollutants coming from my exhaust. Also, in the past 12 years — since I’ve been able to drive — the difference between 91 and 87 octane gas has always been roughly 20 cents.
          So, back in 1998, premium gas was 19 percent more expensive than regular. Today premium gas is only 4.5 percent more expensive. Even though it costs four times as much, I figure I might as well get my money’s worth for that extra four and a half percent.
          Besides, I don’t mind paying $80 a tank, since I ride my road bike to work every day. And you could, too. Take charge of your community and set an example. See how much money you can save each month by biking to places. You will feel great about yourself. The more people who get around with bikes, the easier it will become to travel with them in general. A really nice road bike will run about $2,000, but if you bike to work every day, it will more than pay for itself with savings from not using gas. For short distances in the city, up to 10 miles, it takes me about twice as long to get places than it would by car.
          Another bold move I am considering is joining some friends who are forming a commune at an undisclosed piece of land that is rurally located. There we will grow organic food, live off the land, and provide our own power and really put sustainability to the test. There I will work on hydrogen energy and other zero-point energy sources.
          So, now that I’ve touched on some of the potential of water fuel, I will get into some finer details. Pure hydrogen is great, but if one is to go through the trouble of splitting water, why bother separating the oxygen? That uses a consumable material — aluminum — and it requires consistent maintenance. After all, isn’t oxygen an important part of engine combustion?
When two water molecules are split from electrolysis, the result is four hydrogen ions and an oxygen (O2) molecule. They require an energy source to combust back into water again. And since it is complete combustion, an outside air supply is theoretically not necessary.
          Hydroxy, Brown’s Gas and HHO are common names for the gas produced when water is split. This gas is highly valuable and can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine. In fact, water was used to assist WWII airplane engines with their combustion.
          The same technology can be adapted to any gasoline engine. This technology is more than 100 years old. Around the time of its development, energy companies realized the profit potential for coal and oil. As a result, free energy sources were suppressed. Over the next century, very few people experimented or even knew about free energy sources and devices. Many who attempted to bring this technology to the public eye were neutralized, discredited or even killed.
          However, today with the Internet and information spreading all over the world with nearly no restriction, this technology will surface and mature into our future. In fact, if you’re reading this, that means you are likely one of the pioneers of this new era. Geopolitical power around the world will equalize, and oppression and war will have little or no purpose in the world.
So, now let’s start with a simple application of HHO. While it is possible to make a car run on nothing but water, it does require quite a bit of mechanical knowledge and experience with autos, electronics and chemistry. This application is so simple, even a caveman could do it (sorry, I just had to say it.)
          The idea is adding an HHO generator to your car and mixing it with the gas. This system provides on-demand hydrogen and oxygen to the engine. This boosts engine performance, cools the engine, and results with increased fuel economy.
          Best of all, the oxygen from the water allows for complete combustion and cleans up exhaust emissions significantly.
          Another simple application of HHO is a simple torch. Just make sure the HHO generator is sealed and allow pressure to create a water flame, which has amazing properties. HHO burns cool, since there is no carbon to provide radiant heat. The tip of the torch remains cool, yet this torch will turn a brass ball red hot within seconds and it will cut right through mild steel and braze aluminum.
          I will be installing one of these HHO boosters in my truck in the coming weeks. After I have it running, I will write a follow-up to this article with a report on the device, how I did it, and how you can do it.

 Marty Ulrich resides in San Marcos, California, where he is at work solving the world’s energy problems.

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