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The Meaning of It All |

from the May 2010 Star Beacon
by Ann Ulrich Miller
The Other Side of Life
Planet Earth is
a duality world. That’s the reason we came here, to experience and
to explore and to know ourselves and have the chance to play all
the different roles in this wonderful play called “Living.”
Obviously we must enjoy the game because we return again and
again, being cast in different parts of the play, in order to
express ourselves in various ways and ad lib accordingly to
the challenges with which we are faced.
As most of you know, not everything we experience as light
workers is “Love and Light.” We strive to stay positive, to
concentrate on the good things in our world and to help others by
raising our vibration to a higher level in order to avoid
contributing to the “mess” of society.
Some of us practice meditation, and we practice Gratitude
and creatively manifest those things that we deem will bring
balance to a troubled world.
The reality is, things are in chaos right now. The economy
of the world is crumbling; our government appears to be out of
control as it struggles to maintain the status quo, which isn’t
working. People are uncertain about the future because they
realize we can’t go on the way we are going. They distrust the
politicians and leaders of our society. They are afraid they will
lose what they have worked so hard for, and fear seeps in about
what is going to happen next.
What comes to mind for me are lyrics from “The Other Side
of Life” by the Moody Blues, one of my favorite rock bands:
The atmosphere on the streets tonight
Is the driving beat of the world,
The word down here on the streets tonight
Is the truest music you’ve heard.
“The word down here” right now is... get prepared.
Something big is on the horizon, and this is nothing new. We have
been hearing about this for a long time, for decades in fact. But
lately my intuition (and not just myself, but others as well have
picked up on this) is urging me to stock up on extra supplies and
get ready for the time of transition, when things fall apart and
we will be on our own and may need to be able to survive during a
dark period where there are no services available.
My guidance has been telling me don’t wait on this.
It may be that we only have a matter of weeks before we will see
changes that affect every one of us. The signs are already
there... the major earthquakes that have happened, as well as the
volcano in Iceland. We don’t have the luxury of sitting around,
waiting for the next event. It could be in your own backyard!
So take your share of the gifts that are there,
They all belong to you...
While you have the means right now, go out and get yourself
the necessary survival needs. This is not being fear-based or
paranoid. This is being realistic and responsible. Start
with the most important of your needs: Water.
Water is life. You need to have some way to get
water and to be sure that it is pure and not contaminated. There
are some excellent gravity water filters on the market today, but
I have recently learned that due to the great demand, some of
these units are out of stock and may be hard to buy unless you get
on the ball and do it now. I recommend the British Berkefeld (Berkey) products. Just “Google” in “Berkey water
filters” and you’ll get a multitude of suppliers to choose from.
These units are excellent because no power supply is necessary.
If you can’t possibly afford, or be able to get, one of
these water filters, then at the very least obtain some water
purifying tablets that you can use in an emergency. These are
available at sporting goods stores or on line. You will also need
containers to store water.
Do you have extra food in storage? It’s not a big deal to
do your weekly grocery shopping and pick up some extra cans of
food, particularly things such as tuna and canned meat, canned
fruits and vegetables, beans and soups. I write the dates with a
magic marker on the cans when I buy them and place the newer ones
in storage. It’s also wise to stock up on extra toilet paper, soap
and items that you might not be able to get when we find ourselves
in a situation of scarcity.
Do you have an emergency kit in your car? It should contain
things such as matches, a knife, rope, first aid items, food items
such as crackers and cheese packets, peanut butter, granola bars,
jerky, dried fruit and nuts, etc. You can get solar-powered mini
flashlights now and it would be a good idea to review Willy
Whitefeather’s emergency backpack supply list (see TSB May
2006). There are various Web sites that deal in survival and they
have excellent articles and suggestions that will be more than
helpful if you prepare in advance.
Another important thing to consider is what you will use to
barter or trade. Obviously, if the economy fails completely, our
currency will be no good. In my opinion the best thing you can do
right now is convert whatever you feel you can afford into gold
and silver, preferably silver coins that can be used to obtain
food or whatever.
Other bartering items might include such things as
cigarettes, a “still,” medical supplies and ammunition... these
are items that will increase a hundredfold in value, even though
they may seem distasteful to you personally!
The lovers and the fighters
And the risks they take
Are on the Other Side of Life tonight...
When everything falls apart... and I can’t help but believe
we will see dark times before things get better... there are going
to be people out there who are not prepared, even if you
are. These people are going to see that you have the things they
need, and they are going to be desperate and scared. Some of them
will not hesitate to do what is necessary to save themselves.
Unfortunately, this means you may have to take on the role
of a fighter. It is going to be like a “war zone” and if you want
to survive to see the Golden Age, you are going to have to prepare
to fight.
This brings us to the dilemma of what to do in a situation
when there are helpless people knocking on our doors, demanding
that we share what we have stored up in preparation for our own
survival. Are we going to turn them away? Are we going to share
what we have and end up being short ourselves? What would you do
in such a situation?
Let’s lose our way,
Go completely astray
And find ourselves again...
As light workers we are empathic, caring people whose
nature is to help others. It is ingrained in us to do so. However,
it boils down to doing the “common sense” thing. We need to rely
on our guidance and ask our souls what to do when such a situation
arises. I recently watched the movie “2012” and at the end, in the
scene where the ship was about to leave and strand hundreds of
otherwise doomed people, the hero of the movie risked everyone’s
lives on the ship by insisting that they take on these people. It
was almost certainly a death sentence for everyone, yet compassion
won out and at the very last moment the people were saved.
Unfortunately, movies are not reality. We need to
weigh all components in making judgments such as this. Are you
going to let unprepared neighbors and desperate strangers force
their way into your home, take all that you have, including
your life and those of your loved ones? If that is the case,
your preparations are in vain.
I know that I will receive a lot of flack for this, but it
is imperative that you have some way to protect yourself and your
family if you wish to survive this dark phase. A lot of light
workers are opposed to weapons, but the reality is, a gun and
ammunition can go a long way in protecting yourself and your
family. If you don’t want to “go there,” I understand.
On the other hand, it is common sense to have what is
necessary in order to keep living and to see the Golden Age. It
may seem like we are “losing our way” and “going astray” with
principles such as these. And yet we must “find ourselves again.”
Remember, these are roles we are playing and there is no judgment
here. Having a firearm and being competent in using it—and
responsible for it—can go a long way in helping you and those who
depend on you. But it is your choice. If you are ready to “move
on” — and many will — then so be it.
You know, the only way to get there
Is to take that step
To the Other Side of Life tonight...
It is your decision. Prepare? Or perish?
And come what may at the break of each day,
We all begin anew once more,
We all begin anew...
How comforting it will be to see that new day, when the
transition is over and we can live as we were meant to live. We
light workers have worked hard, and we deserve to see the break of
that new day.
But it is all up to you. Whatever choice you make will be the
right choice.
You can view my articles on Relationship Transition at the Denver
Examiner, Do a search on site for Ann
Ulrich Miller.
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