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The Meaning of It All

from the September 2009 Star Beacon

by Ann Ulrich Miller

Jessica's Warning and Other Weird Stuff

from my blog at
Aug. 21, 2009

        I love Mondays, but last Monday was difficult. The day before, my friend Niara and I went hiking at Canyon of the Ancients, a national monument west of Cortez. It was absolutely gorgeous and couldn’t have been a more beautiful day to go there — clear blue skies and not too hot.
        Well, to make a long story short, our planned three-mile walk turned into a six- or eight-mile ordeal. My dog Ranger, who is up there in years, wasn’t used to the heat. I didn’t plan very well in advance. We didn’t carry enough water with us, and the long trek back to the car was almost too much for the old dog. Also, Niara suffered painful blisters on the bottoms of her feet.
        But my point is... I was tired on Monday morning and I wanted to sleep in. My cat Jessica woke me up, meowing. She usually doesn’t do that. Jessica has complete freedom. She uses the doggy doors and can come and go as she pleases, 24/7. I couldn’t understand what it was she wanted. And so I finally dragged myself out of bed and went to see if her food dishes were empty.
        Jessica’s feeding station was good, but she continued to meow at me as if she were trying to tell me something. I couldn’t figure it out, so I decided just to get up and get on with my day. I was a little cranky, but that was only to be expected.
        I had errands to run that morning and books to mail out. I had just pulled out of the post office and was heading home when out of the corner of my eye I saw an orange flash dart toward me. I was only going 25 miles per hour or so, but I had no control over the situation. An orange cat ran under the wheels of my car before I could slam on the brakes. I heard the terrible THUMP! THUMP! and then saw out my rear-view window the cat’s body dancing in convulsions on the pavement behind me.
        I felt terrible. My God, I had just hit and killed a cat! I saw its body collapse and lay still, and I knew in that moment that it had died instantly. It is an awful feeling to know that you’ve caused an animal’s death. I immediately said a prayer and blessed the cat’s spirit.
        I then remembered that I had forgotten to say my prayer of protection when I got into my vehicle that morning. So I prayed out loud:
“The light of God surrounds me, the love of God enfolds me, the power of God protects me, the presence of God watches over me... wherever I am, God is, and all is well.” (The Unity Prayer)
        Then, I said my words that I always say when I take a trip, even if it’s just to the grocery store: “I surround myself, my vehicle and my loved ones with the White Light of Christ 24 hours a day. May the White Light of Christ surround me, my vehicle and my loved ones 24 hours a day. I wear the Cloak of Christ Light and wrap my vehicle and my loved ones in it, 24 hours a day. Amen!” (For some reason I always say it three times, in three slightly different ways.)
        When I got home and saw my cat Jessica, I burst into tears. I told Jessica about what had happened and how badly I felt about it. My black cat purred and rubbed up against me, as if to comfort me and to say, “It’s okay. It was just that kitty’s time to go, and you were the one chosen to help it to the Other Side... because of your Light.”
        So, I don’t know for sure that Jessica was actually giving me a “heads up” on Monday morning, but I do know that everything happens for a reason and it does no good to beat ourselves up over things with which we have no control. I was able to accept the death, bless the experience and move on.
        Niara mentioned to me a few days earlier that she had hit a chipmunk in the road. Right after it happened, she had a vision of the chipmunk in front of her, telling her thank you for being the one to help it to its destination. Maybe there’s something to this concept of death and sharing our Light at appropriate moments.
        I just hope there are no more cats, dogs or deer who see my Subaru as a doorway to the Other Side.
        Speaking of the Other Side, Niara and I went to see Trisha Dolan, an intuitive who came to Pathways Metaphysical Store in Bayfield, Colo., last week. She is sort of the female version of John Edwards, the psychic who has the TV show “Crossing Over.”
        Trisha interacted with every person in the audience, telling about the people on the Other Side who were there beside us. It was both entertaining and intriguing, with lots of Kleenex getting passed around. I wasn’t surprised when she told me about Ethan being there with me.
“You’ve been together forever,” said Trisha, and she mentioned that the cat (Jessica) sees him. That did not surprise me either. I was happy that Niara’s father came through to her with a message.
        If you’d like to contact Trisha and find out where she is making her next appearance, or to arrange a telephone reading, call 801/399-9444 or
e-mail her at
        I’ve saved the best for last... Ranger, my dog, got a little too excited last week when a neighbor dog was trespassing. Before I could get the screen door opened on the patio door to let Ranger outside, he bolted through it and forced the door off its track.
        I am not very handy, but I tried my best to get that screen door back in place. When I finally did get it in, I realized I had placed it in backwards. It was difficult to open and close on its track, but I was too frustrated to take it out and turn it around. For days I lived with it not working right, and it often felt jammed in the track. I knew it was in wrong because the holes in the screen where Ranger used to paw were now on the top right instead of the lower left.
        Days passed. Just the other morning I discovered that the door was working perfectly again. It was back on track, and the hole in the screen was back on the lower left side.
        No one had been here to fix the problem. I hadn’t even mentioned it to anyone. But I think I know who it was who fixed it — Ethan!

          Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of The Star Beacon. In September she lost her husband and soulmate. Read the whole story in her newly released book, Throughout All Time, A Cosmic Love Story. Click HERE for September's SPECIAL OFFER.


NOTE: I've changed the name to Southwest Light and Learning Center, since it will undoubtedly be a nonprofit and we'll want it to be separate from Earth Star Publications.

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