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The Meaning of It All

from the December 2009 Star Beacon

by Ann Ulrich Miller

Successful manifestation happens
        Eventually the total picture comes into focus. Then you wonder why it took you so long to understand the meaning. Staying on your life path can be a challenge when you are faced with choices, and when you allow insecurity or fear to influence you.
       I am a living example of this. After reaching a major crossroads in my life more than a year ago, the choices became almost intoxicating. Suddenly, I had the freedom to go anywhere and do anything I wanted... within reason, of course. My biggest fear block was having to “make a living.” What a drag.
       Since childhood we’re programmed that after we finish school, we’re expected to go out and earn money, raise a family and acquire all the material things that comprise the American Dream. If you struggle along the way, all the better.
       Well, I’ve learned that my happiness is not based on a salary, or how big a house I buy, or how many “toys” I accumulate in the end. Somewhere along the way I awoke to my spirituality and dared follow the beat of my own drummer.That was a challenge in itself — as many of you already know from reading my book — but the important thing is how it led me in the direction of my life path or “mission.” Still, I continued to carry with me that old idea of having to “make a living.” So when I came to my crossroads in 2008, my heart was pulling me to Pagosa Springs, Colo., but my head was saying, “Wait a minute! What about a job?”
       Oh yeah... that. My programming almost pulled me away from my life path. Fortunately, I have a large council of guides on the Other Side, and my twin flame who manages to pull a few strings now and then.
       After months of trying, and even turning down a couple of jobs that just didn’t “feel” right, I committed myself to founding a light center here in Pagosa Springs. Ideas just began to flow once I let go and realized what a wonderful thing this was going to be.
       As soon as I let go of my fear of having to “make a living,” I began to concentrate on Southwest Light and Learning Center, and how it was going to help us all “make a life.”
       It is amazing how quickly things came together. As predicted by several intuitives I consulted during the phase when I was anxiously looking for work outside my destiny, the right people just suddenly started arriving in this town! It happened quickly and it felt “right.”
       As of Nov. 22, 2009, Southwest Light and Learning Center is officially a nonprofit corporation in the State of Colorado, with a board of directors comprising compassionate and competent light workers, and the funds are magically manifesting for us to begin to spread higher awareness and to help people adapt to change.
       Not only that... but once I gave up trying to leave this area for a “real job,” income opportunities in the way of editing came flooding in. I no longer have any fear of lack. I know that I am on my spiritual path and performing the mission that I came here and agreed to do... but had somehow along the way... forgotten.
       When you are so excited about something that you can hardly sit still... and it just keeps feeding your energy... you know it’s meant to be. That’s how powerful this whole thing is. The exciting thing is you can be a part of it, too! We are all in this together.
       Listen to your inner guidance. You might question it at first, but once you remove the emotional baggage, the picture will come into focus for you as well. You, too, can become a caretaker of the New Earth.
       Visit for information.

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