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A spiritual path with a new twist

from the August 2008 Star Beacon

The Twisted Path by Charlotte Goodwin, Hideaway Press, Inc., 14525 SW millikan #41768, Beaverton, OR 97005.
ISBN 978-0-9798348-0-6
333 pages, softcover, $18.00.

Review by Ann Ulrich Miller

         Autobiographies are high on my reading list at the moment. I suppose the reason is due to the fact that I’ve been working on my own for several years, and now that it’s getting close to the final chapter, I’d like to see how other people handle the telling.
         When Charlotte Goodwin contacted me, to see if I’d like to review her book, The Twisted Path, I eagerly agreed, even though I have a pile of books by other New Age authors waiting to be reviewed.
         Charlotte’s life starts out in Texas, where she spent many of her years, growing up in a dysfunctional home. Her father was a Baptist minister and her beautiful mother turned down a contract to be a Hollywood actress in order to marry the preacher, Mick McCormick, who left his present wife for her. When asked years later why she stayed with a man who abused her and was unfaithful besides, Charlotte’s mother told her, “I loved the S.O.B.”
         Part one of the book takes us through the early part of Charlotte’s life, one in which she experiences challenges most of us would never survive. A boyfriend from high school commits suicide in front of her eyes because she wants to date someone else. That experience alone sets her up for future troubles as she vows she will not cause anyone else pain... yet because of that belief, there are dire consequences.
         I don’t remember how many bad marriages she endured in her younger years, but a relationship she had the sense to avoid making legal landed her in a home for unwed mothers while she was still in her teen-age years. Her depiction of what it was like to give up her beautiful baby boy for adoption is heart wrenching. She was determined to go to college, yet she was easily pulled off her path by others who thought they knew what was best for her.
         By the time we get to her marriage to Casey, she has had two daughters to a former husband, Marco, who is an alcoholic. Being sympathetic toward women’s issues, I found it unfathomable that she allowed such continued abuse in her life and to those of her daughters, who would suffer psychologically in later years. How could any woman put up with all she had?
         Then, we finally come to the part where she meets her soul mate... but I will save this for you to read on your own. Part two in the book is the beginning of Charlotte’s “new life,” the discovery of her path which leads to where she is today, a gifted spiritual healing intuitive. How she discovered this, after decades of her life, was through two different respected psychics, in different parts of the country, whom she consulted in 1997. In both cases she was told she possessed special gifts since childhood, and that her purpose in life was to serve as God’s tool, using her gifts to heal.
         At the time of these readings, she found it hard to believe. “I had considered myself a failure in many aspects of my life,” Charlotte writes in her preface. “At first I thought the psychics must be mistaken. Why would God choose someone like me to honor with such gifts?”
         In her attempt to find answers, she began to investigate memories of her past. “I have come to believe that there are no accidents and no coincidences in anyone’s life,” she writes. “God has a special purpose for each of us. We are living in a classroom where each and every incident and relationship offers a lesson. All that is unfolding is simply a part of God’s master plan.”
         The Twisted Path is only the first of many books Charlotte plans to write. After an enlightening journey to Peru and Machu Picchu, it ends at a tragic point in her life, leaving the reader eager to see what occurs from that point on. I can hardly wait for the next book in her Spirits & Miracles series.
         Author Stacey Wolfe (Secrets of the Signs, et al) touts Charlotte’s book as “painfully honest and powerfully awakening. More drama than the Oscars. It’s hard to believe someone can endure so much and still find her path toward wholeness. Reading Charlotte’s first awkward steps toward developing her psychic skills, you realize you are not alone.”
         What sets Charlotte Goodwin’s book aside from other autobiographies about psychic people is the fact that so much has happened to her, and you continue to be amazed at the unraveling of each and every event in her life.
         I recommend getting a copy of the book for yourself, and you might want to consider visiting Charlotte’s Web site at I signed up for a personal psychic reading, which she provided for me, and it was fulfilling and gave me answers for which I had been seeking. In my own judgment, Charlotte Goodwin is authentic and an excellent channel for Spirit. She will go far in the ranks of being one of the world’s great intuitives.

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