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Space Beings

from the October 2004 Star Beacon

by Commander Sanni Ceto


     EDITOR’S NOTE: Sanni has agreed to share some of her knowledge about the other races in the Universe. It is important to remember that none of this information is channeled. Sanni has retained the memories from her former life in space. She is currently working on a new book that gives more detail about her home world and others in the Universe.

Tau Cetans and Andromedans

     Tau Cetans and Andromedans are energy people that stand about average size —Andromedans have a reddish color to them and Tau Cetans are blue-ish, with a sparkly energy to them when they assume human form while on Earth.

     Andromedans pass as Orientals and Native Americans while Tau Cetans pass for dark-haired humans and brunettes that are swarthy in color. Tau Cetans first visited Earth after the Pleiadians finished their biogenetics programs before the great extinctions of Earth’s large lizards. Andromedans didn’t start to visit Earth’s solar system until long after the great extinctions and came in modern times, around the early 1800s and 1900s, when the air ships were patroling Earth to check up on the level of Earth’s technology.

Tageui and Yeti

     Tageui is a tall biped that is related to the great apes but is more human than the apes are. He lives in X Sector, which is near the Mira and Deragi planets, the home of the hairy ones. The Tageui male stands about 9 ft. tall and is less hairy than the Yeti, which he’s related to. He also wears a uniform like a robe with a broad belt around it. Females are smaller and are teachers and have only two children per family unit. Tageui have space flight and have colonized nearby worlds near Mira.

     Yeti is a large hairy biped related to an extinct branch of humans that were giants that were crossed with large apes that have become extinct. This huge primate is very telepathic and uses vocalizations while talking to his own kind. Yetis are implanted and this allows them to disappear and reappear when their implants sense danger. It will cause them to disappear and reappear in a different location. Yetis live in colonies ruled by the elder female and her mate.

     Young males join bands of other young males around 12 years of age until they are about 25, then they are assigned to a female selected by the matriarch of the clan to which they belong. Male Yetis are very territorial and will defend their clan’s caves and forests against intruders, etc. Yetis make mounds or nests on ground and in low trees until they are too heavy to climb a tree and Yetis like water and can catch fish. Like other primates, Yetis live a long life span, which is about 85 years for a silver back male and 65 for a female.

Artifical Intelligence

     Robots and artificial intelligent beings are self-replicating devices that were made by their creators to take the place of workers and builders on distant worlds. Most are like clones and androids and some are machine-looking in appearance. Most are programmed with a long-life micro chip technology and the android types are part machine and organic.

     Clones are bred and do not have souls nor emotions. They are made only to work and the clones create their own fuels or nutrients to sustain them.

     Androids and clones are used on large ships to do maintenance and work in colonies to build structures, etc. They are mass-produced by a master blue print and they use this to replicate themselves as it’s programmed into their memory cells.

Energy and Light Beings

     These entities are of light and high energy and have a consciousness and intelligence. They come in many colors. Some have a glittery energy inside of them. Most are in humanoid form. They have evolved beyond the need for a flesh, physical body. They are the ancient guardians over worlds they choose to visit and their purpose is to serve the light forces to bring peace and love. Their way of commmunication is by telepathy and thought transferrence, to whom they are communicating. Most are tall, slender beings about 7 to 8 ft. tall. They are able to adjust their vibratory rate to appear and reappear as well. Most come from the ethereal realms, which is a level that is home to the angels and discarnates.

     Some energy beings are a type of light density plasma and are able to assume many forms. Once they assume a form, they are able to concentrate their energies into becoming solid and denser to people who see them. Some of these energy beings used to be ghosts or apparitions that have evolved beyond the ghost form and into the next level, which is of love and harmony, yet they choose to serve Earth for its betterment.

     There are also orbs. These are spirits that have chosen not to go on to the ghost stage and are in a way trapped in this dimensional level or vibration, in order to learn from things they did while in a flesh or physical body. They have senses and intelligence as do other light beings. Most orbs are of the earth plane or level. Other orbs are plasma balls created as drones and used on board a ship to record and gather information that is relayed to another ship. These orbs are later gatherd into a ship and their information is decoded and then they are diffused to make more drones.

Copyright © 2004 Sanni Ceto
All Rights Reserved

To Be Continued


About the Author:

     If you haven't read Sanni Ceto's new book, STRANDED ON EARTH, now is the time to order your copy!

     Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto is a hybrid Essassani and reincarnated Roswell Crash survivor who has retained the memories of her recent past.

     The book tells her story from the time of her re-incarnation on Earth in 1958, including what she remembers of the crash, the aftermath, and interesting details about her home world in Zeta Reticuli.

     Illustrated, 128 pages, softcover, $14.97 postpaid.

     Order directly from Earth Star Publications, P.O. Box 117, Paonia, CO 81428, or you can order on-line (using PayPal) at



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