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Commander's Star Base

Ask an ET

from the September 2006 Star Beacon

          Q:   When will we no longer be under the influence of powerful, egotistic leaders, and are the ones we already have going to cause a long-term war? When?



Commander Sanni:
          These leaders will be removed when reptoids have been exposed for the wars and injustices they are having over other nations by their ego and greed and power and mind control. There’s a strong possibility of a war occurring as people here can’t seem to live in peace despite religious and other differences. Once a government has allowed true compassion and does away with its firm control via media and other influences over its populations, these corrupt leaderswill be driven out of their offices.

Q: In late November of 2004 to June of 2005, I endured a period of time when I felt attached by a very high energy force. It seemed to be from a source off this planet. These attacks were vibrational in nature, almost electrical. Why would someone or some group attack like this? During the time period mentioned, it was impossible to live any normal life.
Since this time, I have lost my trust in my spirituality and in the Universe. I don’t know why I would have to be subject to such torment without help, and without even knowing why it was happening to me. Can you possibly enlighten me on this subject? It would mean the world to me.


Commander Sanni:

Dear Lori,
          I’m sensing your attachment is still there, but it’s slowly diminishing and will diminish if you keep a shield of protection around your aura. And, my friend, please never give up on your faith, and never turn away from the beauty of the light, for reptoids are masters at trying to destroy your spirit and destroy everything you have ever tried to do for the benefit of those around you. And yes, this is a common occurrence with many other people and is not exclusive to one person.

Peace and love and blessings to you
from Commander Sanni

          Q: I am a teacher of sorts, and need help, so as I can awaken my readers. How can you tell when a star seed is awake? Also, how can I help them to realize that the beings are flesh-and-blood beings, for they (and this is only a few) still think they are disembodied spirits? Then there are those that think that channeling is the best way to get messages, even after I have told a few that if they must do this, they first have to make sure that they are very protected from the infiltration of the reptoids sneaking in with the false message.
                                                                            Sara H.

Commander Sanni:

          A star seed is awake when they don’t doubt the reality of life on other galaxies and solar systems and don’t require proof of UFO reality. They know as their DNA has been activated and their memories are made aware to them that UFOs are as physical as your airplanes. Also, a truly awakened star seed knows that there are other flesh in space than those that dwell upon Earth as there are many different planets and dimensional levels that have life, but Earth science isn’t evolved to their technology yet to detect these planets, and is still trapped by their concept of time, which limits them from seeing what they seek. They must be re-educated away fromthose who popularized the star people as being ghosts or disembodied people as well those who had real contact but because they didn’t vibrate at the frequencies the physical beings did, they couldn’t see them.
Channeling is risky as many uninvited ones can enter into the reception. A true star seed has an implant or transponder that serves as a radio linking them mentally with the star elders of space, and they don’t have to go into much of a trance to receive messages. Also, when a reptoid has entered, the energy will shift internally as well as externally as reptoids will attach cords into the aura during a channeling session. So extra shielding and caution must be utilized as well as crystals to help keep the light around those who channel. And yes, you are a wonderful teacher and an awakening ascended master in training as well.

                                                            Namasté, Commander Sanni


         If you have a question that is space-related to ask Sanni, send it in care of The Star Beacon, P.O. Box 117, Paonia CO 81428, or e-mail it to: Be sure to put “Ask an ET” in the subject line.

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