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from the August 2010 Star Beacon

edited by Ann Ulrich Miller

The following is from Filer’s Files #29 (July 14, 2010):

Ufologist John Keel remembered
       John Keel was a prominent American ufologist and the author of The Mothman Prophecies (1975), a book about paranormal phenomena which was made into a successful film starring Richard Gere.
One of ufology’s most widely read and influential authors, Keel became an original and controversial researcher, and is credited with coining the term “MIB” (Men In Black), sinister and threatening entities who assume human form to confront ufologists and UFO witnesses.
      Of particular importance was Keel’s analysis of patterns. His work on “windows” (specific hot spots of combined phenomenal appearances), “waves” (cyclic appearances of the phenomena) and the “Wednesday phenomenon” (the theory that a disproportionate number of UFO events occur on that day of the week) influenced scholars and followers of the genre alike.
      He commenced a full-time investigation of UFOs and paranormal phenomena and read over 2,000 books, and interviewed thousands of people in over 20 U.S. states.
      He read newspaper-clipping services, which often generated up to 150 clippings for a single day during the 1966 and 1967 UFO “wave.” Keel wrote for several magazines, including Saga with one 1967 article, “UFO Agents of Terror,” referring to the Men in Black. Keel died on July 3, 2009, at age 79.
      However, after one year of investigations, Keel concluded that the extraterrestrial hypothesis was untenable. Indeed, both Hynek and Vallée eventually arrived at a similar conclusion. As Keel himself wrote, “I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs... The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructions of matter. It is more likely that we see what we want to see and interpret such visions according to our contemporary beliefs.”
      In UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, Keel argues that a non-human or spiritual intelligence has staged whole events over a long period of time in order to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems. For example, the fairy faith in Europe, vampire legends, mystery airships in 1897, mystery aeroplanes of the 1930s, anomalous creature sightings, poltergeist phenomena, balls of light, and UFOs.
      In Our Haunted Planet, Keel discussed the seldom-considered possibility that the alien “visitors” to Earth are not visitors at all, but an advanced Earth civilization, which may or may not be human.
      Thanks to

      Note from George Filer: I spoke with John Keel and asked, “What are UFOs all about?” He told me after years of study, “I have concluded it is the devil and his demons.”

Illinois depiction of orbs
        NORTHLAKE, Ill. — “On July 23, 2010, I was walking to Walgreens with my wife and my 6-year-old son. As we were walking and passed beside the new Northlake Police Station, I glanced up and saw this strange formation. I said, ‘What is that?’ My wife and son looked up and we saw a group of six sphere-like objects in the sky, in a loose formation, but were also kind of spinning around each other. We stopped walking and took note of this group of objects as they were traveling about 60 feet above the treetops. My son was very excited about the sighting and exclaimed they seemed to be illuminated, to which my wife concurred.
      “They were traveling against the wind and were illuminated by both the sun and the objects themselves. They eventually disappeared behind some trees and houses. I tried to get photos of the objects or video, using my cell phone, so this is a depiction of what we observed on location.”

      Thanks to MUFON CMS (from Filer’s Files #31 2010)


        Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of The Star Beacon.

        Order her new lightworker novel of romantic suspense, Rainbow Majesty.


View the video for Ann's spiritual autobiography, Throughout All Time


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