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DISC-ussion |
from the December 2010 Star Beacon
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
sunglasses help see UFOs
John Combest writes, “An acquaintance of mine telephoned another
acquaintance who coordinates a local UFO study group to advise the
coordinator as follows regarding a UFO sighting in the Houston,
Texas area. This person’s observation is very important as it
seems to indicate a method by which anyone who acquires Polaroid
type sunglasses can be facilitated in viewing things usually
hidden to natural eyesight.
“A witness wearing Mr. Blublocker sunglasses saw invisible ships
with them. He saw a shadow on his windshield on I-10 Highway on
Oct. 14, 2010. He pulled over and saw a low flying saucer. When he
took his glasses off, the UFO disappeared. With glasses on, it had
turned on its side; zipped off and was gone in three seconds.
“Two US patents cover BluBlocker sunglass lenses. The lens blocks
all of the UV light and all blue light. Colors such as red and
green are more vibrant. The lens has the ability to remove
scattered or spurious light waves. Polarization eliminates
annoying reflections off water, car windshields, and metal objects
and helps spotting UFOs.” Thanks to John Combest.
(from Filer’s Files #46
2010, Nov. 10, 2010)
Iwo Jima UFO during World War II
Bill Stephenson writes,
“I was standing in line to turn in my election bag when an elderly
gentleman approached me and asked about the MUFON patch on my
jacket. I explained what it was.
“He went on to tell me about his
experience on board an LST during the battle for Iwo Jima in 1945.
He was on watch in the CIC room as a radar man when he noticed an
object on the radar going 27,000 miles an hour. He also said the
object was the largest object he has ever seen on radar. He called
his Chief over to see, and he could not believe his eyes and he
told the radar man to plot the object.
“He asked the Chief, ‘Should we call
the other ships in the flotilla to see if they observed the UFO?’
The Chief replied, ‘No don’t embarrass me.’ ”
Thanks to Carl Mecklenburg, who is in his late 80s.
(from Filer’s
Files #46 2010, Nov. 10, 2010)
UFO dives into reservoir
Authorities had
multiple reports from citizens visiting Lake Powell (in Utah) on
Nov. 8, 2010, that an unidentified object dove into the reservoir.
Government authorities were called in to investigate, but they are
remaining silent. However, many locals know exactly what it is:
“It’s a UFO. I’m positive of it,” said John Comito, visiting from
New Hampshire with his family. “We’ve talked to a number of people
around here and they said they’ve been seeing the object come in
and out of the water for the last three months.”
UFO experts have been
aware of underwater alien craft and bases for decades. “Many
people believe that aliens are just flying around in the sky. But
they’re not, they are also in the water and on the ground — all
around us,” said Chester Burlingham, a UFO hunter. “What makes
this unusual is that the aliens are setting up a base in a
man-made reservoir and this has some of us in the community
The states of Arizona
and Utah have sent their National Guards to Lake Powell to “keep
an eye on things. Experts are fearful that the aliens are planning
something because the UFO has been spotted coming out of the water
with more frequency in the last few weeks.
World leaders briefed on UFO battle
near Earth
World leaders have
been briefed on a devastating UFO battle between Zetan “Gray” and
Sirian aliens on the fringes of the Zeta Reticuli star system,
around the Reticuli star system, around 39 light-years away, that
has claimed the lives of over 400,000 alien beings. Most of the
casualties were Zetans, known as “Grays.” A few hundred casualties
were of the highly advanced Sirians whose consciousnesses can be
placed in new bodies.
Frantic communications
between the US President and alien groups such as Andromedans, who
are friendly to Earth, have assured our leaders that the incident
poses no threat to Earth.
The conflict began
when bandit Grays threatened Sirian power in the region, which
includes our solar system. Grays are seen by many as a potential
threat to Earth and hostile to humanity. The “Gray” bandit leader
Ru-Illiar was killed in the event, which saw 700 mostly Zetan UFO
craft destroyed in a dramatic space battle and a Zetan lunar
colony in Zeta Reticuli obliterated.
Grays have objected to
Sirian hegemony for millennia and are protesting over being denied
technology and resources by the Sirians, who regard the Zetans as
belligerent. UFOs built by the Grays are typically shaped like
classical flying saucers while Sirian ships are immense
pyramid-shaped craft. Grays have been described by both alien
abductees and Roswell witnesses many times. They are described as
having oversized heads, almond eyes and grayish skin.
Source: Michael Cohen, from All News Web
Commander Sanni’s Comments:
This battle was started by the commanders of the Sirian fleets
after they tried to take over our home worlds in the Z Quadrant,
which encompasses the Zeti Reticulan worlds’ solar system. The
Sirians are a Reptoid species mixed with renegade Lyrans who left
their own system eons ago when one of their stars went nova. They
settled on a planet called Sirius B. The claim in the article
saying that Grays are hostile to humans is incorrect. Those are
Reptilians shape-changing to appear as Grays, to make humans hate
Grays. Reptilians and lizards control and own Earth and its
puppets who are the mind-controlled humans.
These Sirians who started this war came to your Earth to destroy
it after they sent off their rivals, the Deraks and Teraks and the
Draconians as they have been bitter enemies and have tolerated
Grays and Pleiadians livng on Earth. The casualities were
generated after this Sirian attack on several peaceful worlds in
my home sector as they used nuclear devices and killed thousands
of innocent people. The counter attack by my species was to
protect your planet and your solar system from hostile takeover.
Zecharia Sitchin makes his
Zecharia Sitchin, one
of the giants of the Ancient Astronaut or Paleocontact theory,
passed away Oct. 9, 2010 in New York City at the age of 90.
Antonio Huneeus writes: “I met Zecharia several times. He was
always friendly and we had dinner discussing his many books and
studies. I asked him if he believed in the Bible. He stated, ‘I
feel Genesis was based on Sumerian writing and was a summary of
their writings and was the truth.’”
Antonio explains that
Sitchin started his lifelong quest for the Anunnaki, the gods of
ancient Sumer, or the Biblical Nephilim, which in time he came to
believe were real extraterrestrials from the planet Nibiru.
Sitchin’s parents were Russian Jews from Azerbaijan, who
immigrated in the 1920s to what was then known as Palestine
(present-day Israel), then under British rule. Zecharia was a
9-year-old boy attending Biblical school and the discussion
focused on a cryptic passage from the Book of Genesis (6:4-1)
concerning the so-called Anunnaki or Nephilim, who married the
daughters of man and had children by them.”
Zecharia Sitchin
attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the
Anunnaki, which he states was a race of ETs from the planet Nibiru
that has an elongated, elliptical orbit around our Sun. Sitchin’s
books have sold millions of copies and have been translated into
more than 25 languages. Since the release of his first book The
12th Planet in 1976, now in its 45th printing, Sitchin wrote
13 other books. Critic Michael Heiser called Sitchin “arguably the
most important proponent of the ancient astronaut hypothesis over
the last several decades.” He has been featured in TV programs
such as the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, the Series.
He graduated from the University of London, served during World
War II at the Allied Command in Jerusalem, and worked as an editor
in Israel. He eventually settled in New York.
Thanks to Antonio
(from Filer’s Files #47-2010 Nov. 17, 2010) | |