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from the July 2010 Star Beacon
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
Extraterrestrial Being answers 50 questions in new ebook On behalf of Jeff Peckman: The conversation contained in
this book actually took place in 1984 and was in hard copy. The
information now being released on Starseedhotline.com by Lavandar
has been kept in a vault, at the request of Pleiadeans, for the
last 25 years, and only recently Lavandar was instructed by them
to release it.
“... 50 Questions and Answers: A
Celestial Point of View was released to the world June 17 as a
non-fiction eBook. This concise book of 50 cosmic questions and
profound answers came from a real ‘conversation’ between
‘Lavandar’ and an extraterrestrial entity named Psylavon.
“Lavandar has been an emissary and
scribe for the Pleiadeans for several years. She was genetically
designed to receive and send communications through the use of a
double pineal gland. It enables her to receive transmissions from
extraterrestrial beings. One such entity is known as Psylavon, who
is a resident of the Antares/Arcturus Midway Station.” You can
read the full article at http://www.examiner.com/x-2024-Denver-UFO-Examiner~y2010m6d17-Extraterrestrial-being-answers-fifty-questions-in-new-eBook
“The link to the free preview is at
the end of the article. If you choose to then purchase the
remainder of the book (only $3.33), you’ll link to a downloading
eBook program that does not yet have a code-signing certificate.
So it will probably say something like “Unknown publisher.” The
hosting Web site “Internet Marketing Center” does not put
code-signing certificates on any books they host. But there have
been no problems downloading the book except for one person who
had Windows 7, which might block such downloads.
“But you can still review the first
10 questions and answers before getting to the download issues.
“Personal note: The woman known as
‘Lavandar’ is authentic and extraordinary. I’ve had a number of
phone calls and e-mails with her in the last couple of months and
she’s a tremendous asset to disclosure and bringing about open
contact with Extraterrestials. I encourage you to read about her
background as part of the free preview of the book. She has
contacts in very high places, both terrestrial and
extraterrestrial. She has personal knowledge that the President of
France has told President Obama on two occasions to release UFO
files or France would. Her article about Starseed markings at
StarseedHotline.com is also valuable to read.” — Jeff Peckman,
Last month I called
Aileen Garrouté’s blog by the wrong name. The correct name of
Aileen’s blog is “UFOs et al.” You can read the blog at
Spectacular UFO shots
The following UFO photos were taken on the Yucatan Peninsula,
according to Katharina Waldorf. She says, “On the right would be
Cancun and facing the Gulf is Campeche — that is where it was
Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of
The Star Beacon.
Order her
new lightworker novel of romantic suspense,
Rainbow Majesty.
View the video for Ann's spiritual autobiography, Throughout All Time