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The Meaning of It All |
from the September 2010 Star Beacon
by Ann Ulrich Miller
It's the eleventh hour... are you
our community we have a group that gets together twice a month to
discuss how to deal with upcoming changes. We call our meetings
“Eleventh Hour,” meaning we are in the 11th hour before midnight —
and time is short.
We meet in each other’s homes and the member hosting the meeting
that night gets to choose the topic. We have had topics that
include “Storing Safe Water,” “Food Storage,” “Dealing with
Emotions,” “Colloidal Silver to Treat Infections,” “Energy
Alternatives” and “Communication Methods.”
All of these topics deal with
ways individuals and groups can handle daily living issues in the
event of a disaster or an emergency that might mean no power for
long periods of time, or no supplies being shipped into your town.
What would you or your family
do in the event of your water source being cut off? What if it’s
the middle of winter and you have no electricity, and no way of
heating your home? What if all commerce comes to a halt and you
can’t fill your car with gas or buy food and supplies at the
These are the questions that
we ask ourselves when we consider that our society runs on
people’s expectations that there will always be the convenience of
grocery shelves being stocked with what we need, or that our
lifestyles will always be fueled by the technology we depend on to
get through each night and day in comfort and ease.
What if banks fail? What if
nobody has money, or worse — what happens if cash is absolutely
worth nothing?
At our “food prep” meeting we
talked about storing foods such as apples, potatoes and onions
over a period of time. For instance, apples will last if you store
them in sand. But the apples can’t touch each other. Potatoes and
onions store better in the dark, with potatoes preferring cool
areas whereas beets and carrots prefer higher humidity. Onions
like it dry, and squash likes it warmer.
We talked about root cellars,
canning and dehydrating foods, and we discussed the use of silica
bags to keep out moisture. All kinds of ideas came from different
members of the group. By pooling these ideas and agreeing to go in
together on purchasing certain items, we save time and money, plus
it is far better getting these things done ahead of time, before
disaster strikes.
At our last meeting the topic
of discussion was “communication.” We brought in Star Beacon
columnist Ray Larsen, who is a ham radio operator. He gave an
enlightening talk on radio and the various modes of communication
that are possible in the event of an emergency.
We depend so much on
communication in this day and age. Cell phones rule the
communications world as do computers. Amateur radio (ham radio)
has been around for decades, and it’s the hams who go into action
during national emergencies, when other modes of communication
have broken down. They can talk long distance — sometimes across
the world — informing others of weather conditions, news, etc. I
have a brother in Nevada who has been a ham for more than 50
Ray showed the group a
hand-held ham radio, which is a far cry from the monstrous
equipment my brother housed in his “shack” many years ago. But you
need to be licensed as a ham in order to transmit. Anyone can
listen in, but to talk to others requires FCC licensing.
We discussed citizen’s band
(CB) radios, and the group consensus was that CBs are more
practical for local communication. Truckers rely on their CB
radios to talk to one another on the long stretches of highway,
and Ray pointed out that Channel 19 for CBs is the main avenue for
communication. If you want to know what’s happening, tune your CB
in to Channel 19. The emergency CB channel is 9.
The group discussed buying CB
radios and keeping them in our homes, charged up, in case of an
emergency. One person brought up the fact that in the event of a
power failure, how could we keep our CBs working? A regular car
battery charger relies on electricity, along with a marine or RV
battery. It was suggested that we get solar battery chargers to
solve this problem.
CB radios work well locally,
but are of no use for long-distance communications. Here is where
ham radio becomes a preference. There are also wind-up or
battery-operated radios on the market, some which include bands
for short wave and ham.
I would suggest that if you
are serious about becoming prepared for what’s ahead, you find
others in your neighborhood or community who would like to get
together and discuss similar topics. There is power in numbers and
it is amazing the amount of information generated by someone who’s
good at surfing these topics out on the Internet.
Community is an important part
of surviving the times ahead. By preparing ahead, members can
decide who is expert at one thing or the other, and you can form a
chain of communication to check up on one another. Besides, it’s
fun getting together in each others’ homes, discussing these
things, and enjoying iced tea and home-baked cookies.
those of you who sent me get-well cards or e-mails wishing for a
speedy recovery. I’m back to normal after my June surgery and
buzzing around once again as Doug calls me ... the “Busy Bee.”
your copy of Ann's latest novel, Rainbow
You can view
her articles on Relationship Transition at the Denver
Examiner, Do a search on site for Ann
Ulrich Miller.
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