Vol. 22, No. 4 - April 2008

The latest issue of The Star Beacon is available now, featuring Water power and free energy by Michael Tellinger; and Local man showcases 'do-it-yourself hybrid', by Gregory Conroy (Valley Journal). Also contained within its pages are Germany first country to admit chemtrails exist, by Sandra Lee; The Past and Future of Computer Technology, by Hannah Beaconsfield; Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali; Crop Circle of the Month, by Commander Sanni Ceto; Cosmic Book Reviews; DISC-ussion by Ann Ulrich Miller; Commander's Star Base by Commander Sanni Ceto, and The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller, as well as other goodies. Follow the links for a sample of the articles in the April issue.

The April issue is in the mail now!


Annette Vetter is back!

by Ann Carol Ulrich

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Recent Release...
by Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto

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by Karen Weinant Gallob
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Water power and free energy
by Michael Tellinger

Is it ancient knowledge or a new discovery? www.slavespecies.com


Letters from Readers
by Rich Heiden, Sara Hockenbery, Valerie Benson and Joan Lynch

Corrections, feelings, memories and time travel.


Local man showcases 'do-it-yourself hybrid'
by Gregory Conroy

Fred Pulver's build-it-yourself hybrid propulsion unit using hydrogen and oxygen.

The Pleiadian Light: The Past and Future of Computer Technology
through  Hannah Beaconsfield
The source of our computer technology and its rapid development is revealed through the Pleiadian Light.

Law of attraction ebook, conscious living and dying, and God's new book
Cosmic Book Reviews by Ann Ulrich Miller
From Reaction to Attraction by Thomas Sladek; Practicing Conscious Living and Dying (stories of the eternal continuum of consciousness) by Annamaria Hemingway; And Then God Said, Then I Said, Then He Said... (a Godumentary by Celest, David and Suzy Ward.

The Meaning of It All: Spring — A Time for Change
by Ann Ulrich Miller
Why I'm having a hard time letting go of Winter.

Conversations With Chief Joseph and John Cali
Letting Go

by John Cali
Technical problems led to a "day from hell."

Germany first country to admit chemtrails exist

by Sandra Lee

Clandestine chemtrail operations finally acknowledged by the German government.


Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET

by Commander Sanni Ceto

The process of using glass incubators that simulate gestation aboard spaceships.


Crop Circle of the Month

by Commander Sanni Ceto
Interpretation of "The Spiral"


The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep
Cartoon by  Marcellina Beckwith
An excuse for being out late.


edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
Gov't's 'politically correct' answer; UN source tells of secret UFO meeting.


New Web Sites up
Commander Sanni Ceto's new Web site, and The Literary Works of Ann Carol Ulrich (Miller).



The April 2008  issue also contains classified ads, upcoming events, and other intriguing tidbits of information you won't want to miss.



Check out last month's Star Beacon

A look at previous issues of
The Star Beacon
can be found in the Subject Index

(still under construction, but more are being added each month!)

Star Beacon Subject Index


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This site last updated April 4, 2008

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