Vol. 22, No. 3 - March 2008

The latest issue of The Star Beacon is available now, featuring Remember Boriska, the Boy from Mars? by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot); and Gary McKinnon, Whistleblower, by T. Stokes. Also contained within its pages are Awakening the Chakras, Part 2, by ThunderBeat; The Pleiadian Light: Support for Ascension Energies: Hexagonal Water, by Hannah Beaconsfield; Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali; Spiritual Strength, Health and Happiness;, Part 6 of the 11 Universal and 11 Star Laws by Standing Elk; Crop Circle of the Month, by Commander Sanni Ceto; Cosmic Book, Music and Film Reviews; EarthTalk: Human overpopulation; and The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller, as well as other goodies. Follow the links for a sample of the articles in the March issue.

The March issue is in the mail now!


Annette Vetter is back!

by Ann Carol Ulrich

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Recent Release...
by Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto

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by Karen Weinant Gallob
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Remember Boriska, the Boy from Mars?
by Bill Ryan and Kelly Cassidy

The Project Camelot team goes to Russia and interviews Boris Kipriyanovich, the Indigo child made famous in a Pravda feature by Gennady Belimov.


Gary McKinnon, Whistleblower
Guest Opinion by T. Stokes

He's doing much for lifting the UFO coverup.


Awakening the Chakras, Part 2
by ThunderBeat

Blocks in the chakras, the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

The Pleiadian Light: Support for Ascension Energies: Hexagonal Water
through  Hannah Beaconsfield
Hexagonal water might help ease some of the discomforts and imbalances of ascension symptoms.

Cosmic Book, Music and Film Reviews
by Ann Ulrich Miller
Earth Shift by Judith Horky; The Artist & The Alien (about Shirlè Klein-Carsh); Cosmic Dream (music by ThunderBeat) and the DVD, The Silent Revolution of Truth (about Billy Meier's predictions).

The Meaning of It All: Getting Over It
by Ann Ulrich Miller
One of the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz says, "Don't take it personally." So why did I?

Conversations With Chief Joseph and John Cali
The Tennis Racket Technique

by John Cali
One way to rid yourself of something from the past that may be holding you back.

Spiritual Strength, Health and Happiness, Part 6 of The 11 Universal and 11 Star Laws

by Standing Elk (edited by Sheri Gould)

UNCI (Opens doorways for Unification of Self) from The Grandmothers.



Poetry by Robert Stomel


Crop Circle of the Month

by Commander Sanni Ceto
Interpretation of "Cosmogenesis"


Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET

by Commander Sanni Ceto
Transponders and the difference between angels, extraterrestrials and humans..


The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep
Cartoon by  Marcellina Beckwith
Hmm... a cattle snack.


EarthTalk: Will human overpopulation result in extinction?
By the editors at E/The Environmental Magazine
Green groups don't like to discuss human population growth. Why?


In memoriam
The passing of Dan Ames, son of Jack and Waneta (subscribers) and Sari (Lucille McNames).



The March 2008  issue also contains classified ads and other intriguing tidbits of information you won't want to miss.



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The Star Beacon
can be found in the Subject Index

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Star Beacon Subject Index


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This site last updated March 5, 2008

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