Vol. 22, No. 6 - June 2008

The latest issue of The Star Beacon is available now, featuring Niara Isley's early abduction experiences by Ann Ulrich Miller; and A Smokin' Gun: The US, USAF, UFOs and Aliens, by A. Lee Yin. Also contained within its pages are Universal Law of Innocence, Truth and Family, by Standing Elk (edited by Sheri Gould); Earth Talk: Is wind the new darling of alt-energy developers?, by the editors of E/The Magazine; Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali; The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller; Crop Circle of the Month by Commander Sanni Ceto;  DISC-ussion by Ann Ulrich Miller; Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto;  as well as other goodies. Follow the links for a sample of the articles in the June issue.

The June issue is in the mail now!


Annette Vetter is back!

by Ann Carol Ulrich

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Recent Release...
by Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto

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by Karen Weinant Gallob
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Early abduction experiences lead to increased awareness
by Ann Ulrich Miller

Niara Isley, Durango artist and life coach, talks about her abductions and how Expolitics has come of age.


Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET
by Commander Sanni Ceto

Q & A about Nibiru, hybrid races and angels.


A Smokin' Gun: The US, USAF, UFOs and Aliens
by A. Lee Yin
How to productively use the Freedom of Information Act in your search for answers.

Conversations With Chief Joseph and John Cali
The Myth of Reincarnation

by John Cali
Past, present and future are all simultaneous... so how can we have "past" lives?

Universal Law of Innocence, Truth and Family
Part 7 of the 11 Universal and 11 Star Laws

by Standing Elk (edited by Sheri Gould)

Spider Grandmother teaches the Web of Relations.


Crop Circle of the Month
By Commander Sanni Ceto

The Twins


Cosmic Book Review

by Mau
Why the Wind Blows — A History of Weather and Global Warming, by Matthys Levy.


Earth Talk: Is wind the new darling of alt-energy developers?

by the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine
How is wind power faring in the US now?

The Meaning of It All
: Divine Assistance
Ann Ulrich Miller
A scene from the author's autobiography, Throughout All Time.


edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
Moving NESARA forward, and Indian head formation found in Canada on Google Earth.


40 Tips for a Better Life
Ways to a happier life!


New Web Sites up
Commander Sanni Ceto's new Web site, and The Literary Works of Ann Carol Ulrich (Miller).



The June 2008  issue also contains classified ads, upcoming events, and other intriguing tidbits of information you won't want to miss.



Check out last month's Star Beacon

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The Star Beacon
can be found in the Subject Index

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Star Beacon Subject Index


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This site last updated June 3, 2008

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