Vol. 22, No. 10 - October 2008

The latest issue of The Star Beacon is available now, featuring Will Blossom Goodchild's predicted mass UFO sighting force disclosure? by Stephane Wuttunee; and An Angel Among Us Departs by Ann Ulrich Miller. Also contained within its pages are Twin Flame Reunions, by Mary Mageau; Cosmic Film and Music Reviews; The Pleiadians, A Channeling, by Charlotte Goodwin; Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali; Sanni's 50th Incarnation Day Trip, by Jujuolui Kuita; 9D Perspective on the October 14, 2008 First Contact by Jelaila Starr; Spiritual Protection of Family Part 8 of the 11 Universal and 11Star Laws by Standing Elk;  DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich Miller; Awakening the Chakras, Part 3 by ThunderBeat;  as well as other goodies. Follow the links for a sample of the articles in the October issue.

The October issue is in the mail now!


Annette Vetter's 3rd mystery!

by Ann Carol Ulrich

Order your copy today!
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Recent Release...
by Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto

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by Karen Weinant Gallob
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Will Blossom Goodchild's predicted mass UFO sighting force disclosure?
by Stephane Wuttunee

Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm.


An Angel Among Us Departs
Ann Ulrich Miller

The editor's beloved husband and soul mate, Ethan Miller, passed on Sept.12, 2008.


Twin Flame Reunions
by Mary Mageau
Twin Flames originate from the same soul that was created by Father/Mother God from the great field of unconditional love and being.

Conversations With Chief Joseph and John Cali
by John Cali
Joseph has something to say about the predicted October 14 UFO sightings.

The Pleiadians, A Channeling
by Charlotte Goodwin
When I was a child, I had a certain fascination with the vastness of our Universe. I often looked at the sky, both day and night, and wondered "what" and "who" was "really" up there.


9D Perspective on the October 14, 2008 First Contact
by Jelaila Starr
Galactic Federation Protocols for Planetary Engagement regarding contact with Earth and her people.


Spiritual Protection of Family

by Standing Elk
Part 8 of The 11 Universal and 11 Star Laws (edited by Sheri Gould).


Awakening the Chakras, Part 3
by  ThunderBeat
Chakras' Energies and Rotations, Karma, Past Lives and How They Affect the Chakras, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra..


by Ann Ulrich Miller
A Day in Pagosa Springs.


Cosmic Film and Music Reviews
"Tuning In," "Encounters with Angels, UFOs, and Divine Messages" (DVDs) and "Sacred Tones" (CD).

Sanni's 50th Incarnation-Day Trip
by Jujuolui Kuita
Military doctors always told Sanni Ceto she wouldn't survive past her 30s, so to mark this milestone of reaching age 50, Sanni and Juju take a sight-seeing trip through Arizona.


The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep
Cartoon by Marcellina Beckwith


For Sale: Home on 74 acres along National Forest

Check out this beautiful 4 bedroom home in southeastern Ohio.

The October 2008  issue also contains classified ads, upcoming events, and other intriguing tidbits of information you won't want to miss.



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This site last updated October 12, 2008

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