compiled by her characters
Romantic Sci Fi
written under the name
Ann Carol Ulrich
When I was in my early 20s, my husband Jeff Ulrich and I were students at Michigan State University. The inspiration for the first novel in The SpaceTrilogy series cane to me when I took a paranormal literature class at MSU. I woke up one morning and heard some people outside our bedroom window speaking in a foreign language. Years later, when I became interested in life on other worlds and esoteric subjects, I developed the story, originally titled "Speak No Evil," into science fiction, and eventually I added two sequels to make the trilogy.
in The Space Trilogy
Johanna Dobbs
Johanna Dobbs:
My career as a concert pianist
peaked 10 years ago.
My brother Manley looked after me
since I was a child, after we lost our parents in a car accident. He has always
been overprotective and shooed away any potential suitors. I’m sensitive, I’m
sheltered, and probably you could say I’m inexperienced when it comes to men and
life in general.
So, the day after the ballet, when things went haywire in my
life, I was totally unprepared for the disruption of my sanity. Life in the
mental ward of a hospital was nothing compared to what lay ahead for myself and
some of my fellow patients.
Serassan: The conversion to an Earth body was necessary to fulfill Estron’s mission. I did not know at the time that one of the Terrans we had targeted would turn out to be my "special one." The first time I heard her music, my mission began to crumble and my destiny changed.
Manley Dobbs: My beautiful sister has disappeared and I am beside myself. I’ll never forgive that renegade Doctor Serassan for taking his patients out on a road trip. Who does a thing like that? How can beautiful Johanna have lost her life when the bus pitched into the river? Where are the bodies? But worse yet ... where is my own sanity when I keep having dreams about spaceships and messages that tell me Johanna is alive!
Thorden: Ahhh ... Earth women are so desirable! That concert pianist has Serassan under a spell, but I’ve got my eye on that little Russian ballerina. Once we get on board the ship to Karos, I know I can provide plenty of entertainment and compensation to the innocent one. But no one else must know!
ISBN 978-0-944851-02-9 September 1988, Paperback, 178 pages USD $6.75
#2 in The Space Trilogy
Manley Dobbs: I started up the UFO Contact Center after my divorce from my wife. Doris couldn’t take any more of my eccentric behavior after I lost my sister, Johanna. Her body was never recovered, and shortly after I started having dreams that Johanna is alive. Janet Wetzel, my sister’s doctor, doesn’t dismiss my dreams like everyone else. She supports what I’m doing to help UFO contactees, and now I have a mission -- helping others who have interacted with aliens.
Johanna Dobbs: Serassan is my husband now and we live on Karos, near his native world, Estron. We are part of a small colony of Earth humans brought here by the Estronians. I like it here. I’m happy being with the man I love. I thought I’d never go back to Earth again, but something has come up and they have asked Serassan to return to Earth on a mission. I insisted on going with him. I might be able to see my brother again and explain to Manley what really happened to me. I wonder if it would be too much for him. Oh ... there’s that darn pain again ... I’m sure it’s nothing, but maybe Serassan will let me see Plipquum, the Estronian healer, before we leave for Earth.
Dorothy Myers: I need help. I just had a frightening experience while driving at night through Nebraska. I don’t remember much about it, except that I know something happened to me. And what about the missing time? What about the flashbacks I’ve been having and the dreams about distorted heads with huge eyes leaning over me on a table? I think I’m going crazy. I think I’ll call that number I saw in the newspaper ads ... the UFO Contact Center. Maybe I was abducted!
ISBN 978-0-944851-06-7 July 1994, Paperback, 209 pages USD $11.95
#3 in The Space Trilogy
Crystal Dobbs: If you think being a teenager is hard, how about being a teen who is a hybrid? It’s hard enough living on a planetoid where there aren’t a lot of people my age. But at least I have a few friends on the ship where I get my schooling. Still, the Estronian girls make fun of me and my looks. The Earth refugee kids on Karos are cool, but I really want to go into space and work on a mother ship. Father understands, but Mother thinks my idea is crazy. I haven’t told anybody that I know that my Special One is out there -- not on Karos!
Blake Dobbs: I'm 16 and I'm not happy about my dad and mom insisting we move to Colorado. They believe there's going to be some cataclysmic event and it won't be safe living in Illinois anymore. My friends think my parents are whacko because Dad runs the UFO Contact Center here in DeKalb. But I had this dream the other night ... and I could swear it was real ... a Light Being was in my room and woke me up. Whatever he told me I don't remember. It was just a dream, but now I kinda wish it was real.
Blue Jay: I live on board The New Jerusalem, a spaceship that watches over Planet Earth. Hey, it's cool being in space and meeting new people, especially ones from other worlds. It sure beats the life on the streets of Chicago. I just made a new friend named Blake Dobbs. He digs music like me and we hit it off from the start, him on the guitar, me on the harmonica. We're groovin'!
ISBN 978-0-944851-23-4 January 2005, Paperback, 302 pages USD $14.95
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