Annette Vetter Adventure #1
Mandy Mitchell
Mandy Mitchell: Annette and Penny came to stay a week with us at our ranch in Colorado. Boy, are we ever havin' fun! I couldn't wait to get those two on horseback and take a ride over to the hills, never mind that my parents forbade me to go there. At the time I guess it was just too temptin' ...
Penny Duncan: It was so cool that Annette asked me to fly to Colorado with her to visit the Mitchell ranch. It was our first ride on an airplane, for one thing, but for me it was the first time on a horse. I almost fell off ... well, actually I DID fall off!
Penny Duncan
Britches: I work for the Mitchells and live out in their stable, where they have a spare room. I couldn't confide in anyone. I was sworn to secrecy, to protect the woman I love. I s'pose Mandy and the other girls believed I'm some kind of criminal. Well, it got complicated ... but then Jebb Hickory got kidnapped too. That other feller ... he was more innocent than the rest ... and he got the worst of it.
AUTHOR: The Mystery at Hickory
is the first in the Annette Vetter adventure series. The first draft was written
when I was 15 years old. Later on, I changed the location from Texas to
Colorado, but most everything remained the same. Nearly 40 years later, the book
got published. All of the books that follow this first adventure are set in
Wisconsin, Annette's home state (as well as mine).
ISBN 978-0-944851-25-8 August 2006, Paperback, 192 pages USD $9.95
Annette Vetter Adventure #2
Chris Hilgert
Chris Hilgert: I met Annette in my Art class and liked her right away. I just moved to Ravensville with my mom and sister Sue. Mrs. Kendall knew my mom and had an apartment for us to rent. My mother isn't well. She's on medication and sleeps a lot. We're poor without my father paying child support, though I recall that not long ago we didn't seem this bad off.
Randy Privett: What a pathetic little town this is. I'm not thrilled that Sue insisted on moving to Wisconsin with her sick mom and kid sister. I want to marry Sue as soon as possible, but she won't leave her mother and the only work she can get is in a bar. Her ol' lady can't stand me, but I'm not worried about her. I'm concerned about Chris having a new best friend who seems to see right through me! I'm going to have to be really cautious before my plan goes into action ... and if that country girl gets in the way, I know what I have to do.
I've got a crush on Pete Randt, the new boy in our sophomore class. Chris
Hilgert just moved to Ravensville and doesn't know anyone, so I invited her to
our slumber party. I want to help Chris because they're so poor and I don't get
good vibes around her sister's fiance.
ISBN 978-0-944851-28-9 September 2007, Paperback, 196 pages USD $9.95
The Secret of the Green Paint
was also written in my teens. It appears that Annette's Art class challenges
will crop up in the future (as in Annette Vetter #8) as it does in this novel.
Slumber parties, cute guys, high school football games and prowlers are part of
Annette's adolescent life, and her future is being paved when she is confronted
in this September mystery with her first murder case.
Annette Vetter Adventure #3
Luke Elliott
Luke Elliott: I'm a HAM radio operator and have a mobile unit in my car so I can talk to other HAMs wherever I go. Right now I'm staying at my aunt and uncle's farm in Ravensville because I decided to drop out of college, to take some time off while my parents are touring Europe. Besides, Aunt Marge said they could use some extra help. Didn't know I was going to meet a girl like Annette ... and naturally I sensed that my cousin Pete has a thing for her ... but that won't stop me from asking her to the Homecoming dance. Sorry, Cousin. Snooze you lose!
I came to Ravensville because I knew Maggie and Stu, a couple of hippies living
out in the country. I figured I could make a killing in some of these small farm
towns, but those two teeny boppers are giving me trouble. The one in particular
seems to have a nose for smelling trouble where trouble brews ... and I'll admit
it, I've been trouble most my life. But I'm clever, and I came up with a scheme
to push my goods, and those girls will never guess the part they are playing.
Pete is just so shy. I thought he was going to ask me to Homecoming long before
this. Yeah, he doesn't have a lot of money, but I'm a cheap date ... at least I
think I am (giggle). Penny got asked by Dennis Schaefer and she doesn't
even like him -- she just wants to go to Homecoming. Well, okay ... so do I ...
I just wish it were Pete I was going with.
ISBN 978-0-944851-30-2 July 2008, Paperback, 160 pages USD $9.95
The Pouting Pumpkin Mystery
was written the summer I turned 20. The HAM radio aspect of the story was
influenced by my older brother Jon Schumacher, whose amateur radio hobby
fascinated me since I was a little girl. I found a way to incorporate HAM radio
into this mystery story, Halloween pumpkins, and the Homecoming theme.
Annette Vetter Adventure #4
Pete Randt
Pete Randt: I'm so glad Annette and Penny were able to come and baby-sit while my mom's in the hospital having the new baby. Being the oldest, it's kind of hard for me to be in charge of seven kids and also get the milking done for my dad. It's a good thing Reid is here to help. Dad can't pay him much, but at least he gets room and board. What a lucky thing this happened on Thanksgiving and we have a long break from school. Nobody expected this big snowstorm, however. It's a doozy!
Helen Vetter: After 11 years there's a man in my life again. Earl was one of my patients at the hospital and he was kind and grateful to me. He wanted to take me out, but at first I turned him down. Then he sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers, so I gave in. The romance developed quickly, and suddenly he asked me to marry him! He wants to move us to Black River Falls and has offered to pay for Annette's college. I never knew such good fortune could befall us. Then again, am I make a mistake? I really don't know Earl that well.
I'm only seven years old. Sometimes I think my family expects too much from me.
Mommy's at the hospital and I overheard them say something went wrong. I am so
worried, but I don't know what to do. I'm glad Annette and Penny are here to
take care of us. Annette, especially, took notice of me and has been very nice
to me. I wish Kay and Linda hadn't talked about the ghost in our attic room. I'm
scared to go up there!
ISBN 978-0-944851-33-3 November 2011, Paperback, 192 pages USD $9.95
The Legend of the Lantern
was unfinished in a drawer when I picked it up decades later and made it into
the fourth Annette Vetter adventure. In this book Annette is starting to mature
a lot and is not happy that her mother might marry a man who wants to disrupt
their lives by moving off their farm and to a larger city. Poaching and ghosts
are the two themes of this one!
Annette Vetter Adventure #5
Terry Knutson: I have relatives in Ravensville. I don't know who yet ... or how many. But my birth father was from west-central Wisconsin, according to Uncle Will, who said he knew him. I'll never understand why Mom kept that information from me. She had told me I had a different father than Ruby, but it wasn't until after she died that I got to see my birth certificate for the first time. What a shock! Now it's my mission to find my blood relatives.
Will Knutson: Ruth took her life. Her drinking took its toll, and after find out Bob was Missing in Action, I guess she just couldn't take any more. Now I've got these two kids of hers that are wanted by the FBI. I understand why they don't want to be found. I'll do my best to help, but the last thing I wanted was to change my lifestyle. I'm a loner, but I'm not heartless. And that little Ruby is a gem.
Helen Vetter: The holidays are here again and this year I am so depressed. Annette is almost all grown up now, and my job at the hospital keeps me busy, but is not making me feel complete. For the past nine years I had plenty to do to take my mind off my loneliness. Now ... I don't know what I'm going to do after Annette finishes high school. It was exciting when Earl was courting me, but that didn't last, and even though he said he'd call me, he never did.
ISBN 978-0-944851-42-5 July 2008, Paperback, 232 pages USD $9.95
In the Shadow of the Tower
is probably my favorite book in the Annette Vetter series
because Annette has been an only child all her life, without a dad, and secretly
wishes she could have a brother or a sister ... as evidenced by her Christmas
list. It introduces the new characters into her life, Ruby and her brother
Terry, who happen to be wanted by the FBI!
Annette Vetter Adventure #6
Penny Duncan: Just what is going on with Annette lately? I don't understand why she's been dragging her feet to invite Pete Randt to the Valentines Dance. I really want to ask him to the dance myself, but how can I do that when he's Annette's boyfriend? Well, yes, it's true, I secretly know that Pete likes me. But I would never betray my best friend!
Clyde is so cute! I'm so happy Mom let me have a
kitten. It's helped quite a bit after all my horrible nightmares. Doctor Randall
says I'm to tell Annette and Terry my dreams. My family are the only ones who
know I'm seeing a shrink. I sure hope it helps me get over what happened to me
in Colorado Springs.
Bob Foley: I don't know my real name. I got hurt really bad after the lieutenant and I got captured by the Viet Cong. Kim-Ly, my nurse, is not much older than my daughter who has blonde hair. It makes me sad that I can't remember her name or what she looks like. I don't know if I'll ever get out of here alive, and even if I am rescued, I have no idea where I used to live or who my wife is. Amnesia is worse than all the physical injuries I've sustained her in this jungle.
ISBN 978-0-944851-45-6 July 2016, Paperback, 204 pages USD $9.95
The Ground Hog Mystery
is a significant leap for Annette's fulfillment of being
part of a family with the pending adoption of Terry and Ruby. She has feelings
for Tim Duncan, but feels obligated to ask Pete Randt to the Valentines Dance,
not realizing that her best friend, Penny, has been holding back an ironic
truth. Livestock rustlers are wreaking havoc in the rural country and when they
damage the livelihood of a few of Annette's friends, she's determined to catch
the perpetrators.
Annette Vetter Adventure #7
Bob Foley: It's been a long journey since I returned from Vietnam two months ago. I left Colorado Springs several days ago. When I got to Madison and stopped at Will's trailer, he said the kids weren't there. On Easter morning I drove to Ravensville, expecting to find Ruby and Terry at the Vetters' farm. The neighbor boy was there and said they'd gone to Minocqua for spring break. Well, here I am in Minocqua. It's beautiful. I have no idea where to find my kids. All Time told me was they had gone to a lake house. There are dozens of lake houses in this resort. Since I'm short on money, I'm going to camp out. Hopefully, I'll find them. If I don't, there's no telling what will happen to me.
Fern Parker:
I'm thrilled that my cousin Nettie and her best
friend and her new little sister are staying with us at the lake house for
spring break. I got to see Aunt Helen and meet Terry, Annette's new brother. But
my mind is on other things, such as the sudden death of one of our regular
guests, who drowned. And also my new love interest who's hanging out in a
deserted cabin across the lake. I don't dare tell Mom or Dad about him or they
might turn him in!
Ruby Foley: It's hard to enjoy spring break when there's so much on my mind. I'm glad I made friends with the Parkers' dog, Jabbo, who's old. Annette and Penny are enjoying themselves. Cousin Fern seems a bit reserved, but I don't know why. I keep thinking of my dad. I also can't forget the horrible thing that happened to me in Colorado Springs. If Terry hadn't come at the right moment, it would have been worse. Everybody wonders why I keep telling them my dad is alive. I just know he is, but I don't think anybody believes me.
Tim Duncan: I', graduating in early June. In September I'm going to college in Eau Claire to get my degree in agricultural engineering. I've dated lots of girls in high school, but I always knew somehow I'd end up with Nettie. She's one of a kind. Getting involved in mysteries just seems to be Annette's natural talent. She's not looking for them to solve ... they somehow just find her!
ISBN 978-0-944851-49-4 June 2017, Paperback, 192 pages USD $9.95
AUTHOR: Spring Break at the Lake House is .
Annette Vetter Adventure #8
Annette Vetter: I don't want to think about the future. Tim just showed me his acceptance letter to the university at Eau Claire. When he goes off to college next September, how will that affect our relationship? We've been going steady only a couple of months. What if he finds a new girl? I'm also concerned about not being asked to prom yet. I know Tim has been busy working for his dad, trying to earn as much money as he can to save up for school ... but all of my other friends have been asked to prom, and Tim hasn't asked me yet! There's also something strange going on with Ruby's dad, Bob ...
Tony Petrosky: I really dig that sophomore chick in my Art class, Annette. I've got to find a way to get to know her. Since I'm new here at Ravensville High, maybe she'll talk to me. I need to know what she's all about ... and what she knows. I heard she was involved in the cops arresting some people. It could come in handy to gain her trust. Prom's coming up. I wonder if anyone's asked her yet.
Foley: I'm raising
baby chicks! And I can milk the cow myself ... but I'd rather not have to. It is
so wonderful having my dad here living in the back yard in his trailer. I'm so
happy! But Annette's not ... I have a feeling she and Tim had a fight, and then
she got really sick and couldn't go to school for a few days. I'm so glad I have
a sister! And I'm really hoping ... oh, so much ... no, I'd better not tell you
what it is.
ISBN 978-0-944851-60-9
August 2020, Paperback, 264 pages USD $9.95
AUTHOR: In Prom Night Annette realizes that as she grows closer to adulthood, challenges increase and mysteries are no longer games. The Ravensville Police Department is thinking of recruiting her as a summer intern, but she's going to think about that first. Meanwhile, all her friends have been asked to prom and Tim has been too busy on the dairy farm to recognize her anxiety. Insecurities begin to plague her with Tim leaving for college in the fall ... will he find another girl?
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