compiled by her characters
Romantic Suspense Novels
I absolutely love writing romantic suspense. Of course throughout my life I have read a lot of books in that genre and consider Daphne Du Maurier and Phyllis Whitney my mentors, along with Victoria Holt. My style is to include a touch of the paranormal.
by Ann Carol Ulrich
Winnie Grant
Winnie Grant:
I'm a young widow. I have a
boyfriend, George, but it's casual. My job at the Spundale Star has given
me the opportunity to find out what happened to Rob Pelton, my boyfriend in high
school. I'm working on a feature article about Pelton Manor, where he grew up,
and what I've found out about his family, so far, has me very worried.
teach chemistry at Spundale High School. Winnie went there when she was young.
I've been taking things slow with her because she lost her husband and I know it
still hurts. I would never do anything to hurt her.
But lately something has upset her. I don't know what it is. I want to help .... but she's closed herself off from me. I'm feeling frustrated.
Clara McCloskey: I was the housekeeper at Pelton Manor. Irene Pelton is a strong-willed woman, but she has moments when she just can't deal with things. I don't know what's she's up to, but I have a feeling there's something she doesn't want me to know. Her headstrong daughter-in-law, Marcia, is a real piece of work. The manor is much too large for just two people ... well, three when Miss Rosie is home ... which isn't very often. Ah, but I love that girl!
ISBN 978-0-944851-17-3 November 1999, Paperback, 201 pages USD $11.95
by Ann
Ulrich Miller
Rhea Sinclair: I couldn't leave Aspen last fall. My parents begged me to come home with them, but I couldn't leave Parker. How can I tell anyone that he runs with me every day on the Rio Grande Trail when I jog? Nobody else can see him, of course, but we have conversations. He's proud of how I've kept up jogging, and I know he hears the music when I practice the piano. We were about to be married. Oh, why did he have to die?
Trey Michaels:
Rhea thinks I'm
just a dirt bag cowboy. I came from Texas to Aspen so I can ski. I work for an
outfitter and I handle the horses. I'm good at what I do. I must say, I never
met a woman quite like Rhea. She's a challenge to me.
is she so difficult to get to know? I never met such a stubborn woman. She's
pretty sensitive too. I'd better be careful around this one.
Mona Whitecloud:
Rhea’s roommate and her best friend. She’s late with her rent again, but it’s a
good thing my dad owns the building. I can cover for her, but she’s proud and I
know she’s trying her best to earn a living any way she can. That gig at The
Lucky Find didn’t bring Rhea any luck, that’s for sure. But she didn’t have to
quit her job, she could have just reported that old Mr. Cocksucker ... or at
least threatened to! (What a jerk.) Sometimes I think Aspen is too much
for Rhea. Her life would have been perfect had Parker lived and they’d gotten
married. But now ... well, I’m afraid she’s going to give up and move back to
her parents.
Parker Sherwin: Rhea's the only one who can see me. And I couldn't be prouder of her for keeping up her jogging. We talk when she's on the trail. But I don't trust this guy, Trey. And I know she can't help her attraction to him. I can't let go of her. Fate shattered our dreams. It just seems so unfair ... I love her!
Author's Note: Sonata Summer was inspired by my years living in the Roaring Fork Valley during the early 1980s, My then-husband Jeff worked for the US Forest Service, Aspen District. I won a scholarship to the Aspen Writers Conference in 1984 and was employed part-time for both The Aspen Times and The Snowmass Village Sun. Aspen has changed a lot since then. But it is a magical area, and my love for music and playing the piano made this book a pleasure to write.
ISBN 978-0-944851-35-7 May 2012, Paperback, 192 pages USD $11.95
by Ann Ulrich Miller
FINALIST in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards (2015)
own a light and healing center in my beloved mountains of Colorado. Now I've
brought Juniper, my niece all the way from Kansas, to the Rainbow Majestic
Lodge, to work with me. I knew I'd like her even before I met her. So far I'm
pleased with how she's blossomin' amidst all this new age exposure, and I can't
wait to let her in on my surprise.
Max Leachfield: I'm 9 years old and an only child. My mom and dad both work at the Rainbow Majestic Lodge. I'm home schooled, and there aren't any kids to play with here. I like to go exploring and I discovered the secret passageways that lead into the old part of the lodge ... where the so-called ghost lives. Am I scared? My dad says there aren't such things as ghosts. My mom says there are. I guess one of these days I'll find out.
Clover Wolff: Juniper’s like, my best friend ... and I just met her! She probably thinks I’m some kind of like, tramp. Well, it’s true I did stay behind in Wade City that night to party with those cowboys. But hey, a girl deserves a little fun now and then. I don’t think Juniper’s like me, but hey, she’s balanced and she’s sweet. I know she has a crush on Wes, but he’s just so darn good looking, I’m sure she can’t help herself. I learn a lot about people when I give them massages. I think Juniper’s going to like, find some guy more down to earth than Wes Andrews ... still, he’s the best-looking guy at the Majestic. Well ... next to that hunk from Russia, Vlad!
Drake Phillips: Rosalee depends on me to keep things running at the lodge. I still call it the Majestic Mountain Lodge, which is what it used to be called when Fred Sutton, her husband, was in charge. I don’t object to her turning a hunting lodge into a new age ashram. As a matter of fact, I agree with the lightworkers’ philosophy most the time. I’ve always been a bit psychic myself, but I try not to let that get around. I much prefer the facade of being a mountain man. When Juniper arrived in Colorado, I was startled to discover that I knew her from before ... somewhere ... I haven’t been able to figure it all out yet and, besides, she’s got a thing for Wes. You think I don’t know?
Author's Note: Rainbow Majesty is my "lightworker" novel, inspired by the wonderful friends I knew well in the North Fork area of Colorado. The Rainbow Majestic Lodge is based on Electric Mountain Lodge, still there today, and many of my closest lightworker friends in that area made it easy for me to create dynamic characters. Aunt Rosalee's character was based on a dear friend now departed, Honey Lee, who once was the proprietor of Electric Mountain Lodge. She was an influential person in my spiritual growth as were all of my friends memorialized in this story.
ISBN 978-0-944851-32-6 July 2010, Paperback, 280 pages USD $15.00
by Ann Ulrich Miller
Peg Espinosa: BJ hired me to be her new ad manager! Well, why not? I'm good at what I do. I'm a people person and I love BJ! I love her enthusiasm and I love her boldness with starting up a new shopper in the Lower Valley. I wonder what Grant Tucker, publisher of The Mountain Sentinel, will do about that. Hmm ... it looks like BJ has a crush on him already.
Grant Tucker
Merle Franklin: Just because BJ and I broke up doesn't mean we're no longer friends. Quite the contrary. She can't do without my technological expertise, and I'm happy to be there for her. Janie? I'm not that concerned about what she thinks. Part of me hopes BJ's new paper will fail and she'll come back home to Dexter.
Jason Martin: My mother is my boss, but she's the best boss I'll ever have. I'm not sorry she got divorced from my dad long ago ... I always knew he was a jerk. Oops, don't let Mom know I said that. I had to take a break from college. I have one more semester to go, but I was getting burned out and I certainly didn't want to spend the summer in Utah at Dad's company again. The Lower Valley rocks, and especially now that Kelcie McKelvie is working at the Buffalo Billboard.
may be her dead sister, but I'm not stupid. BJ was better off in Dexter, working
at the Chronicle. Now that she's living in Blanca Hills, I'm afraid my secret
will get exposed. How am I going to stop her?
Author's Note: The Dream Chasers was inspired by my six-month venture with the Cochetopa Weekly Shopper that I started in Monte Vista, Colo., in August 2002. I hired my son Ryan to be my right-hand man, and will never forget the wonderful people who worked for me. The "dream" dissolved when I ran out of money and rejoined my patient husband, Ethan, in Paonia, CO. Many of the happenings in this novel are based on actual events that occurred ... although it is definitely fiction ... and the people I employed inspired the different characters. I will always have fondest memories of that time in my life.
ISBN 978-0-944851-56-2 November 2018, Paperback, 326 pages USD $15.00
produced by EARTH STAR PUBLICATIONS • P.O. Box 267 • Eckert, CO 81418 • email:
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