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Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET

from the September 2009 Star Beacon

By Commander Sanni Ceto
Q: Dear Commander,
      Is there such a race as the Nordics? Supposedly they look like tall humans in their normal form and have settled here many many centuries ago. It’s said that they are a “nice” race.
      Do you know anything about the year 2012? I doubt it’s the end times, but I do believe that something is going to happen.

A: Dear Truther,
      The Nordics are related to and descended from humans from the Pleiades and other neighboring sectors. They were the ancestors to modern humans, though most humans were interbred with ape-like creatures and ancient Pleiadian scientists.
      These people are very kind and live in harmony with Earth and its life forms, and not against it, like modern humans of Earth.
      The year 2012 will usher in many changes — internal and external to the planet — and its solar system. Many new frequencies and vibrations will be merging, and an energy upheaval will occur. This, combined with Earth’s solar system merging with the inner-most photon belt energies connected to a merging Andromeda galaxy, will intensify the light and dark forces in a war for dominance and control over the planet’s many resources.
      Internal earth changes, combined with a chaotic climate, will bring many turning points for the planet. Humans will need to listen to Earth and tune into her cries for help and listen to the changes as time and other things will speed up as the Earth shifts her energies to merge with the Andromeda galaxy. Many large asteroids will be seen as signs of these upcoming events.

                                                                Love, Commander Sanni

Q:  I have read an article in one of my company’s Brand Magazines about Sanni Ceto and it made me quite curious. There have been many dreams in my life about being in space ships and I also had an out-of-body experience where I saw two “blues” and I felt I knew them. Many times I wondered about it, but have not had courage to dig deeper, since I have been afraid of what I would find.
      I often don’t feel at “home” or that I fit in, and I have a lot of knowledge, a “know how: that I can’t explain. I feel a bit lost at the moment, possibly out of fear, but would love to find out more about my origin and who I am. Do you have any suggestions at all?                         Monica

A: Dear Monica,
      These “blues” are a type of highly evolved energy being from the Pleiades and Andromedan galaxies. They are your guides and teachers, who are showing you in your dreamtime how to prepare for your future role of teaching others as they have taught you. Fear will make them withdraw from giving you your gifts and will prevent them from nurturing your inner abilities that you will use to heal this earth.
      The ships you saw were physical, but on a different dimension that you don’t reside in every day. Your home world is in the Pleiades and Andromeda. The reason you are afraid to dig deeper is that it might shatter your world views that you were taught from a child onwards. You are afraid that it might reveal things that consciously you aren’t ready yet to see or understand as it might show things to you differently than what you have been programmed to see.
                                                            Love, Commander Sanni


Q:  Dear Commander Sanni,
      I had a vivid dream that I was looking into the face of another person. The person was just looking at me curiously and I was looking back. When I woke up, I realized the face had to be an ET. I’ve enclosed a drawing that is as close as I can remember it. The head had no hair and no eyelashes or eyebrows. There didn’t seem to be ears. I can’t quite remember the mouth, but it was small and I felt it was smiling. I sensed a very benign individual. The strongest feature was the eyes. They were very large and dark, but there was a definite iris, like ours, only bigger. Do you recognize this drawing as a type of ET? If so, can you identify it?
                                                            Peace, Hannah Beaconsfield

A: Dear Hannah,
      The being you described is a type of android —an organic creation of artificial intelligence that was created via milabs.
                                                            Love, Commander Sanni

Q:  Dear Friend,
      I must tell you this occurrence before I ask my question. I believe there are other life forms out there. One night I had fallen asleep but was woken up with an incredible sense of fear, but then love and excitement, to see two ETs looking at me through the bedroom window. The second time
      I was told by what you would call a hybrid that had come to Earth and picked up the people who where willing to leave Earth cause something was going to happen, and this hybrid told me I have been suffering for a long time and knew exactly where and when I got hurt.
      The third time I was at home and it was late at night. I was woke up with fear, love and excitement, to see two ETs walking or taking shape through my closet door, and I remember that one of them was the same ET from the first time.
But honestly, I was upset and told them they had no right to be in my house since I didn’t ask them to be there. The one ET, I remember, looked at me and I could sense he was hurt or upset.
My question to you is, if I had told them that they weren’t welcome, could I have upset them, and is this the reason why I haven’t seen or felt their presence since that time?

A:  Dear José,
      These ETs were sent to you from your guides, and when you projected it out that you didn’t want them in your place, that gave them the message that you no longer desired contact. They sensed your fear as well and that, too, told them not to contact you.
                                                            Love, Commander Sanni

If you don’t see your answer here, check the Commander’s Web site, Questions may be submitted there.

Listen to Commander Sanni on Internet Radio
Recent Shows:
July 6, 2009 - UFOs and the Paranormal with Preston Dennett, BBS Radio (

Strange Frequencies Radio #021
Topic: The Roswell Incident
Guest(s): Col. Jesse Marcel Jr. and Commander Sanni Ceto (                                 

       EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have questions to ask ET, please direct them to Commander Sanni by e-mail at, or send them in to The Star Beacon, 216 Sundown Circle, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.

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