Vol. 22, No. 7 - July 2008

The latest issue of The Star Beacon is available now, featuring Earth Environmental Situation Update from the 12 Altimarian Environmental Scientists here by Richard Boylan, Ph.D; and Pendulum use can be risky, letter by Jean M. Landahl. Also contained within its pages are Bad times invite compassion, letter by Irene; Earth Talk: How to keep cool without air conditioning, by the editors of E/The Magazine; Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali; NASA sponsors course on how to talk to aliens, by Tom Leonard; Disclosure Project info comes to Denver; The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep cartoon by Marcellina Beckwith;  DISC-ussion edited by Ann Ulrich Miller; Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto;  as well as other letters and goodies. Follow the links for a sample of the articles in the July issue.

The July issue is in the mail now!


Annette Vetter's 3rd mystery!

by Ann Carol Ulrich

Order your copy today!
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Recent Release...
by Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto

Order your copy today!
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by Karen Weinant Gallob
Order your copy today!
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Earth Environmental Situation Update
from the 12 Altimarian Environmental Scientists here

Dr. Richard Boylan gives a report on the Altimarian (extraterrestrial) scientists monitoring our environment.


Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET
by Commander Sanni Ceto

Q & A about Zeta culture; invisible ships; life/death; Nibiru, Annunaki and Iraq.


NASA sponsors course on how to talk to aliens
by Tom Leonard
English students at the University of Wyoming are taking "Interstellar Message Composition."

Conversations With Chief Joseph and John Cali
Life Among the Dandelions

by John Cali
Ever stop to smell the roses? What about the dandelions?

Disclosure Project info comes to Denver
Steven Greer, MD, founder of The Disclosure Project, brings his presentation to Denver on July 9.


The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep
By Marcellina Beckwith

Out of gas!


Pendulum use can be risky

Letter by Jean M. Landahl
Response to the January 2008 article on the use of the pendulum to get answers to questions.


Earth Talk: How to stay cool without air conditioning

by the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine
There are other ways to stay cool besides A.C.


Niara's story fascinating
Letter by  Chris Maynard
Response to the feature article in the June 2008 issue about Niara Isley's abduction experiences.


edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
Welcome, Vorian!; www.etmedical.com; earth changes.


Bad times invite compassion
Letter by Irene (name withheld)
A subscriber's tribulations lead to the request by the editor for donations.

by Cary Dickey, Bob Huth and Robert Stomel
"New Jersey's Area 51?"; "Speculating on what we will do"; poem: "Infinity."


Annette Vetter talks back!
She's been 15 years old for going on 41 years. She has a thing or two to say about her authoress!



The July 2008  issue also contains classified ads, upcoming events, and other intriguing tidbits of information you won't want to miss.



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The Star Beacon
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This site last updated June 30, 2008

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