
Volumes I  & 2  (April-December 1987 and January-December 1988)




The Eagles are gathering (1987, No. 1)
Project Alert
(1987, No. 5)
Gathering of the Eagles continues
(1987, No. 6)
Thought is hot off the press
(1987, No. 8)
Lifted Up,
by Julian Joyce (1987, No. 8-9)
Order your copy of Thought (1988, No. 1). Earth Star has published a book by Julian Joyce.
Research pointers, letter by Ron Michaels (1988, No. 7).
The Gathering of the Eagles, by Menno Pauls (1988, No. 9, 10, 11, 12). Reprint of his book.


First novel on UFO abduction to be released in September (1988, No. 7). Announcement of Ann Carol Ulrich’s Intimate Abduction.
Been places, letter by Dr. Bob
(1988, No. 12). The writer discusses the novel Intimate Abduction by Ann Carol Ulrich.


‘UFOria’ shown on cable (1987, No. 2)


Latest in New Age music (1987, No. 1)


The Search, by Morning Star (1987, No. 8)
, by Morning Star (1987, No. 8)
Triad, by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 3)
Mo-wa, the Intellectual ET, by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 4)
Growing Up (author unknown) (1988, No. 5)
Triad of Life: Triad of Death, by Mo-Wa, the Zeta Reticulan (1988, No. 6)
Atlantis Rising, by Mo-Wa of Zeta Reticuli (1988, No. 8)
The Rose, by Elizabeth James Johnson (1988, No. 9)
I Am, by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 9)
Star poetry (1988, No. 9). Ten poems by Mo-Wa of Zeta Reticuli, Winston Sarafian and Elizabeth James Johnson.
A Prayer, adapted from Guerillas of Grace (1988, No. 10)
A Dying Soul in Search of Her Soulmate (Name withheld) (1988, No. 11)
I See the Light, by Mo-Wa of Zeta Reticuli (1988, No. 12)
Mother, by Elizabeth James Johnson (1988, No. 12)
The Light, by Elizabeth James Johnson (1988, No. 12)
What Is Love? by Elizabeth James Johnson (1988, No. 12)
Thoughts by Mo-Wa of Zeta Reticuli (1988, No. 12)


National Harmonic Convergence, by through Sari (1987, No. 5). July 25, 1987 message.
Messages channeled through Sari to appear in future issues
(1987, No. 6). Phrado gives encouraging message on the Harmonic Convergence, “What Is Man?” (Aug. 19, 1987).
Alioth warns man to align with Nature’s rhythm
, through Sari (1987, No. 8-9). Dated Feb. 23, 24, 25, 1985.
The Cause of Nervous Breakdown, through Sari (Sept. 24, 1983) (1988, No. 1-2). Dr. Walter Russell discusses what a nervous breakdown really is.
Shroud of Turin: Evidence of Light in Action, through Sari (1988, No. 3). Excerpt from Sari’s book, Startling Revelations.
The Lid’s Off! through Sari (March 8-9, 1988) (1988, No. 4-5). Sari’s mentors discuss the functions of the glands of the human body.
Mo-Wa Speaks, by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 5). Zeta Reticulan philosophy.
The Crystal Connection, through Sari (1988, No. 6). Yogananda discusses crystals and how they can benefit us.
Communion, through Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 7). Mo-Wa, the Zeta Reticulan.
Mo-Wa Speaks Again, through Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 7). Essay, “What is Wrong.”
Soul-Searching Questions, through Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 7). Essay by Mo-Wa the Zeta Reticulan.
Spirit photos are radiowave imprints, through Sari (July 7, 1988 and May 20, 1988). (1988, No. 8). Alioth tells in detail how spirit photos are accomplished.
To Find the Light, through Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 9). Essay by Mo-Wa of Zeta Reticuli.
To Find the Truth, through Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 9). Essay by Mo-Wa of Zeta Reticuli.




The Cause and Cure of AIDS, by Fred Pulver (1987, No. 6). The disease AIDs, from a macrobiotic point of view.
Coming of Age: The Evolution of Macrobiotics
, by Fred Pulver (1987, No. 7). The author discusses the benefits of a macrobiotic lifestyle.
Psychiatrist declares New Age rage healthy, by Harold and Arline Brecher (1988, No. 9). Reprinted from Enquirer, Aug. 9, 1988. Professor of psychiatry encourages New Age ideas for family-oriented Americans who have moved long distances from relatives and friends.


The Secret Power of Crystals, by Ann Carol Ulrich (1988, No. 4). Interview of Laurel Williams, Glenwood Springs, Colo. massage therapist who uses gemstones and crystals in her practice.



Trekkie Trivia (1987, No. 2)
, by Ann Ulrich (1987, No. 2). “You guys really meant it when you said you weren’t photogenic.”
Familiar UFO?
letter by Paul Schumacher (1987, No. 7)
Photo of President Reagan having drinks with three aliens
(1987, No. 8)
, by Ann Ulrich (1987, No. 9). “Oh-oh. It’s Another one of those UFO flaps.”
Ufological Crossword (1988, No. 2)
ET’s Ahead 1 Mile (1988, No. 5). Photo of road sign in Paonia, Colo.





Lifted Up, by Julian Joyce (1987, No. 8-9)




The Sedona Vision, by Jackie Blue (1988, No. 2). The author’s experience of a past-life vision in Sedona, Ariz., upon returning from the 1986 UFO conference in Phoenix.



‘The Gathering’ is center of learning and sharing in Grand Junction (1988, No. 5). Marie Yeager holds weekly meetings for sharing and healing.



8th Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation to be held July 9-11 in Laramie (1987, No. 2).
Jorpah to be held Labor Day weekend
(1987, No. 2).
Papers being sought for presentation at conference
(1987, No. 9). International Conference on Paranormal Research scheduled for July 1988.
Paranormal Research Conference (1988, No. 4)
9th Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation to highlight Fourth of July weekend in Laramie (1988, No. 5).
Paranormal conference at CSU to explore psychic phenomena (1988, No. 5).
Five UFO Contact Center International directors (1988, No. 8). Photo taken at 9th annual Rocky Mountain Conference, July 1988.
Jorpah set for Labor Day weekend (1988, No. 8).
Ozark UFO conference to be held in April (1988, No. 11).
Conference update (1988, No. 12).


August meeting under the stars (1987, No. 5)
August Harmonic Convergence to awaken humanity
, by Kathie Dame (1987, No. 5). Reprinted article from Sedona Times, July 22, 1987.
Next UFO Contact Center meeting to be held Sept. 26
(1987, No. 6).
American Legion will honor Dr. Bob
(1987, No. 7)
April meeting scheduled (1988, No. 3).
Annual barbecue will be held May 14th in Delta (1988, No. 5).
UFO Contact Center meeting July 22 (1988, No. 7).
Expedition to Peru/Bolivia scheduled for April 1989 (1988, No. 8).
Update on trip to Peru
(1988, No. 9).
Local UFO Contact Center to meet twice (1988, No. 10).


Conference was disappointing (1987, No. 5)
Beacon mistaken about conference, letter by R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D. (1987, No. 6).
UFO conference in Laramie a tremendous success, by Ann Ulrich (1988, No. 7).
What’s happening at the Colorado UFO Contact Centers, by Ann Ulrich (1988, No. 12).





Spirit photos are radiowave imprints, through Sari (July 7, 1988 and May 20, 1988) (1988, No. 8). Alioth tells in detail how spirit photos are accomplished.


Lucille McNames is back on the beam (1987, No. 5). Sari’s life story in a nutshell.
The Risk of Channeling, by Gail Swanson (1988, No. 9). The author contends that automatic writing, although intriguing, opens one up to possible harm.




Photo of spirits around coffin (1988, No. 6) Authenticated by George Meeks, researcher investigating Life Beyond Death, courtesy METAscience Foundation Inc. through Sari.
Photos of F. Juergenson
(1988, No. 6). Former researcher of spirit communication before his death and on video following death, courtesy of META science Foundation Inc.
‘Deadman’ makes TV appearance on the day of his funeral
(1988, No. 6). Reprint of article from George Meek’s newsletter, Unlimited Horizons, spring 1988.


Astronomical Almanac, by Harv Howard (1988, No. 1). Advertisement.



Ozone windows, letter by K.G. (1987, No. 4)
Final preparations
, letter by Richard Gregory (1987, No. 4).




Alien “ELF”s among us, by Fred Pulver (1988, No. 6). The author explores Extremely Low Frequency radiation (ELF) in regard to our physical well-being.
Teslar shielding device
(1099. No. 6). Advertisement.
ELF radiation
, letter by Lucille McNames (1988, No. 7). Feedback on Pulver’s article.




George Adamski’s last lecture, by Julian Joyce (1987, No. 2). The author recounts Adamski’s three-hour lecture in a stuffy Washington, DC basement.
UFOs will not save our world
, by Fred Pulver (1987, No. 3). Contact experiences of Fred and Dolores Pulver of Carbondale, Colo.
Jackie Blue, Star Sister
(1987, No. 6). Contactee Jackie Blue recalls early UFO memories.
Star Sister — The Quest for a Mission
, by Jackie Blue (1987, No. 8). Jackie Blue recalls memories and how she got into ufology.

A bit about Pat McGuire
(1988, No. 1). Wyoming rancher Pat McGuire’s life fell apart after a series of UFO landings on his property in 1971.
Uncovering the mystery
, by Jackie Blue (1988, No. 1). Report of Chris Franz’ hypnotic regression revealing a UFO contact in 1981 with her son and rancher Pat McGuire.
Mental Health and the Contactee
, by Harv Howard (1988, No. 2, 3, 4). The author discusses the personal transformation that many UFO contactees experience.
Kari: A Contactee Story
(1988, No. 7-8). A young woman’s life-long history of UFO experiences containing diary excerpts.
Needle Rock, an Enigma
, by Ann Ulrich (1988, No. 10). Interview with Jane Cartwright (Hokulani) of Crawford, Colo., who lives at the base of Needle Rock, a vortex and location of numerous UFO sightings.
In waiting
, letter by Kristy Buckles (1988, No. 12). The writer speculates that now is not a comfortable time in which to live.


Are wreckage and bodies discovered in Himalayas extra-terrestrial? (1987, No. 7). Reprinted article from Weekly World News, Sept. 22, 1987, in which climbers discover bodies of six possibly space aliens on an icy mountain top.
Janema, Memories of a Transplanted Alien (1988, No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
And furthermore... letter by Lucille McNames (1988, No. 3). The writer thinks the idea of “Gray” aliens is ludicrous.
Numbering is off, letter by Jane Cartwright (1988, No. 7). The writer criticizes inconsistency in Janema’s column.
Mo-Wa gives warning, letter by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 7).
Testimonial, letter by Gail Swanson (1988, No. 9). The writer uses references to the Bible in discussing space beings.
Letter to the editor, by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 11). The writer discusses Mo-Wa, the Zeta Reticulan and the blue moon in May 1992.
Visitors from Zeta Reticuli, by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 11). The writer discusses some of his visitor experiences and information he receives from Mo-Wa on Zeta Reticulans.
Reticulans, letter by Winston Sarafian (1988, No. 12)


Experts speak on southern Wisconsin sightings, by Marv Balousek (1987, No. 4). Reprinted from Wisconsin State Journal, June 6, 1987, on Don Schmitt and Richard Heiden of CUFOS giving lecture on Belleville, Wis., UFO sightings.
UFOCCI associate directors merge centers
(1987, No. 4). Jackie Blue and Ann Ulrich merge to create Delta County UFO Contact Center.
APRO’s co-founder transits 19 months after husband (1988, No. 6). Coral Lorenzen’s passing.


Who are the M.I.B.s? by Ann Ulrich (1987, No. 7). An excerpt from Intimate Abduction, the author’s novel, followed by some true encounters with Men in Black.
Pertaining to M.I.B.s, letter by Brent Raynes (1988, No. 1). Another reported encounter with the Men in Black.
Pertaining to M.I.B.s, letter by Harv Howard (1988, No. 1). Feedback on the M.I.B. chopper article from December 1987 issue.
Air Force claims UFO was Soviet rocket (1988, No. 9). Military officials explain away UFO as possible debris from launched Soviet rocket.


NASA photo of UFO from Gemini XI flight, 1966 (1987, No. 1)
NASA photo of UFO from Sky Lab III, 1973
(1987, No. 1)
UFOs seen on Nevada/California border
, by Jim Middleton (1987, No. 2). June 1984.


Report on sighting at Needle Rock, by Dr. Bob (RJ Gallagher) (1987, No. 2).Dr. Bob’s UFO sighting in Crawford, Colo., 1985.
UFOs over southern Wisconsin picked up by radar tracking station
, by Ron Seely (1987, No. 2). Excerpts from Wisconsin State Journal article, March 13, 1987, on Belleville, Wis., sightings.
UFOs manifest over Glenwood Springs
(1987, No. 3).
Thirsty spaceship draws water from Washington lake
, by Dr. Bob (RJ Gallagher) (1987, No. 3). Lawrence Stevens’ UFO experience in the 1940s.
‘Tis the season
, by Ann Ulrich (1987, No. 4). Local UFO sightings.
Boomerang object flashes across Highway 92
(1987, No. 4). Julian Joyce’s UFO sighting in Delta County, Colo., in June 1987.
Discrepancy — an alien safeguard?
letter by Lawrence Stevens (1987, No. 4). The author’s recollection of a UFO sighting differs from the story published in an earlier issue.
Southern Wisconsin UFO sightings continue
, by Ron Seely (1987, No. 5). Reprinted from Wisconsin State Journal, July 15, 1987, on two Waunakee, Wis., police officers who see a UFO.
Local report of orbiting UFO
(1987, No. 6). Delta, Colo., resident Stan Volk’s tracking of a UFO on Sept. 11, 1987 using a psionic device.
UFO visits Jorpah
(1987, No. 7). A UFO was sighted in Seattle in September 1987.
Putting two and two together in shades of Startling Revelations
, by Julian Joyce (1987, No. 8). Possible evidence of space brothers sealing geological faults in western Colorado.
Possible M.I.B. chopper lands in Glenwood
, by Lynn Burton and Jan Osnes (1987, No. 9). Reprinted from Roaring Fork Valley Journal, Nov. 25, 1987. A woman’s report of a black helicopter landing at the West Glenwood soccer field on Nov. 14, 1987.
Australian flying egg cup treated as serious matter (1988, No. 2). Reprint of AP article in The Denver Post, Jan. 22, 1988. During a UFO encounter in Australia, the speech of a woman and her son is altered, and a black powdery ash is found in their car.
UFOs were reported by newspapers 20 years before the Wright Bros., by William Newcott (1988, No. 2). Reprint from the National Enquirer, Feb. 2, 1988. There is a history of UFO sightings that dates back to the late 1800s.
Those nocturnal lights aren’t always UFOs, by Jay Dodman (1988, No. 2). An amateur astronomer points out common objects in the night sky that observers mistake as UFOs.
A UFO tail, letter by Barbara Nielsen (1988, No. 7).
Paonia sighting occurs on 8/8/88 (1988, No. 9). Julian Joyce’s report of UFO sighting from his window on Stucker Mesa on Aug. 8
UFOs over Lake Michigan (1988, No. 9). Reprint from Wisconsin State Journal, Aug. 18, 1988. Several northeastern Wisconsin residents report UFO sightings over Lake Michigan.
Washington dentist’s lost UFO photos turn up three years later, by Scott Phillips (1988, No. 11). Dr. Scott Phillips’ brief history regarding UFO photos he took on the Grand Mesa of Colorado in July 1985.
UFOs sighted locally (1988, No. 11). Reprint of article in Glenwood Post, Oct. 3, 1988, of two simultaneous UFO sightings in the Rifle area and Paonia/Hotchkiss on Sept. 29, followed by an Oct. 6 sighting in Delta.
Pillar of Light, by Bonnie Easterly-Huber (1988, No. 12). Bonnie Huber describes her experience of seeing a UFO and a pillar of light in October 1984 that she shared with her ex-husband, Julian Joyce, while driving over Black Mesa in western Colorado.


About the UFO Contact Center (1987, No. 1)
Ufology plagued by controversy
, opinion by Ann Ulrich (1987, No. 5). Controversy surrounds Meier’s contact case as well as other UFO cases.
Are you on file?
opinion by Ann Ulrich (1987, No. 6). Discussion about UFO percipients being black-listed.
Aspen has gone UFO!
(1987, No. 8). Larry Koss works toward bringing a symposium on UFOs to Aspen, Colo.
The word ufology
, by Richard W. Heiden (1988, No. 1). The writer critiques the adopted use and meaning of the word “ufology.”
The E.B.E.s: An Opinion, by Ann Ulrich (1988, No. 3). John Lear’s letter about MJ12 and the UFO controversy provokes us to believe there is a government coverup.
UFO landing site planned for Wisconsin town (1988, No. 3). Reprint from Wisconsin State Journal, Feb. 7, 1988. Elmwood, Wis. is the proposed site of a landing facility for UFOs.
Letter to the editor, by Richard Heiden (1988, No. 4). Request for inserting paragraphs omitted from his article on the word “ufology.”
Keeping an open mind, letter by Brad Basler (1988, No. 8).
With thanks, letter from D.M. (1988, No. 9)
No joy ride, letter by Roy Kotval (1988, No. 9). The writer takes issue with Brad Basler’s letter from August.
Be Not So Quick to Condemn, guest editorial by Roy Kotval (1988, No. 9). Reprinted from Search, Summer 1986 issue. The author shames those of religious backgrounds who preach that ETs are evil, listing many examples and references, including the Bible.
Open letter to the world community regarding UFO contact, by José Arguelles (1988, No. 11). The author says intelligent contact through creation of a collective human harmonic grid is the only course to follow, and time is of the essence.

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