Volume XXIII (January-December 2009)
The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep, by Marcellina Beckwith
(No. 1). “Out of gas... and Pepsi.”
The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep, by Marcellina Beckwith (No. 2). “Swamp Gas.”
Pink Bird by Hartmut Jager (No. 4).
The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep, by Marcellina Beckwith (No. 4). “Opportunity
and Spirit in a race.”
Welcome Home, Star Child ( (No. 5).
UFO painting, Ann Ulrich Miller and Hartmut Jager (No. 9).
Cosmic Book Review, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 1).
The Orb Project by Micael Ledwith and Klaus Heinemann. Orbs are a phenomenon
whose time has come.
Cosmic Book Review, by Marty Ulrich (No. 1). The Hydrogen Age by
Geoffrey B. Holland and James J. Provenzano.
Cosmic Book Review, by Marty Ulrich (No. 3). Winning Our Energy
Independence by S. David Freeman.
Cosmic Book Review: Civilization may be older than we thought, by Jon M.
Schumacher (No. 4). Axis of the World—The Search for the World’s Oldest
Civilization, by Igor Witkowski.
Cosmic Book Review: Sage-ing along with age-ing MacLaine, by Ann Ulrich
Miller (No. 4). Sage-ing While Age-ing by Shirley MacLaine.
Cosmic Book Review: Setting the record straight with Roswell, by Jon M.
Schumacher (No. 6). The Roswell Legacy by Jesse Marcel Jr., Linda Marcel
and Stanton T. Friedman.
Cosmic Book Review: Experience a piece of UFO history, by Jon M. Schumacher
(No. 7). Behind the Flying Saucers by Frank Scully.
Cosmic Book Review: Been on any haunted hikes lately? by Alecia Sanders (No.
8). Haunted Hikes: Spine-Tingling Tales and Trails from North America’s
National Parks, by Andrea Lankford.
An ET’s book critique, letter by Kanai Callow (No. 9). The writer comments
on Throughout All Time by Ann Ulrich Miller and adds some of her own ET
Cosmic Book Review: No matter what you call it, it’s still New Age, by Ann
Ulrich Miller (No. 9). Unfinished Evolution: How a New Age Revival Can Change
Your Life and Save the World, by Teena Booth.
Cosmic Book Review: Roswell coverup supported by evidence, review by Marty
Ulrich (No. 10). Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government’s Biggest
Cover-up, by Thomas J. Carey, Donald R. Schmidt, George Noory and Edgar
Mitchell (revised and expanded edition).
Cosmic Mini Book Review: Communicating with the Dead from (No.
11). The Psychic in You, by Jeffrey Wands.
Cosmic Book Review: Got a question for Jesus? by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 12).
A Question for Jesus, by Tonika Rinar.
‘The Cottage’ is delayed, letter by Sara Hockenbery
(No. 5). Editorial delays on subscriber’s first published novel.
Klaatu’s farewell message to the people of Earth (No. 5). The speech made to Terrans by Klaatu in the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Cosmic Music Review, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 3). “Ancient Sun,” Thunderbeat’s new CD
A Message from Laraine, through Michael Sawicki (No.
The World of Tomorrow, by Mara Morouney (No. 2).
Special beloved poem, by Joan Lynch (No. 4).
Wait, by Robert Stomel (No. 4).
A Precious Human Life, by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama (No. 8).
I Am, by Spirit Healer (No. 8).
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John
Cali (No. 1). “A Laughing Matter.” Laughter helps you feel good, and feeling
good is the secret to getting all you wish for.
Secrets, through Ambassador Julieanux (No. 2). “The Adompla” and “The Vahu
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 2). “Year
of Empowerment.” By honoring ourselves instead of caving in to please others, we
reclaim our birthright of empowerment.
Message from Matthew: Answers to questions about Ascension, through Suzanne
Ward (No. 3). Excerpted from Matthew’s February 2009 message about Earth’s
ascension, light, and concerns such as diet and the economy.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 3). “You
always get what you ask for unless...” Manifesting works best when we get out of
the way.
The Secrets of the Adompla, by Ambassador Julieanux (No. 3). Another
installment of “Vahu Lessons.”
The Pleiadian Light: Time, the Infinite Onion, through Hannah Beaconsfield
(No. 4). We think time is changing, but we are the ones who are actually
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 4). “Death
of a Friend.” The author celebrated when he lost his childhood friend to death.
The Pleiadian Light: A financial collapse to create balance, through Hannah
Beaconsfield (No. 5). What we can expect now and in the future with the new
range of economic levels.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 5). “Does
praying do any good?” Prayer is most effective once we understand how to do it
to bring about the best outcome.
Matthew’s take on the swine flu scare, through Suzanne Ward (No. 6).
Biowarfare will not succeed, according to Matthew Ward.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 6). “Smell
the Roses.” Too many people are in a hurry and don’t take time to enjoy life.
Olympia, letter by Misha McKorn (No. 7). The writer shares channeled
information she received about a ship in the Ashtar Command called Olympia.
The Pleiadian Light: An energy shift in ancient power sites, through Hannah
Beaconsfield (No. 7). The Pleiadian Light responds to a question about Egypt and
the rumor that its sacred energy has been “turned off.”
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 7).
“Expectations Revisited.” You always get what you expect, whether you want it or
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 8).
“Danny.” Chief Joseph discusses people who “die young.”
The Pleiadian Light: Encounter with a Crystal Skull, through Hannah
Beaconsfield (No. 9). Crystal skulls are databanks of information about our
origins, among other things. A dream about a pink skull leads to a message from
Rosie about the crystal skull project.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 9). “Gods
and Glaciers.” A comparison of God to glaciers: transformation.
Message from Matthew: Illuminati are losing their fast-eroding power,
through Suzanne Ward (No. 10). Sept. 21, 2009 message discusses the
establishment’s resistance to hold onto their power to control us.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 10). “Toxic
Living.” The idea of “mindful consumption” and how positive, loving thoughts are
more powerful than negative, hateful ones.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 11).
“Hiding Our Talents.” Meany of us deliberately hide our talents and downplay our
strengths, instead of claiming our power.
Conversations with Chief Joseph and John Cali, by John Cali (No. 12).
“Polarity.” Only when we see the oneness in all of us will polarity and
separation disappear.
Walk in the awareness of your Light at all times, SaLuSa through Mike
Quinsey (No. 12). SaLuSa from Sirius gives an encouraging message of hope for
peace on Earth.
Proposal for Vision 2013, letter by Bob Huth (No. 1).
The writer offers a proposal of New World principles, experiences and intentions
for the year 2013.
More of Vision 2013: A Prayer of Who I Am, letter by Bob Huth (No. 2). More
information on his Vision 2013.
Synchronicity and holy earthquakes, by T. Stokes (No. 3). Strong
synchronicity with an earthquake.
Vision 2013 continues to unfold, letter by Bob Huth (No. 3). More on Vision
Seeking the like-minded, letter by Lisa Schaeffer (No. 4). Looking for pen
Embracing the dark within, letter by Elanthra with Archangel Michael (No.
6). Looking at the shadow self can be beneficial.
Gentle, conscious and creative, letter by Carol Landau (No. 8). Different
truths require discernment.
Insights from White Owl, letter by White Owl (No. 8). Remarks on the
editor’s “black orb” experience in Aztec, N.M. and observations about humanity.
Silver and gold, letter by Bob Huth (No. 9). The writer compares AU
(appreciate units) and AG (appreciation-gratitude) to gold and silver.
Not in the clouds, letter by Ambassador Julieanux (No. 9). A message for
starseeds comes to the writer about waking up and getting our heads out of the
The portal is a Merkabah, letter by Sheri Gould (No. 11). The portal over
Denver, as reported in the October issue, is shaped like a Merkabah, according
to the writer.
All life is precious — honor it, letter by Sara/Ambassador Julieanux (No.
12). The writer expresses her love of nature and plants.
Eleven hints for a healthier lifestyle (No. 4). Ways to improve our
bodies and our lives.
Sprained foot awareness, by Bob Huth (No. 5). A reader shares his
recognition of new awareness when a sprained foot puts a damper on his spring
Natural healing saved my life (Part I), by Ella T. (No. 6). A woman’s
personal healing experiences.
H1N1-H5N1 Flu Outbreak implicates Anglo-American ‘vaccine pipeline’ says expert
Dr. Leonard Horowitz (No. 6). Horowitz suggests that doctors are part of a
conspiracy to depopulate the world through viruses.
Matthew’s take on the swine flu scare, through Suzanne Ward (No. 6).
Biowarfare will not succeed, according to Matthew Ward.
Natural healing saved my life (Part II), by Ella T. (No. 7). The writer
shares her personal experience in overcoming breast cancer using natural
Chemtrail poisoning in the handprint, by T. Stokes, consultant palmist (No.
8). An analysis of a client’s handprint that shows detrimental effects from
metal poisoning.
Need to Know: Forced vaccinations are the real threat against your health and
freedom (No. 8). An Austrian journalist, June Burgermeister, is suing WHO
for engineering the swine flu to create a pandemic.
Want to prevent the flu? Slice an onion... by Weldon (from an e-mail on the
Internet) (No. 12). How a sliced onion helped prevent a family from the flu
during the 1919 epidemic.
Herb of the Month: Raspberry Leaf (No. 1). Uses and
benefits of raspberry tea.
The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep, by Marcellina Beckwith
(No. 1). “Out of gas... and Pepsi.”
And God created Dog... the story of Adam and Eve’s pets (No. 9). A whimsical
look at pets interwoven into the story of Adam and Eve.
The Misadventures of Meeb-Beep, by Marcellina Beckwith (No. 2). “Swamp Gas.”
If my body were a car (No. 10).
Free Abundance Breakthrough Project on April 15 (No.
4). Jo Dunning offers a special program, free of charge, to help create the flow
of abundance.
The Secrets of the Adompla, by Ambassador Julieanux (No. 4). “Vahu Lesson
for April.”
Which colors can reflect your mood? by Lynn Zingel (No. 10). Why we react
to certain colors and how our clothes and decor can enhance our moods.
An amazing breakthrough for removing blocks to manifestation, by Krystael
(No. 11). the writer talks about her personal experience in manifestation using
a pendulum and dowsing to get answers.
Message from Matthew: Answers to questions about Ascension,
through Suzanne Ward (No. 3). Excerpted from Matthew’s February 2009 message
about Earth’s ascension, light, and concerns such as diet and the economy.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 11). “Our Ascension is
Imminent.” Just as winter’s approach is unavoidable, Earth’s ascension, targeted
for 2012, is on its way. Some ideas for preparing for difficult times.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 4).
“When Mu Got ‘Abducted’ on Stevens Gulch.” an excerpt from Throughout All
Time, about the author’s cat who disappeared during a camping trip.
Regressing into the future, letter by Joan Lynch (No. 6). The writer’s
experience being regressed at a conference into the future.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 9). “Jessica’s Warning and
Other Weird Stuff.” The editor shares her experience of hitting a cat after a
“warning” from Jessica, her own kitty, and shares a message about her late
husband during a group session with psychic Trisha Dolan.
Soliloquy to an Angel, by Michael Sawicki (No. 2). A parting message from a husband to his recently departed wife, Laraine Ferrara.
Assignments from January 2009 to December 2011, by
John Walsh, Edgar Cayce Centre (No. 1). Monthly affirmations for changing your
Inspiring Change... I Love You, by Michael Berg (No. 2). An essay on love
that emphasizes giving rather than expecting something from the loved one.
The Sacred Merkaba, by White Owl (No. 2).The key to understanding how we
move from one dimensional level to another is explained through this tetrahedron
Dark Night of the Soul, by Jelaila Starr (No. 4). A time when dysfunctional
beliefs are brought to our attention in order to change them.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 5). “The Magic of
Manifestation.” The editor discusses her trip to Colorado in March to attend a
UFO conference and how she manifested the sale of her property and was able to
purchase a new home.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 7). “Is the Four Corners a
lightworker mecca?” The editor summarizes what brought her to the Four Corners
area and wonders if the region is a magnet for lightworkers.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 8). “A New Dream to
Manifest.” Reflecting on the events of the past year, the editor shares her new
dream of starting a light and learning center, prompted by several psychic
readings pointing in that direction.
The Awakening (No. 11). Anonymous article from Robb Moon’s “Soul Growth
Healing Sessions.”
The Separated Self, by Fred Pulver (No. 11). Experiencing altered states of
consciousness may be enhance by eating the right foods.
Declaration of Cooperation, by Dr. Thomas Hansen (No. 12). A declaration to
change life on Earth for the sake of unity, freedom and goodness.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 12). “Successful
manifestation happens.” Southwest Light and Learning Center is founded as a
nonprofit institute for higher awareness in Pagosa Springs, Colo.
Aztec UFO 2009 (No. 2). Aztec, N.M., March 27-28,
Ozark UFO Conference (No. 2). Eureka Springs, Ark., April 10-12, 2009.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 3). Aztec UFO Conference, Ozark UFO Conference,
and Western Slope Paranormal Metaphysical UFO Discussion Group.
Star Kids and Adult Star Seeds Workshop June 27-28 (No. 6). Kanab, Utah.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 6). Transformation Conference 2009—Paranormal
Explorations; UFOs, Ancient Mysteries and Beyond; Swim with Dolphins in Bimini;
2009 Paranormal Symposium.
Upcoming Events (No. 7). 2009 Paranormal Symposium, A Galactic Gathering.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 8). 40th annual MUFON UFO Symposium; 2009
Paranormal Symposium, Star Kids/Parents/Star Seed Adults Workshop; The Universal
and Spiritual Laws of the Universal/Star Knowledge Teachings; A Galactic
Upcoming Conferences (No. 9). 2009 Paranormal Symposium; Star
Kids/Parents/Star Seed Adults Workshop; The Universal and Spiritual Laws of the
Universal/Star knowledge Teachings; Awake & Aware in LA; A Galactic Gathering.
We may be on the brink of new economic system and ET disclosure, from www.miracles (No. 8). The Vatican makes the new economic system official with an announcement before the G-8 Summit in Italy.
Aztec UFO Symposium draws 350 participants, report by Ann
Ulrich Miller (No. 5). The 12th annual Aztec, N.M. UFO symposium was well
attended with a variety of exciting speakers.
Dulce Base Conference ends with more questions than answers, report by Norio
Hayakawa (No. 5). The March 29 first conference at Dulce, N.M. drew 120 people
and had to move to a larger building to accommodate the overflow.
Gathering opens Portal of Light in Denver on Sept. 27, by Ann Ulrich Miller
(No. 10). Special report on the Denver conference Sept. 25-27 with speakers Dr.
Norma A. Milanovich, Rainbow Eagle, Dr. Arthur Horn, Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle,
Wendelle Stevens, Ron Regehr, Sheldan Nidle and Stan Romanek.
Report on the StarKids/Starseed Adults Workshop by Sheri Gould (No. 12). Dr. Richard Boylan’s workshop in Allentown, Pa., in September 2009 focused on starkids and starseed adults.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 3).
Beware fraudulent mediums and psychics, by T. Stokes, consultant palmist
(No. 11). Some pointers on protecting yourself against being taken in by frauds
in the psychic field.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 3). “The Reading,” an excerpt from the author’s autobiography, where psychic Robin Campbell brings through Ann’s recently departed husband.
Survival Tips from Willy Whitefeather (No. 2).Some
excellent suggestions for surviving an event such as a volcanic eruption.
Instant Heat Emergency Stove, by Willy Whitefeather (No. 2). How to put
together an instant heating device that could save your life.
More Survival Tips from Willy Whitefeather (No. 3).”A Last Note” and
emergency evacuation list.
Willy Whitefeather’s Backpack Contains... (No. 3). Items for survival.
Special message from Cosmic Paradigm Network, by Mark Kimmel (No. 7).
Information on earth changes and suggestions for coping with them.
What are we, guinea pigs or humans? opinion by Torner, Part 2 (No. 1). A
hidden agenda on the part of secret governments may be the cause of such
afflictions as AIDS, SARS and chemtrail illnesses.
Earth Talk: Flea and tick remedies can harm the environment, by the Editors
of E/The Environmental Magazine (No. 6). Toxic chemicals from flea and tick
control products are used by half the population.
Lecture and discussion with leading chemtrails researcher, by Clifford
Carnicom (No. 12). The danger of chemtrails and Morgellon’s Syndrome, from Mark
Kimmels’ Cosmic Paradigm Web site.
The Meaning of It All, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 1). “UFOs at the McGuire
Ranch,” an excerpt from the author’s autobiography, dated July 21-22, 1984,
north of Laramie, Wyo.
Assina carries on her mission of spreading awareness (No. 2). An energy
exchange transforms a 57-year-old woman named Nancy into Assina, who works with
the Ashtar Command to help increase awareness.
Coming Full Circle, by Sheri Gould (No. 6). The writer’s mother, born in
Salzburg, Austria, had UFO contact experiences as did other females in the
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 6). “UFO contactee Pat McGuire
makes his transition”; “Niara Isley airs on UFO Think Tank”; “UFO maps of
Niara’s News, by Niara Isley (No. 9). Denver Examiner articles on ET contact
by the author are gaining in popularity.
Bob White, finder of famous UFO object, makes his transition, by Davina
Ryszka (No. 12). Robert Lee White, who had a UFO sighting outside Grand
Junction, Colo., in 1985, in which he recovered a strange artifact, died on Nov.
16, 2009.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 1). Q & A
about Pleiadian ships’ propulsion system and how Zeti ships are built.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 2). Q & A
about strange language and symbols received; eating flesh foods; the Annunaki;
Star Trek, and how ships are created.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 3). Q & A
about Adam and Eve; types of ships, and Red Man ET.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 4). Q & A
about phase technology, creating hybrids, trade in the universe, and rank.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 5). Q & A
about Grays and assistance, encouragement for a young reader, and the base at
Dulce, New Mexico.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 6). Q & A
about time and initiating UFO contact.
Niara’s News in a Nutshell: Durango Exopolitics, by Niara Isley (No. 7). The
writer shares her recent conference visits, radio shows and a new column on the
Denver Examiner about ET contact.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 7). Q & A
about Andromedans, pleiadians, reptoids and Grays.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 8). Q & A
about Lemurians, Kokopellis, sacred cities of the Southwest and Grand Canyon.
24 Cosmic Civilizations on Earth, by Andrija Puharich (No. 9).
Extraterrestrial children with paranormal powers, ET advisors on Earth, child
prodigies and new crystal technology, excerpted from an interview by
Atlantean Era.
Sanni moves to Colorado (No. 9). Commander Sanni Ceto receives help from
lightworker friends in August 2009.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 9). Q & A
about Nordics, 2012, “blue” ETs and a reader’s dream about an ET face.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 10). Q & A
about Lyrans, communicating through telepathy, Great Serpent Mound in Ohio in
association with Pleiadians.
Commander’s Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto (No. 11). Q & A
about ETs as guides.
What are we, guinea pigs or humans? opinion by Torner, Part 2 (No. 1). A
hidden agenda on the part of secret governments may be the cause of such
afflictions as AIDS, SARS and chemtrail illnesses.
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 3). “President Eisenhower’s
‘Close Encounter’ at Holloman AFB” by Clark C. McClelland.
Paul Bennewitz and Dulce, by X (No. 5). The writer, identified only as “X,”
tells about engineer Paul Bennewitz’s involvement in investigating the alleged
UFO base at Dulce, N.M.
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 5). “Former astronaut declares
‘We’re not alone’” (Edgar Mitchell at the X-Conference on Earth Day).
Open letter to the White House Press Corps, letter by Stephen Bassett of
paradigm Research Group (No. 8). A call for UFO disclosure.
Need to Know: 9/11 whistleblower in exile in Argentina (No. 8). The Voltaire
Network interviews Kurt Sonnenfeld, who lives in exile in Argentina after
publication of his book El Perseguido, about the 9/11 coverup.
Mass murder, letter by UK reader (name withheld) (No. 9). The reader is
concerned about mass murder by the government with the swine flu vaccine.
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 10). “Dulce Warnings?” Arizona light
worker Scott Benson’s discovery of a car alarm device in his Prius on a recent
trip to Colorado after driving near Dulce, N.M., the alleged underground alien
Special Presidential Briefing on Disclosure, by Steven M. Greer, MD (No.
11). Director and founder of The Disclosure Project addresses President Obama in
opening up UFO files, appointing a special task force and developing suppressed
new energy technologies.
Want to photograph UFOs? Here’s how... by Christine Dickey (No. 1). MUFON
director from southern Arizona takes digital photographs of UFOs and views them
using Photofiltre software.
Lightships in the sky, by Niara Isley (No. 1). Photos taken of lightships in
Durango, Colo.
Orbs in season, letter by Charlene Finkner (No. 2). Friends of the writer
have taken pictures of orbs.
UFOs Jan. 15, 2009, by Christine Dickey (No. 2). Night shots from southern
Paul Bennewitz’s photo of the Dulce, N.M. base (No. 5).
Mount St. Helens at sunrise (photographer unknown) (No. 5).
Light Ships, photos by Niara Terela Isley (No. 12). Nov. 2, 2009 shots of a
flashing, multi-colored light ship over Durango, Colo.
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 4). “Sasquatch sighting at
Moricetown, BC”; “UFO makes Blue Mounds council agenda”; “UFO chaser asks court
to stop extradition.”
Sightings in AZ and VA, letter by Charlene Finkner (No. 8). The writer
shares a friend’s UFO experience.
DISC-ussion by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 2). CNN video captures UFO during
Inauguration of Obama; Millions see UFO crash in Saudi Arabia; Secret Astronaut
Corp on Mars; Obama predicted to release secret UFO files; Southern Comfort;
Another Angel Crosses Over.
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 7). “New York Triangle”;
“South Carolina Triangle photographed”; “Factual TV”; “Chile — What the devil?”;
“UFO researcher wants your input”; “Contribute to an anthology for starseeds and
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 8). “Ufologist Richard Hall
transitions”; “California cylinder”; “UFO rod seen in Ontario”; “UFO landing
circles in New Mexico.”
DISC-ussion edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 11). “Japan’s first lady flew
to Venus in a UFO” and “NASA’s Moon Bombing.”
Spiraling spacecraft, letter by Sheri Gould (No. 12). The writer watched a
cloudship fleet on Oct. 26, 2009 over Buffalo, Wyo., but also is curious about
spiral craft in general.
DISC-ussion, edited by Ann Ulrich Miller (No. 12). “UFO plunges Sicilian
town into darkness” and “Dickey named Arizona’s new state director.”
Cosmic Book Review: Experience a piece of UFO history, by Jon M. Schumacher (No. 7). Behind the Flying Saucers by Frank Scully.
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