Volume XIII (January-December 1999)
Three Saucers, by Sanni (No. 7)
A highly strange, but highly enjoyable read, review by
Ann Ulrich (No. 2). And the Moral of the Story Is... One Person at a Time,
by Rev. Fatima Lilian Mustelier (autobiography).
An excerpt from Lilian Mustelier’s book (No. 2). From And the Moral of
the Story Is... One Person at a Time.
Mathematician cracks code that reveals prophecy, review by Michael J.
Perrine (No. 2). The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin.
Introduction to Jani King and the P’taah Tapes, review by Paul Bartch (No.
3). The P’taah Tapes: Transmissions from the Pleiades, Transformation of the
Species by Jani King.
Words of P’taah, by Jani King (No. 3). Short excerpt from The P’taah
Tapes, arranged by Paul Bartch.
Operation Majestic-12, review by James Parsons (No. 4). Three books: Top
Secret/ Majic by Stanton Friedman; The UFO Book by Jerome Clark, and
The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso.
Mary teaches the apostles the return of the soul, review by Ann Ulrich (No.
5). The Long Lost Second Book of Acts, discovered and translated by
Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie.
Cat lovers, this is the ultimate! Review by Ann Ulrich (No. 10).
Pawmistry: How to Read Your Cat’s Paws by Ken Ring and Paul Romhany.
Dangling by our fingernails... review by Chrystle Clae (No. 10). Night of the November Moon by Ann Carol Ulrich.
Love Lost and Deep, by Ann Ulrich (No. 2).
Still I Keep Silent! by Chere Kristamaria Barnes (No. 2).
Inspirations and Reflections, by Joan E. Hansen (No. 6). Nine of Joan’s
Do You? (No. 6). Anonymous poem.
Get On Line, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 6).
A Prayer of the American Indian, by Lloyd Carl Owle via Turtle Running
(No. 8).
Collage of Haiku Poetry, by Merry Browne (No. 11).
More Haiku from Merry Browne (No. 11)
The Co-Fusion of Third Dimensional and Fourth Dimensional
Experiences, by Blue Star (No. 2). When third and fourth dimensions
coincide, it is called “Co-fusion,” according to Blue Star, the Pleiadian.
Alien Teachings: The Message and the Meaning, by Laszlo Steiner (No. 2).
Universal Laws, Part VIII. “Law of Spiritual Origin or I’M”; “Law of One”; “Law
of Interdependence”; “Law of Service and Action.”
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 2). “Trying Times for
All,” with a message from Mother Meera.
Jerry’s Puzzle — A Parable of Planet Earth, by Ronald Neal Quinn through
his Higher Self (No. 3). Like puzzle pieces, we are all just fragments of the
Our Message to Your Species, by Commanders Khinyeo and Nebkah through
Sanni Ceto (No. 4). Earth’s future.
Channeled reading just for Star Beacon readers, by Linda Maupin (No. 4).
Chandara comes through with information directed at Star Beacon readers in 1999
and 2000.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 4). “Ever unfolding.”
The Divine Plan is discussed by Mother God, Spirit of Light.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 5). “April 21, 1999.”
Archangel Michael gives a message on the recent Columbine High School tragedy.
Thokol’s assignment for lightworkers, letter by Nina Ansley (No. 5). Thokol of
Saturn makes some important comments.
Alien Teachings: The Message and the Meaning, by Laszlo Steiner (No. 6).
Part IX of Universal Laws. Law of Progression (Development, Evolution), Law of
Infinity, and Law of Rhythm.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 7). “The
Merry-Go-Round.” Archangel Michael emphasizes that what you fear will appear.
Counterbalancing Millennium Rituals, by H.J. Grapes (No. 7). What to do
to ward off black magic.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 8). “Comet’s
Appearance is a Good Sign.” Archangel Michael gives encouragement about the new
comet scheduled to make its appearance Aug. 11-13.
Myths of the Spiritual Path, by Lady Rize and Lady Agape, through Karen
Danrich (“Mila”) (No. 10). Several spiritual myths are disputed.
A Message from Blue Star, through Celestial (No. 10). There is a point
where that which is spiritual and that which is religious will one day meet.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 10). “Spirit of the
Wolf.” KY-a-la, Indian/Spirit Wolf, gives a message for Earth’s residents.
Message from the Guides, by Linda Maupin (No. 11). The new vibrational
energies initiate changes in our bodies.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 11). “Healing Your
Emotional Body,” through Archangel Michael.
Physical Changes from the New Energies, by Linda Maupin (No. 12).
Chandara talks about the physical changes happening now.
Crystals of Light, by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 12). Spirit of the
Light tells us how we can free ourselves from The Illusion.
Alien Teachings: The Message and the Meaning, by Laszlo Steiner (No. 12).
“The Universal Laws” conclusion (Part 10).
It has been spoken by the Spirit Grandmothers that a time
will come when all of the sacred medicine objects will form a hoop around the
world and release their power to transform, letter by Ronald and Bonnie
Quinn (No. 1).
February is the Love Month (No. 2). “LOVE... What is Love?” an essay by
Ethan Miller. Reflecting on what is love.
Food For Thought, letter by Mike Perrine (No. 2). What do ETs eat?
Share your symbols, letter by Donna Matzas (No. 3). A request for symbols to
be included in a book.
A better outlook, letter by Richard E. Rinke (No. 3). Some reflection on
The Star Beacon and on Intimate Abduction and Return To Terra
by Ann Carol Ulrich.
Some helpful terms, letter by Richard E. Rinke (No. 3). The millennium
changes and calendars.
February issue couldn’t be put down, letter by Linda Maupin (No. 3).
Reflections on The Star Beacon.
Coming of age, letter by Watana (Lori Cordini) (No. 4). Expecting too much
from our “first-timer” children means parents must regain control.
Walking the walk, letter by Louise Bowman (No. 4). Comments on Mark
Woodhouse’s article in the February issue.
A Tribute to Man’s Best Friend, by George Graham Vest (No. 4). A dog is the
one unselfish friend man has in this world.
Divine law still rules, letter by Louise Bowman (No. 6). Response to
Thokol’s letter in the May 1999 issue.
Other side of the coin, letter by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 6). Counter
thoughts regarding Sanni’s channeling in the April 1999 issue.
Pretenders, letter by Valerie Benson (No. 6). A TV program dealing with mind
He could be right, but... letter by Name Withheld (No. 8). Comments on
Michael Uyttebroek’s articles on Billy Meier and the wise words of Marvin M.
Illuminati and Sitchin, letter by Michael Perrine (No. 8). Comments on the
Illuminati article in July as compared to Zecharia Sitchin’s writings.
Rituals will backfire, letter by Isis (No. 8). Annoyance with people who put
out cloak-and-dagger information and secret societies.
Like a magical wand, letter by Arda Golden Eagle Woman (No. 9). Praise for
last month’s articles on living water, the eclipse, poetry, prayers and wisdom.
Take a Golden Pause, letter by Bob Huth (No. 10). Praise for Immanual Hunt’s
article on hopi Elders in the October issue.
Weathering the Storms, letter by Isis (No. 10). Isis re-emphasizes that
there are no victims.
Making a difference, letter by Ronald N. Quinn (No. 11). The writer shares
what he received in meditation.
Ascorbic Acid Flush an effective way to ‘clean house’,
by Michael Perrine (No. 2). A fast and effective remedy for cleansing.
Water lives! by Ann Ulrich (No. 11). The benefits and exciting
possibilities of living water, as promoted by Viktor Schauberger and Johann
Rainbow Accords, by Bob Huth (No. 5). Words to help transform Earth and our consciousness.
The Shaman’s Path: Understanding Our Dreams, by Irina
H. Corten, Ph.D. (No. 5). Dreaming during sleep is an important process for
maintaining physical and psychological health.
Lucid Dreaming, a tool for self-realization, by Ken Page (No. 12). The
writer describes an exercise to improve the ability to dream lucidly.
The Shaman’s Path: Healing Mother Earth, by Irina H.
Corten, Ph.D. (No. 1). Shamanism is explained through the words of a Russian
professor who offers shamanic consulting.
The Shaman’s Path: A Journey to Dreamtime, by Irina H. Corten, Ph.D. (No.
3). A description of a visionary journey.
The Shaman’s Path: The Peace Tree Ceremony, by Irina H. Corten, Ph.D. (No.
7). Saraangerel, a Siberian shaman, performs the Peace Tree Ceremony.
A Hopi elder speaks (No. 8). The Eleventh Hour dialogue.
Wisdom of the Elders, by Lloyd Carl Owle via Turtle Running (No. 8). An
anonymous message from a member of the Hopi Nation.
Hopi Elders say earth changes are upon us, by Immanual Hunt (No. 9). A
discussion about earth changes and predictions made by such modern-day prophets
as Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Ghost Wolf and Edgar Cayce.
Machupicchu is in danger! letter by Aluna Joy Yaxk’in (No. 9). Machupicchu
is being developed for the sake of tourism.
Message from Standing Elk: Concerning Man’s Disturbance of the Moon, by
Standing Elk (No. 9). Because man has been mining on the Moon, dire consequences
may result here on Earth.
Saying farewell to a best friend, by Laraine Ferrara
(No. 4). The story of Zeus the “UFO” dog’s passing.
Time and Space — Dimensions, by John Robert Feather (No. 9).During a 50-year
transition period, all plants, animals and humans on Earth will change to a
“blue vibration.”
Talking to children who talk to God, by Celestial (No. 11). The writer
shares some of her experiences with young people who exhibit profound wisdom and
see life as few adults know it.
Who and what are walk-ins? by Isis (No. 11). The writer, a walk-in herself,
discusses the idea of “soul transference.”
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 3). “No Money in
the Great Change.” Our society differs from those on other planets that do not
use money.
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 4). “Reincarnation Again.” References
to reincarnation made by Jesus.
Manna of the Mind, by Lester F. Schone (No. 5). Emptiness and not
knowingness brings stillness and peace.
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 5). “Morning.” Listen for the voice in
the quiet of the stillness.
Manna of the Mind, by Lester F. Schone Jr. (No. 6). “The Wondering Mind,
Body and Soul.” Reflection on nature while hiking to a hot springs near Mount
Hood, Ore.
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 6). “What Color is God?” Diversity.
Parable of the World Tree, by Sergey N. Yakushenkov, Ph.D. (No. 6). A
Russian anthropologist’s story about the different humanoid races.
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 7). “The Christ.” The Christ is
eternal and outside the giant hologram in which we reside.
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 9). “The Comforter.” The discovery of
“Mind healing” is The Comforter, according to Joyce.
Manna of the Mind, by Lester F. Schone Jr. (No. 10). “The Melody of
Mankind.” Like a guitar string, we must be free, motionless and flexible.
Ever wondered about having an interview with God? (No. 10). An anonymous
allegory from the Internet.
Is your glass half full — or half empty? opinion by Chrystle Clae (No. 11).
Uplifting thoughts and positive thinking brings blessings into our lives.
Aramaic English translation of “Our Father” (No. 11). A rewritten prayer
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 11). “Servants First.” Who we view as
“masters” were actually “servants.”
Upcoming Conferences (No. 1). Global Sciences
Congress, 8th annual International UFO Congress, Universal Lightworkers
Conference, Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 2). Global Sciences Congress, 8th annual
International UFO Congress, Universal Lightworkers Conference, Gulf Breeze UFO
Conference, Spring Equinox Adventure to the Mayalands, 11th annual Ozark UFO
Conference, Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 3). Universal Lightworkers Conference, Spring
Equinox Adventure to the Mayalands, Gulf Breeze UFO Conference, 11th annual
Ozark UFO Conference, Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 4). 1th annual Ozark UFO Conference, 20th annual
Rocky Mountain UFO Conference, Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Love and Light Conference to debut Aug. 20-22, by Ann Ulrich (No. 5). Ten
speakers and four time slots for workshops are scheduled for the first Love and
Light Conference in Hotchkiss, Colo.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 5). International Star Knowledge Convention; 20th
annual Rocky Mountain UFO Conference; 30th annual International MUFON
Conference; Roswell Days; Accessing Our living Library; 2nd International Mars
Society Convention; Star Knowledge Gathering of Miracles Conference; Earth
Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 6). Steps to Awareness Festival; International
Star Knowledge Convention; 20th annual Rocky Mountain UFO Conference; 30th
annual International MUFON Conference; Roswell Days; Accessing Our Living
Library; 2nd International Mars Society Convention; star Knowledge Gathering of
Miracles Conference; Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 7). 30th annual International MUFON Conference;
roswell Days; Accessing Our Living Library; Y2K Preparedness Conference for
Light Workers; 2nd International Mars Society Convention; Star Knowledge
Gathering of Miracles Conference; Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference.
Love and Light Conference to feature 12 speakers, 5 workshops (No. 8). Earth
Star’s 1st Love and Light Conference, to be held Aug. 20-22, will have plenty to
offer to light workers.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 8). Y2K Preparedness Conference for Light Workers;
2nd International Mars Society Convention; 3rd annual Summer Seminars; Star
Knowledge Gathering of Miracles Conference; Earth Star’s Love and Light
Conference; 3rd annual Long Island UFO Conference.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 9). 16th Interplanetary Conclave of Light
Symposium; 3rd annual Long Island UFO Conference.
Year 2000 and Beyond to be explored Oct. 29 (No. 10). Dennis Vanderwist’s
multimedia program focuses on Y2K issues in Montrose, Colo.
Experience Year 2000 and Beyond, by Windy Vanderwist, Montrose teen (No.
10). Dennis Vanderwist’s daughter discusses the speakers coming to Montrose,
Colo., on Oct. 29: Michael Lindemann, Ron Russell and Dea Martin.
Gregg Braden to speak October 22-23 in Montrose, Colo. (No. 10). A weekend
presentation, “Living the Days of Prophecy,” is being offered by the Whole Life
Year 2000 and Beyond Speakers (No. 10). Bios on the three speakers
presenting at Dennis Vanderwist’s conference in Montrose, Colo.: Michael
Lindemann, Ron Russell and Dea Martin.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 10). 16th Interplanetary Conclave of Light
Symposium; Gregg Braden; Year 2000 and Beyond; Slide Show Featuring Latest Crop
Formations; 3rd annual Long Island UFO Conference; Cosmic Awareness Conference;
Metaphest 99.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 11). 3rd annual Long Island UFO Conference; Cosmic
Awareness Conference; Metaphest 99.
Upcoming Conferences (No. 12). International Conference on Contact with the
Universe in the New Millennium & Its Influence on Humanity; Close Encounters and
Personal Transformation; Helping Children Explore ET Encounters; 21st Rocky
Mountain UFO Conference.
Y2K — Cause for Concern, or Con? by Ann Ulrich (No.
1). An indepth look at Y2K and its possible problems.
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 3). Why, Arizona; Friendship Club; passing
of Zeus the “UFO” dog and Bonnie Lassie, plus the Love and Light Conference.
More of Y2K, letter by Michael J. Perrine (No. 4). Y2K preparations start
with education.
White House fears Y2K panic, by Declan McCullagh (No. 4). The US government
is taking precautions to avoid problems caused by Y2K.
World Earth Healing Day 1999 (No. 5). Held Aug. 11, 1999.
A Special Tribute to the First Man in My Life, by Ann Ulrich (No. 7). A
memorial to the editor’s father, Marvin M. Schumacher, who made his transition
June 11, 1999.
Food storage tips for Y2K, by C. Chase (No. 11). Storing foods such as
butter and eggs in the event of no electricity.
Report on Earth Star’s Love and Light Conference, by
Ann Ulrich (No. 9). Despite the challenge, the Love and Light Conference was an
awesome and enlightening experience.
Gregg Braden raises vibrations in Montrose, by Ann Ulrich (No. 11). A report
on Gregg Braden’s lecture at the Whole Life Network presentation Oct. 22-23.
Memories from the Love and Light Conference Aug. 20-22, 1999 (No. 12). A
photo collage from last August’s conference.
The Illuminati Millennium Rituals, by Arizona Wilder (No. 7). David Icke, author of The Biggest Secret, introduces the writer, who tells of her experiences with sacrifice rituals at the hands of the Illuminati.
A fulfilled negative prophecy is a failed prophecy, by
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles (No. 5). “ Negative prophecies are given to inspire
us to correct our behavior patterns.
The Birdies, A True Story, by Lloyd Glenn (No. 2). A
poignant near-death experience of a 3-year-old child changes a family’s
spiritual perspective.
Doreen’s Return, by Edna Drake (No. 5). The writer’s sister, Doreen, had a
very spiritual outlook on life when she made her transition, and then returned
with a message.
Where do we go when we die? by Ken Page (No. 7). “Heart & Soul Healing
Techniques for Releasing Lost Souls and Spirits.”
Tales of a Wanderer, by Lori Cordini, The Watana (No. 11). “An Angel Gets
His Wings.” The writer describes a “daydream journey” to a Heavenly Hospice
where newly arrived souls are greeted.
Starlight Affirmations, by Chrystle Clae (No. 1). New
Year horoscopes.
Starlight Affirmations, by Chrystle Clae (No. 2). Horoscopes for February.
Starlight Affirmations, by Chrystle Clae (No. 3). Horoscopes for March.
Starlight Affirmations, by Chrystle Clae (No. 5). Affirmations for May.
Starlight Affirmations, by Chrystle Clae (No. 6). Astrological affirmations
for June.
Is Aug. 11 solar eclipse destined to bring change? by Guru Rattana (No. 8).
The Grand Cross solar eclipse and its impact on our lives as we face the new
Starlight Affirmations, by Chrystle Clae (No. 11). Horoscope affirmations
for November.
What happens after 2012? letter by John Robert Feather (No. 12). The writer
compares astrological tables in relation to the year 2012.
Preparing for Y2K, by Mark Fearer (No. 1). Excerpts
from article on disaster planning.
English Weather Update, by Torner (No. 1). July, August, september and
October reports on weather in the writer’s locale.
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 1). “Earth zapped by space rays”; “New
English Weather Update, by Torner (No. 5). November and December 1998 and
January and February 1999 weather reports in the writer’s locale.
Hopi Elders say earth changes are upon us, by Immanual Hunt (No. 9). A
discussion about earth changes and predictions made by such modern-day prophets
as Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Ghost Wolf and Edgar Cayce.
Y2K Helpful Tips (No. 9). “Water.” How to safely store water for future use.
Mother Earth, The New Consciousness and Sacred Water, by Drunvalo
Melchezidek (No. 8). Dated May 1, 1999, a talk about super-ionized water
discovered by a company out of Istanbul, Turkey.
More information revealed on Super-Ionized Water, excerpts from the Flower
of Life discussion forum (No. 9). More commentary on living water and its
possible benefits to our world.
Water lives! by Ann Ulrich (No. 11). The benefits and exciting possibilities
of living water, as promoted by Viktor Schauberger and Johann Grander.
What’s going on with the Photon Belt? by Rick Riedel (No. 3). The entrance of the Sun into the Photon Belt has initiated many changes, according to the writer.
Cosmic Thoughts, by Julian Joyce (No. 2). “Let There Be Light.” Light is
the basis of physics, according to the author.
Science Explanation: Latest Revelations from NSC consultant Dr. Michael Wolf,
by Richard Boylan, Ph.D. (No. 9). The removal by the US of “The Monolith,” an ET
space beacon, has caused our Moon to destabilize .2 percent from its normal
Gregg Braden raises vibrations in Montrose, by Ann Ulrich (No. 11). A
report on Gregg Braden’s lecture at the Whole Life Network presentation Oct.
Understanding Living Water, by Ron Quinn (No. 12). More information on
the Grander Living Water Units and how living water benefits us.
Could you possibly be an abductee? (No. 10). A questionnaire by a Star Beacon subscriber conducting research.
Billy Meier and the ETs: Who are they and where are they from? by Michael
Uyttebroek (No. 6). Part one of an extensive overview of the contacts of Swiss
farmer Billy Meier, the most famous and controversial UFO case in history.
Billy Meier and the ETs: Who are they and where are they from? by Michael
Uyttebroek (No. 7). Part two of an extensive overview of the contacts of Swiss
farmer Billy Meier, the most famous and controversial UFO case in history.
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 7). “Alleged Adamski Photos.” Sari (Lucille
McNames) discusses several authentic UFO photos taken by George Adamski while he
was a house guest at the Woodstock, Va., home of Madeleine C. Rodeffer.
My Personal Contact Experience, by Linda Maupin (No. 9). Reprinted from
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) Web site, in which the author describes
early memories of UFO contact.
Semjase speaks of the Creation, by Paul Bartch (No. 1). A tribute to the
words of Semjase, the daughter of Ptaah, from the Contact Notes of Billy Meier.
Man from Zoba speaks on spirituality, by Kari (No. 2). Wise words from a man
claiming to be from the planet Zoba.
Extraterrestrial Contact: Who are the ETs? by Dr. Mark Woodhouse (No. 3).
Excerpt from an article in Contact Forum, titled “New Dawn Rising,” which
identifies different races of ETs as well as some “Federation Facts.”
Three Commentaries on Aliens and Secrecy, opinion by Scot Bowlin, John W.
Ratliff, and Kari (No. 3). Differing views on extraterrestrials and their
Stranded On Earth: The Plight of Sanni, by Ann Ulrich and Sanni Ceto (No.
4). The story of Sanni Ceto, an ET hybrid who is the reincarnated survivor of
the Roswell crash.
History and lifestyle of the Pleiadians, edited by Paul Bartch (No. 6). A
condensation of Randolph Winters’ information on the Pleiadians from the
December 1993 and May 1994 issues of International UFO Magazine.
Did the aliens deliberately crash at Roswell? opinion by Tim Donovan (No.
9). The author discusses the idea that ETs deliberately crashed at Roswell as a
means to establish contact with us.
Who are you and where do you come from? by Franklin Carter (No. 1). Part 3
of an interview with Dr. Leo Sprinkle.
Researcher seeks help, letter by Chris Lock (No. 6). Request for research
help on Leonard Stringfield and a drawing of an alien.
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 8). “Area 51 Photos”; “White Buffalo
Cloud”; “Apology to Sari.”
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 11). “Cloud Ships”; “Come Back Zecharia
Sitchin”; “Jumping the Gun”; “Chemtrails”; “Love and Light Tapes Redeemed.”
Angel in the Clouds (No. 12).
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 2). “Y2K Readiness”; “Wonder Boy leaves
CEO job to pursue ETs” (Joe Firmage); “UFO activity in Georgia”; “Other UFOs
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 4). “Elk Abduction” (Wash. state); “Phoenix
Lights Remembered.”
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 5). “Flying triangle reports” of UFOs.
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 10). “The Stucker Mesa Mules”; “Ray Beams
from Space”; “UFO Sightings”; “OPUS.”
DISC-ussion, by Ann Ulrich (No. 12). “President Mentions ETs”; “New Devil’s
Triangle”; “Indiana Woods Sighting”; “Object Launched from Ocean”; “Tibetan
UFO”; “UFO Coverup in Ohio”; “Sunspot Activity off the Chart.”
Changing one’s perspective for UFO study, opinion by Rev. Milton Nothdurft (No. 9). Sanni Ceto has had an influence on the author’s perspective on ufology.
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