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THROUGHOUT ALL TIME, A Cosmic Love Story (Ann Ulrich Miller's memoir) Order your copy today.

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WISP -- A New Favorite! "Seeking the good in every aspect of life on Planet Earth." Brand new publication to nurture, heal and soothe the planet. Animal stories, humor, healthy eating, tips for good living, and more. Next issue out May 1. To subscribe, send $15 (one year) to Earth Star/Wisp, PO Box 267, Eckert CO 81418.

THE GATE TO STRANGE PHENOMENA -- Want to know more about UFOs? How about sea serpents, haunted places, Bigfoot, or other mysterious topics? Then you need to read The Gate to Strange Phenomena. Each issue contains factual paranormal articles from around the world. Finally get the facts!! Mail $2.00 for sample issue to: The Gate to Strange Phenomena, P.O. Box 43516, Cleveland OH 44143.

MAST LUCKY LETTER monthly 20-page newsletter with over 25 sweepstakes. Cash, cars, trips, prizes. Information on where to hunt for treasure and adventure. Gold, diamonds, gems! Money-making ads. For a sample copy mail $3 to: Gunnar Mast, Box 66, Atlanta, IL 61723.


LEFT 2 RITE BLOG. "Becoming informed of our human rights through intelligent discussion."





THE CLIMBING DOG AFFAIR, Karen Weinant Gallob's latest cozy mystery! This year Croissant is the site of a hostile political campaign, and Sheriff Garrett fears a hit-and-run accident injuring a sheepdog is a harbinger of more trouble to come. Strange things happen in the Colorado town of Croissant, where the cow dog lives ... the one who climbs trees. Order your copy TODAY ($11.95 + shipping).

BABY SKULLS AND FOWL ODORS, a Pat Garrett, Leigh McCracken Mystery written by Karen Weinant Gallob of Crawford, Colorado. In this sequel to the highly touted All the Bad Stuff Comes in Threes, Sheriff Pat Garrett and Deputy Leigh McCracken think finding a child's bones stuffed into one of Alma's precious dolls is bad enough, but then all billy hell breaks loose in Croysant. They'd had very little sheriffing to do in this quiet Colorado town since the Biedermann case, but suddenly, they find themselves running around like chickens with their heads cut off, dealing with fires, more skeletons, and mobs of PETA people protesting a chicken factory farm that no one seems able to locate. Worse yet, Jenny Threewinds might be up to no good. Garrett has never been able to admit to himself that he loves her, and now she seems to have taken up with a handsome stranger. Garrett thinks this is just one more example of his bad luck with women until he learns that Jenny is searching frantically for a mysterious lost doll. $16.95 postpaid from EARTH STAR, P.O. Box 267, Eckert CO 81418. Finalist in the 2015 Eric Hoffer Book Awards. www.earthstarpublications/BabySkulls.html

ROMANTIC SUSPENSE in Aspen! SONATA SUMMER, romantic suspense by Ann Ulrich Miller. Last summer in Aspen Rhea's dreams came true when wilderness ranger Parker Sherwin proposed to her. But one week before their wedding, a rash of wildfires swept through Colorado and Parker was killed. Devastated, Rhea decides to remain in Aspen and attends the Aspen Music School the second summer. Parker's spirit (seen only by her) jogs at her side on her daily runs along the Rio Grande Trail. Then she meets Trey Michaels, an outfitter, and although she insists on remaining faithful to Parker, she finds herself increasingly attracted to the "dirtbag cowboy" from Texas. By letting go and discovering new meaning and purpose in life, Rhea learns that love can endure and that life is for the living. $15.00 plus $3 shipping from Earth Star, PO Box 267, Eckert CO 81418. For details see

EARTH STAR'S BOOK CATALOG -- Spiritual Nourishment, “Your Ascension Menu” -- Receive a copy just for asking: or write: Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. To view ON LINE, CLICK HERE.

, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor,
in its seventh printing. The true story of Comm. Sanni Ceto, an ET hybrid. $16.00 + S&H. To order, go to ORDER PAGE or contact Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. eBook $6.95 from Amazon Kindle

ZETI CHILD, Lost Upon a One Star World
, now in its 3rd printing, $14.95 postpaid: Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. On line at eBook $6.95 from Amazon Kindle

THROUGHOUT ALL TIME, A Cosmic Love Story -- Ann Ulrich Miller's spiritual autobiography (May 2009). SPECIAL OFFER!! All books now just $9.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Also, NOW AVAILABLE AS AN eBOOK (just $6) at Print copy $18 postpd. Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418

STEPPING FORTH, An American Girl Coming of Age in the 60s, Ann Ulrich Miller's memoir in which she shares her most personal and treasured experiences as she steps forth from a self-conscious "teen with an attitude" into womanhood and a future destined to follow the "road less taken." Available NOW as an eBook from Kindle or visit to order the print copy.

ARE AMONG YOU ALREADY (compiled by Jujuolui Kuita) is an anthology of true stories written by Star Beings on Earth. Fascinating and highly educational! Recommended by The Star Beacon. $15. Go to: Now also available as an eBook from Amazon Kindle.

INTO THE WILD BLUE AND BEYOND by James Parsons, late Star Beacon contributor. True stories of alien contact and military aviation. Explore the unknown and make up your own mind! $18.00 postpd. from Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. Available in eBook from Amazon Kindle, $9.95.

50 CASE STUDIES IN MODERN PALMISTRY, by T Stokes (the UK's holistic palmist), $20 from Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. Also available as an eBook ($9.99) from Amazon Kindle.

MERLIN AND THE FROG MEET CHATLY AND NOBLE by Sara Moffitt. Spiritual lessons for gifted children. Illustrated by Bobbie Switzer, published by Send $21.95 postpaid to: Waneta Hockenbery, 3768 E. Western Drive, Cottonwood AZ 86326.

SHADOWS OF LIGHT by Kanai Callow is now available from her, autographed for just $20. To order your copy, write to Kanai Callow, 1101 Portland Ave. Apt. D, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360/483-9324 or 360/393-3416). THE STAR TRAVELERS is about entities from other planets and other dimensions. $20. I will sign it for you if you order it from me. Visit Kanai's Products on line. Great gift ideas! KANAI'S ADVENTURES -- "My new book is out now and it has 144 pages, 60 color photos, plus my catalog at the back. It's $20 a copy." Send your payment to: Kanai Callow, P.O. Box 257, Port Orchard, WA 98366 or call (360) 443-6626.

ANCIENT SECRETS IN THE GARDEN, by Verna Namy, with beautiful color illustrations. A 32-page hardback children’s book about herbs, including recipes for their use. Now just $10.00 postpaid: Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418.

by Ann Carol Ulrich (romantic suspense with a touch of the paranormal) Send $12 (postpaid) to: Earth Star,
P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. Order on line!

FOR YOUNG ADULT READERS ... The Root Cellar Mystery by Ann Carol Ulrich. $11.95 postpaid from EARTH STAR, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418.

ANNETTE VETTER IS BACK! The Ground Hog Mystery is #6 in the Adventure Series as Annette is in a quandary over whom to ask to the Valentines Dance. Order your copy TODAY!  The Kindle version is out for just $3.99. ALSO ... A special Christmas is in store for Annette in her 5th adventure. In the Shadow of the Tower, by Ann Carol Ulrich, $13.95 postpd. from Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. Get an extra copy to give as a Christmas gift for just an additional $6.00. Also available as an eBook.

MeDARLIN by Ella Sonnuves. Fantasy fiction "for all dreamers," available now as an eBook from Amazon Kindle (just $2.99). EXCELLENT eBook!!!!


TREE READINGS! I am a tree whisperer, tree artist and teacher. Will receive a message from your favorite tree or type of tree. Any donation thru PayPal or snail mail. Doug Davis / / 440-317-1483.

KANAI'S CRAFTS -- Be sure to visit Kanai's Web site displaying all of her beautiful creative products: Kanai's Products,

CRYSTALLINE STELLAR SKULLS HEALINGS/READINGS* Timelines, Past-lives, contracts, tracked and completely cleared *5D Body Scanning, *Tracking, Extractions: Implants, Entities, Hexes, Disease Patterns, *5D Ascension Code, True Crystalline DNA Activations. Stellar Counsel/Guidance. Video/Remote. Terra, Crysta, 888-310-3774.

ASTRO-NUMEROLOGY: Sacred geometry combined with knowledge of planets gives a precise reading of energy vibrations affecting you -- past, present and future. With 40 years experience, Karen Cornell's readings will guide you through life-changing problems and decisions. Phone readings by appointment (206) 920-1073. For more information, go to

SHORTWAVE RADIO exposés on 7490 mornings and 4840 late nights.

CONTACT INTRODUCTION. Friendly open visits. Welcome back to the family. You are not alone. You have never been alone. The Andromeda Council,

BOTTLE FULL OF MIRACLES -- Your Eternal Essence is a personalized blend of essential oils intuitively bottled to match your perfect vibration where anything is possible.     

PUBLISHING PROFESSIONAL to help you with your editing and book prep needs. More than 30 yrs. experience. Save $$ by asking me first. Also Web site/graphic design. Contact Ann Ulrich Miller, e-mail:

INTUITIVE THERAPY with Polly Cady (Readings by Phone). Visa and MasterCard accepted. 970/596-5230.

Check out Earth Star's Psychic Readers Web page. If you're in the business and want to have a FREE listing, e-mail:

ENCOUNTERS WITH HEALING ~ Niara Terela -- Staying present is a key to healing. Having a skilled, body-centered coach to create a safe space, to be present with you and gently help you stay present and report what you are experiencing can allow a process of energy clearing to complete. Learning the ability to track and report sensations in the body associated with particular events or even missing time can also help repressed memories to emerge for processing and completion. Tools of movement, breathing and cognitive techniques designed to unblock and enhance the life discovery process are used in sessions. Most vital is the willingness to take full, healthy responsibility for creating your life as it has been, and then as you wish it to be from the most positive place in your body-mind-spirit. For those at a distance, I also work by phone. Suggested donation for individual sessions is $45 to $65. Contact Niara at or at 970.749.4292

"HOW TO CURE DIABETES" and "Detox or Die" books, 800/846-6687.


SPLATTERED INK -- Wondering how to subscribe to great pen pal clubs, and newsletters like Pen Friends, INC? Try Splattered Ink! The newsletter about newsletters! Over 100 clubs/newsletters listed and growing every day! SI is a full color, personalized newsletter. After we receive the $5 fee, we send you a fact sheet to fill out; this helps us personalize your issue! Send your $5 fee now by check (payable to: Desiree LaBelle), cash, money order or paypal ( and this ad to: Splattered Ink c/o Desiree LaBelle, 1019 Highland Dr., Jackson MO 63755. As a bonus for ordering, we will submit your info to Pen Friends, INC, and you will be listed FREE and you will be featured in their PFI Profile section! We reserve the right to refuse any ad. Advertisers: Advertising in Splattered Ink is always free. Send your ad and we'll put it in. No limit on # of words. Email: member ID #TSB     


VIEW INMATES who are looking for penpals! See detailed profiles and photos; visit or send 3 stamps to TFL, Box 171-E, Glenham, NY 12527. Want a list of WOMEN WHO WRITE PRISONERS? Send $6 or 15 new f/c stamps.     



Manufactured home on half acre. Large shade trees, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, major appliances. Attached garage/workshop. Side room added to living room. Electricity, water, propane, septic tank. 10 miles to Sierra Vista, Arizona. $65,000 by Owner. Phone: 520-378-2110.



TUNING IN, a new spiritual movie featuring some of today's prominent channels and their spirit guides, including Chief Joseph and John Cali, is now available to the public. To order:


This page updated February 14, 2018

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