Meaning of It All
by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
An article from the OCTOBER 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Autumn in Colorado is
awesome. This year we had a strange start in September. Rainstorms and cold
temperatures hit us here in the Four Corners area for about two weeks. It felt
more like mid November instead of late summer.
I admit, I was a bit rattled by
it. What the heck was going on?
Let me use the weather as a
metaphor of the Shift. During the summer months of June, July and August, things
were fairly normal. We had dry weather in Colorado, which is certainly not
unusual for this arid climate. But it seemed as though it was building up to
something big. The energies were intense. Then came the sudden cold and storms,
which felt disruptive and left many confused and uncertain as to what would come
next... snow?
Then, suddenly on Sept. 18, the
sun came out and so did the familiar Colorado blue skies. Now the trees are
turning and the days are warm, the nights cool... it’s Paradise. We have
returned to beautiful warm fall days, starry nights and a tranquility that feels
different and is actually rather nice.
First, things are normal, but
the intensity builds. Then comes the disruptive sudden change, followed by
tranquility in which all is well -- better than before. Is this what it will be
like when the Shift happens?
Here is my take on the upcoming
Shift. I actually think we are already in it. We are shifting now. It has begun
and we are moving through it at various levels. Those who are resisting it are
having the hardest time. Those who have embraced it and have given it some
thought and spiritual preparation are at peace and just letting it happen.
Nothing really scares me any
more. I am well aware of unrest throughout our world, the wars being waged, the
political upheaval and dissatisfaction of Americans with how our country is
being run into the ground. The economy keeps getting worse as joblessness
increases and the value of the dollar continues to fall. Even gold and silver
have taken a terrible plunge in recent days. But does it worry me? I have to say
All of these things are
happening because we are shifting to a different way of living, a better way of
relating to each other. We are witnessing the material world and its illusion
disintegrate before our very eyes. Along with Mother Earth, we are changing and
the long process of change within ourselves is finally manifesting in a new
I know this sounds rather
esoteric to some of you. But who hasn’t noticed the changes happening around
them, or inside of them, for that matter? Have you noticed vibrations occurring
in your body that you didn’t have before, or heard music (such as radio noise or
sounds of people singing) out of the blue? What kind of dreams have you been
having lately? And have you noticed that you are not as troubled by things now
that used to bother you?
A sort of peaceful easy feeling
has settled over me and I feel my guides and angels close by. Plus, I have found
that the more grateful I am for each waking day, and all the people and
experiences that go with it, the more secure and tranquil my life becomes. This,
to me, is the Shift. And a lot of it has to do with how you, personally,
envision your life to be in this Shift. Our thoughts do manifest, but because we
are all connected, all the thoughts come together to make one Big Reality.
The time left to prepare for
the Shift is coming to an end. The time to experience the Shift is now. The
Shift is not coming sometime in the future, it is here... now. Those of you who
are lightworkers probably have a fairly good understanding of why you are here.
We are the wayshowers to those who are still in the fog. Shine your light and
share your positive attitudes with those who don’t understand yet what’s ahead
for them. Many people around us, in our communities -- in our families even --
don’t have a clue.
Now is not the time to argue
with them or try to convert them to your way of thinking. It is the time to be
patient with them, to be available to them when they call on us with their
In my personal life autumn has
been a time of beginnings and change. Each of my three sons was born in the
fall. I married Ethan (my late husband) in the fall, and also lost him in the
fall. It was in the fall that I met Doug, my best friend and beloved partner. I
get excited about things in the autumn, and I am excited now ... about Earth’s
There is nothing to fear. We
might experience a few bumps along the way, but we have all come through plenty
of events in our lives that have prepared us for what is ahead. I do believe God
does not give us more than we can handle or overcome.
If you are still resisting the
Shift out of fear -- unintentional or not -- just let go and allow... with love.
This page updated October 6, 2011
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