by Ray Larsen
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
An article from the AUGUST 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
“UFO Sighted When USAF Lost Control of 50 ICBMs In October 2010” was
the headline I spotted while browsing stories on Clicking the
headline links up to a Reuters story written by Robert Hastings, author of
UFOs and Nukes; Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites.
Apparently, a huge cigar-shaped craft was spotted by multiple witnesses, both
civilian and military, hovering over the missile field and jamming
communications with the missiles for 59 minutes. The Air Force’s public face
didn’t seem too upset about it, but some witnesses have reported receiving
threats of severe penalties from their commanders for talking to reporters or
I’ll bet the top brass are going nuts over incidents like this. And this is not
the first time UFOs have visited nuclear sites. In the 1980s, UFOs hovered over
missile fields in North Dakota and Russia at about the same time. Communication
with the missiles was lost. The Russian witnesses reported that they were afraid
the missiles they were supposed to control were way out of control and were
going to launch.
Soon after these events, President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev had
their famous meeting and some things changed. For the first time in history, the
superpowers began reducing nuclear weapons stockpiles. On the 21st of September,
1987, President Reagan, in an address to the UN said this:
“In our obsessions of antagonisms of the moment we often forget how much unites
all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to
make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our
differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from
outside this world ...”
What if, instead of an alien threat, we were on the verge (in the late 1990s) of
useful contact with the ETs visiting here? Then came 9-11 and the wars that
followed that horrible disaster. I think the ETs, whoever they are, were close
to ready for some form of contact, but now, I think they may be confused and
have postponed their plans. If they wanted to be a threat to this planet, I
think they would have no problems in doing so, as their level of technology
seems to still be beyond the understanding of our black budget scientists and
The Rendlesham Forest Incident in 1980 is of particular interest to Mr.
Hastings. The facts of this complex case were documented by many British and
American military people. Using energy-scanning beams of unknown type, the UFOs
expressed an interest in the nuclear weapons stored there. You can read the
whole story at the Wikipedia link below. Linda Howe has also done a huge amount
of new research into this fascinating case. About six months ago, she reported
live on both Coast to Coast AM and Rense Radio, including her exclusive
interviews with several witnesses. Visit her Web site at the earthfiles link
Jamming has been around almost as long as radio. In the ’70s and ’80s, the
Soviet Union had hundreds of transmitters that were built for the primary
purpose of preventing people living behind their “Iron Curtain” from hearing
shortwave broadcasts from the West like VOA (Voice of America) and BBC (British
Broadcasting Corporation) radio. It was actually a cold war of radio waves.
After the fall of the “Iron Curtain,” the jamming transmitters, which were
expensive to operate, disappeared.
Few people in North America own a shortwave radio. If they did, they could hear
a variety of broadcasts from other countries. Many, including RCI (Radio China
International), have English language service. If you want to get started with
shortwave radio, a good place to start is the C. Crane Co. (link below.)
It is obvious to me that some UFOs have the equipment needed to jam our military
communications signals. Many billions of dollars have been spent on research and
development to make our military systems hardened against just this sort of
jamming. So the occupants of the UFOs seem to have the ability to generate
powerful RF signals that have the ability to penetrate into the Air Force’s
hardened systems. If this isn’t a serious attempt at communication, albeit one
way, I don’t know what is!
Breaking News: ”Aliens Getting Less Camera Shy? UFOs Over London.” Just a few
weeks ago, London was visited by a large saucer accompanied by five smaller
craft. Many witnesses gathered on the street near the BBC Yalding House
building, taking pictures and video of the visit. I find it very interesting
that they chose to hover for a while around the BBC building, thus helping the
photographers. Visit the dailymail link below to see the pictures and read the
A well known fact of ufology is that there have been more UFO sightings per
square mile (or kilometer) over Washington, DC, than anywhere else on the
planet! The sightings there have been happening for a very long time, starting
in the mid 1800s. In next month’s Radio Waves, we will take a look at this
phenomena in more detail, so be sure to tune in to The Star Beacon’s September
Ray Larsen is a HAM radio operator who resides in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
This page updated August 7, 2011
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