
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2010 (all rights reserved)
An article from the NOVEMBER 2010 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Maryland deer camera
George Filer of Filer's Files #39-2010 stated: "This picture was taken with a
stationary deer camera on Sept. 18, 2010. A strange light is captured in the
distance above the deer for about a minute. The camera is installed about six
feet off the ground.
"I do not know what the light is. I do not suspect that any person was there
because of the animals."
Thanks to MUFON CMS (from Filer's Files #39-2010 dated Sept. 22, 2010)
NASA, JPL scientists among first to endorse Billy Meier UFO
According to Michael Horn, the US media representative for the Billy Meier UFO
contactee case, "After numerous scientific experts went on record supporting
authenticity of Meier's physical UFO evidence, extraordinary efforts at damage
control were undertaken by governmental and media agencies.
"Gary Kinder's Open Letter to the UFO Community shows that stellar scientists
and experts who first found for the authenticity of Billy Meier's UFO photos,
films and other evidence were Michael Malin, Robert Post, Marcel Vogel, David
Froning and others.
"According to Michael Horn, the scientific support was unprecedented. "Consider
that you had major scientists like Malin saying, 'I find the photographs
themselves credible, they're good photographs, they appear to represent a real
phenomenon,' while he naturally found it hard to accept that some farmer in
Switzerland is on a first-name basis with dozens of aliens who come to visit
"Similar opinions were expressed by Robert Post of JPL, who said, 'From a
photography standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier
photos. That's what struck me. And of course Marcel Vogel's conclusion that,
even with all of the resources of IBM available to him, he couldn't duplicate
the metal samples given to Meier by the extraterrestrials.' "
Horn said that Kinder, who was a skeptic about the Meier case when he began his
research, foresaw the likelihood that the various scientific experts would later
regret being so candid about their findings. Threats regarding withdrawal of
funding could be used to get them to distance themselves from something as
controversial as a UFO case. So Kinder, who is also a lawyer, made sure that
each expert read and then signed off on their statements before publication in
his book, Light Years.
(Source: http://www.washingtonbanglaradio.com/
-- from Filer''s Files
(Note from George Filer: Wendelle Stevens personally assured me the Meier photos
were authentic.)
Space Trilogy novels now available as ebooks on Amazon.com
I'm happy to report that I have finally gotten all three of my space novels on Amazon.com as ebooks, downloadable at a most reasonable price. Intimate Abduction, Return To Terra and The Light Being are all in ebook form and sell for just $4.00 apiece! Go to Amazon.com and search for them using the name "Ann Carol Ulrich" or the book titles. If you prefer pages in your lap instead of reading them on an electronic device, the books are reduced on the holiday sale flyer that accompanies this issue. Check them out!
Also, Carol Elek and I are putting out a second Cosmic Cookbook by Star Beacon Readers. See back page for more information.
This page updated February 1, 2011
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