edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
An article from the March 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Jerusalem UFO videos captured from four directions
From Filer’s Files #8-2011:
JERUSALEM — On Jan. 28, 2011, four cameras captured video of the UFO over the
Dome of the Rock, one of the holiest places on Earth. That makes a hoax less
likely as the explanation for the videos.
A UFO sighting in Jerusalem has left millions of true believers claiming
smoking-gun “proof” that an orb was actually seen over the city and may signal
Armageddon. Ancient scriptures claim the Messiah will return to Earth and defeat
the antichrist in a battle of numerous nations in the battle of Armageddon.
Millions have watched the videos, claiming it is a signal for uprisings in the
Middle East.
What makes the Jan. 28 nighttime sighting over Jerusalem’s famous Dome of the
Rock landmark unusual compared to other sightings is that video was captured
from four different places. That makes calculating the angles, speeds and
geometry a lot easier, and makes a deception much less probable.
The videos show a bright light hovering hundreds of meters above the shrine, and
then after a minute it begins a slow, steady descent to hover very close to
ground level. Suddenly there is a bright flash of light and the mystery object
shoots skyward extremely fast.
No shape can be detected, but the light is round, so the object is being
described as an orb. Calling it an object may prejudice the discussion; it may
just as well have been an atmospheric phenomenon. Great Britain’s former
Ministry of Defense UFO investigator, Nick Pope, said, “If these are real, they
are some of the most incredible videos ever shot; if they are not, then this is
a very well-planned and coordinated hoax designed to eliminate elements of
doubt” (Thanks to James H. Abernathy and http://aquapour.com/jerusalem-dome-of-the-rock-ufo-videos-impress-pope/555920/)
The Star Beacon hopes to have an in-depth report on the Dome of the Rock UFO in
next month’s issue.
If you haven’t seen the videos yet, here are some links on the Internet:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jczjyV4v3i0&feature=player_ embedded
(Jerusalem UFO Spotted Over Utah Around Same Time):
One reader's sighting
Ken Spencer from Crawford, Colo., wrote that he saw this UFO in October 2010 out
of Fallon, Nev., on Highway 50. “It was very large and had red lights on the
edges,” he explained. He observed the UFO three times and it was not moving.
Another reader's sighting
Cary Dickey in New Jersey writes: “There is a lot of activity here in
Wanaque, not far from me. Apparently, what I saw in January was an orbship. At
night, I understand there (are) so many orbs in the Wanaque area that it looks
like the bubbles on the Lawrence Welk show. Remember the Lawrence Welk show?
Unfortunately, I have not experienced it yet.
“Somehow, I stumbled onto info about the Alamo UFO Conference that is going to
be held in May (see Upcoming Conferences, page _). One of the guest speakers is
one of two former residents of Wanaque, who is going to tell about what is going
on today in Wanaque, N.J. The Wanaque Vortex is very active. One of those two
former residents has their own Web site, www.Sargel18.com, which you should find
to be very interesting. He only lives just across the state line in
Pennsylvania, and returns to Wanaque on a regular basis.
“After reading info on his Web site, it has become clear to me why I moved here
from Delaware. The puzzle is starting to fit together. According to him,
September 2011 is an important month. What is happening in the world today in
Egypt and Libya is part of all of our puzzles. Even what is happening in
Wisconsin is part of all of our puzzles. Do you live near a vortex?”
This page updated March 7, 2011
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