An excerpt from EarthShift
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
An article from the JULY 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
EDITOR'S NOTE: From Chapter 3... Julie
Armstrong anxiously awaits the arrival of her family at Windancer Ranch. The
world is falling apart as they all realize the time has come ... the Shift is
Julie paced from room to
room. Fear of something she couldn’t quite put her finger on nagged at her. It
was above and beyond Dave and the kids, and very disorienting.
Writing always grounded
her, kept her “on track,” so she headed for her office. She’d been working on an
autobiography of sorts, describing experiences she’d encountered on her
spiritual path. It was a chronicle of events for her grandchildren that,
depending on what happened in the next few days, weeks, and months, would help
them understand what led up to the Shift.
Max and Sandy, tired of
romping outdoors, padded along behind her. Settling herself in the dark blue
swivel chair, as familiar and comfortable as an old shoe, she opened the file on
the computer.
She had already covered
Danny and her divorce from Ray. Then came her college degree at age 40 and for
the first time in a long while, a sense of being someone. Some One. Not a wife,
not the kids’ mom, not someone for everyone else to take a piece of. She had
given her energy and power away to all of them. Now she was Julie, television
producer, a teacher, a free and independent woman.
“A new employee had
arrived at the university,” she wrote, fingers racing across the keyboard, “a
stimulating, vibrant feminist named Marcy who turned my spiritual beliefs upside
down. I was ready for it and my life changed totally and forever.
“Marcy introduced me to a
psychic, a gentle man who used words I’d never heard before. He told me things
that had happened in my life that no one knew but me. He touched on feelings I
was experiencing but hadn’t shared with anyone. How had he known those things?
He told me of strange and unimaginable events that had occurred in my past
lives, and then proceeded to share what he saw happening in my future. I didn’t
believe any of it and wanted to believe all of it. I didn’t know what to
believe. I went from skepticism about reincarnation to a full-blown believer as
layers of doubt were replaced by waves of insight.”
It was the beginning of
an incredible spiritual journey, a search that was exciting, inspiring, loving,
and definitely mind-boggling. With due diligence, she read everything she could
find, attended workshops and seminars, searching for answers and understanding.
Julie practiced meditation, slowly developing her own methods and beliefs.
“ I had an intense desire
to share my newfound realizations with the world,” she continued, “but found
that the world didn’t want to know. My ‘new’ reality was one of feeling alone
and in spiritual isolation. When Shirley MacLaine came out of the metaphysical
closet with Out on a Limb, I wept with joy and relief. I wasn’t alone on this
crazy path.”
Julie’s fingers flew over
the keyboard, pouring out feelings, fears, and thoughts. So much to say, so
little time to say it.
The phone brought her
back to reality with a jolt. Heart pounding, she grabbed the receiver.
“Jeannie! Oh, thank God!
Where are you?”
“In Tucson. Oh, Julie,
I’m so scared! You know I’ve always trusted you but this time I thought you’d
flipped out, that you were really nuts. But something’s happening. I feel weird
and last night I had this scary dream and now it’s all real. I know it, I feel
it. I just heard about the earthquake in L.A. and Jerry and I want to come home.
We want to be with you and Dad. Can we stay with you for a while?”
There was one thing about
her stepdaughter, Jean: Her lips spoke only the truth. Petite and pretty, her
delicate features belied a strength she didn’t know she had. As a little sister
to four brothers, she’d been forced to toughen up, to be able to say “back off”
and make it stick. They were all very protective of her, a nice feeling but
easily over done. Julie felt close to her; their relationship was grounded in
past lives and the connection was strong.
“Of course you guys can
stay here! You know there’s always room. When can you leave? I don’t think
there’s a lot of time, Jeannie.” Julie tried to sound casual but Tucson was a
long way away.
“Jerry thinks I’m crazy
and blames it on the pregnancy but I told him we have to be on the road in half
an hour or I’m leaving without him. I guess he believes me.”
“I expect he does,”
smiled Julie. “Let’s see. It’s about a six hundred mile trip. That’s a long
stretch for someone eight months pregnant. Are you sure you can handle it?”
“I need to be home,
Julie. I need to be with you guys.”
“Okay, I understand. Just
tell Jerry to take it easy. And, Jeannie, please keep an eye out for the old
4Runner. Kathy and the kids are on their way alone and I’m worried about them.”
“I’m glad they’re coming.
Don’t worry. We’ll watch for them. What about Bill and Dad?”
Julie hesitated. No need
to give Jean any more worries. “They’ll be here. Be sure to take plenty of water
with you. And Jeannie? Think about your baby and stay calm. We don’t want any
early deliveries! Trust your Guardian Angels. They’re with you.”
“Yeah, I will. And
thanks. I needed that, Julie. I love you. Tell Dad I love him, too.”
“See you soon, Jeannie. I
love you.”
She put the phone down
slowly. Love was truly the ultimate and only thing that mattered in this crazy
world. “Dear God,” she prayed, “keep them all safe.”
Three o’clock. Where had
the day gone? She turned the TV on again, hoping for news, but the signal was
poor. The whole world would be glued to their sets, absorbing panic as if they
didn’t have enough of their own. It wouldn’t be long before the TV anchors
announced that the end of the world was coming. Chances are they’d be off the
air first. She’d have to depend on ESP for her information. TRUST. Breathe in
trust, breathe out fear. Breathe in trust, breathe out fear.
The Photon energy. When
she had first heard those words, it had sounded like science fiction. She’d made
a smart-aleck comment, but had felt a fear deep inside, a subtle knowing it was
the truth.
“Never accept the words
of others,” her teacher had said. “Take them inside, ask your own guides and see
how it feels. If the shoe fits, wear it.”
Well, it fit very well
and she had eventually been able to tie up the laces. She accepted the
inevitable and prayed for guidance on how to carry on from there. She didn’t go
out and push the information on friends and family unless they showed an
Tabloids lapped up the
bizarre predictions and the psychic networks made a fortune. The mainstream
population was in denial; very few were ready to hear it. But the weather and
earth changes could not be denied. Massive disasters around the
world—earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, Florida’s changing coastline—triggered a
demand for answers. The 300 mph winds across Europe were devastating, and 9.5
earthquakes had caused incredible fires in Iran and Iraq. The Pacific Rim, the
rim of fire, had suffered explosive volcanoes, setting off monstrous tsunamis.
Thick volcanic ash saturated the atmosphere, and planes were forced out of the
sky. Only emergency flights had been allowed.
Meteor showers cast
fireballs from the UK across France, Spain and Germany. Escalating disease and
violence in cities frightened an already scared population. Ever so slowly the
doors began to open for sharing and preparing. So many thousands had lost their
lives from worldwide disasters and plagues. She had said many prayers for the
lost souls, had cried until she had run out of tears.
The volcano at Mammoth
Lakes in California blew six months ago, followed by the earthquake that jolted
Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. Most were caught by surprise. The big L.A. earthquake
was a wake-up call for San Franciscans. Thousands of northern Californians had
sought safer areas and tent cities sprang up in the desert. Some people remained
in their homes, in denial; still others accepted the inevitable and chose to
remain anyway. That had been her youngest son, Jon’s, decision. But the city
lived in fear and rightfully so; two months after the LA quake, northern
California was shaken to its foundations.
Steve and his family,
along with Jon, had been in Sacramento visiting their father when the San
Francisco earthquake hit. They’d been tossed around and the city sustained a lot
of damage but the boys had survived. Their father, however, had suffered a
massive heart attack. Ray’s death had been tough on the boys, but Jon and Bill
had pretty much made their peace with him beforehand. Steve hadn’t.
Scientists finally
admitted that the massive solar flares had helped create the severe weather
patterns experienced the last few years. They had caused power surges and
outages and shifted the magma in the earth’s core. Thanks to stray asteroids,
people no longer wished upon a shooting star, except to perhaps never see one
And now the grand finale
was on a collision course with Mother Earth. There was no stopping it now.
Scientists predicted the world might implode because they simply had no way of
measuring what was occurring. They didn’t understand that it was a beginning,
not an ending.
There was a time when enlightened
consciousness ameliorated some of the Earth’s unrest but now it was too late.
The die was cast. Julie had to be true to her truth, helping awaken those who
were open to it. She really wasn’t a “woo-woo” type person, although she felt
pretty “woo-woo” at the moment. She hoped someone would arrive soon.
Despite a lack of appetite, Julie lathered bread with peanut butter and found a
soda in the fridge. She headed back to her spot on the deck, her corner of the
world where she could hear the crickets and birds. There were a few chirps here
and there but it was becoming strangely still, their cheerful songs almost muted
except for the creaking branches of the old oak tree. Were animals and insects
aware? Did they feel something happening?
Julie’s pants were incredibly tight. What had caused all the bloating? Her Nikes
felt two sizes too small.
Then she remembered the predictions. The body was re-designing itself to survive
by recharging with extra water like a battery in order to contain the extensive
electromagnetic changes. That recollection brought Julie to attention, the
peanut butter sandwich forgotten. There was no doubt about it: The six-day
transition had begun! She was painfully aware that those trying to get home to
the safety of her nest might not make it in time. Blood drained from her face.
“Dear Lord,” she implored, beginning the slide into fear. “Please, watch over my
babies and bring Dave home safely. I really don’t want to go through this
alone.” The lump in her throat threatened to erupt. She grabbed the cell phone
on the first ring.
“I’m okay, babe.” He was out of breath. “It was a good shaker but I was already
close to the airport. I’m just a bit jittery.”
Julie was in tears. “Oh, honey, I’ve been so scared. Thank God you’re all
“I’m getting on a plane now. I don’t know if it’ll take off or not so keep your
fingers crossed. The airport is an absolute zoo, everybody running everywhere!
They’re terrified by the earthquake, by whatever is going on in the ethers. I’m
feeling really weird myself. My body feels like it’s vibrating. It’s two and a
half hours to Albuquerque and then a long drive home, and I can’t wait to get
“Me too, honey.”
“Stay in touch with me, Julie—you know, the way we do without phones.”
“I will. Bill is down there somewhere, too. I’ll try to tune in to you both.
I’ve been so upset I forgot to even try. Oh, Dave, I love you so very much.”
“I love you, too, babe.” His voice was filled with emotion. The cell connection
“Dave? Dave!” The line was dead.
It wasn’t fear so much as the anxiety of facing the unknown. Experiencing
something that hadn’t occurred in 26,000 years, for God’s sake, was a bit
overwhelming. Lighten up, Julie, she scolded herself. Dave is alive. That’s all
that matters right now.
She re-settled into a comfortable position once again. Closing her eyes, she
relaxed her body as much as the bloat allowed. Deepening her meditation, she
went into a state of peace and connection with her higher consciousness, her
angels and guides. In her mind, her third eye, she brought her children forward,
one by one, sending peace, confidence and love, knowing it would reach them on
some level.
Kathy appeared in her vision. The 4Runner was tearing up the freeway.
“Mommy, don’t drive so fast!” Joey scolded. “We’ll get to Grandma’s, I know we
will. You’re scaring me, Mommy!”
Kathy had a death grip on the wheel. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes glued to the
freeway. She tried to sound calm. “It’s okay. I’m okay. Is Erica still asleep?”
“She’s waking up. I think she did something. She smells awful!”
“We’ll stop soon, Joey. Hang in there. We’ve got to make all the headway we can.
Jesus!” she cried as a car shot by her. “He must be doing at least 100 miles an
hour! People are nuts out here!”
She had a surrealistic sensation of crawling in slow motion, moving against an
ocean tide or a sea of mud. The damn seat belt was too tight around her middle.
Maybe she should have just stayed in Phoenix. Was she insane? Her gut said no.
The support of family was mandatory for this event. Besides, cities were not the
place to be.
She noticed the gas gauge was close to empty just as a small whimper escaped
from the mound of blankets in the car seat next to Joey. At the next exit, she
pulled off the highway and found a line of ten cars leading to the only gas
station. She’d never get there at this rate.
Kathy pulled in behind a travel trailer to wait her turn. Resting her head on
the steering wheel, she closed her eyes and thought about Bill. They’d been
through so much together. It was hard to live with him sometimes, but she
couldn’t live without him. Joey needed him and little Erica was so young she
hardly knew him yet.
Kathy had held together pretty well until she heard about the
earthquake on the radio. Was the building he was in safe? What floor had he been
on? Was he hurt? Was he alive? Please let him be all right, please, please, God.
Tears slid down her cheeks.
“Mommy, don’t cry. I want Daddy, too, and I know he’s okay. He’ll
find us at Grandma’s, Mommy. Please don’t cry,” Joey begged.
Her son’s plea brought Kathy back to her present predicament. His
clairvoyant abilities never failed to amaze her. He’d known that their second
child would be a girl. He had predicted Bill would get the job he’d just
interviewed for. He even announced the start date.
From the time he could talk, Joey “knew” things. He could read
minds and raising him was a challenge. Kathy wondered what his purpose in life
was. It had to be something special.
She brushed the tears from her eyes. “I’m okay, Joey. Just
frustrated. I know in my heart Daddy’s safe. We’ll all be at Gram’s house soon
and we’ll get great big hugs, okay?”
“I know, Mommy. And I won’t cry, either,” he reassured her,
although his blue eyes betrayed him.
Joey affected a fake smile for her benefit and Kathy had to laugh.
Laughter was good. Bill would be fine and was probably as frantic as she was to
be together again. They’d both make it somehow.
She closed her eyes and felt the connection with Julie in a way
they had done so many times over the past few years. “If you believe it, you can
achieve it,” Julie always said. Kathy had been pretty skeptical at first, but
trust had grown and there was a deep love between the two women.
A vision of Julie began to form in her mind, so real, Kathy
suddenly felt at peace. She took a deep breath and her heartbeat slowed. A smile
played with her lips. Her angels were with her, and with the children and Bill,
too. Hadn’t she seen enough signs of that in the last few years?
After a quiet thank you to her unseen support team, she moved the
car up a couple of spaces and crawled into the back seat. Time for a quick
diaper change and a snack for the baby. Thank God she was still nursing. She and
Joey needed a potty break, too. Maybe everybody could use a snack, something to
stop this strange tingling in her body, this feeling of disorientation.
Chapter Four
Joey was right about one thing: His father was indeed frantic. Bill
crawled his way out of the shaken high rise, helping as many as he could on the
way down. Sirens screamed and the air was clogged with dust. His rental car was
badly dented but functional.
Traffic was close to a standstill in L.A. Everyone wanted to get
somewhere but they didn’t know which direction to go. Many streets were blocked
with debris and emergency crews. After much weaving and side street maneuvering,
he was stuck on the 405, the great freeway parking lot, as Dave called it. Bill
claimed cell phones had been invented simply to keep L.A. drivers from going
nuts. But even those weren’t working now and drivers were definitely reacting.
EarthShift is available from Crystal Mountain Press, 1136 Lakeside
Drive, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 for $18 postpaid. It is available as an eBook
from and Barnes and Noble’s Nook for just $9.95.
This page updated July 14, 2011
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