Conversations with John Cali and
Chief Joseph
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
An article from the MARCH 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Chief Joseph is always saying life should be fun — and you can find joy in even the most awful experiences.
John Cali
People sometimes tell me it’s nearly impossible for them to find fun
in life, especially with all the stresses of the modern world. And when they
have challenging experiences, it’s hard to find much joy there.
Is that your experience? It was mine when I was younger. I’m not
“perfect” yet, but I’ve succeeded in finding more fun and joy in my life as I
move through the years.
Years ago, one of my favorite television programs was MASH. For
those who might not remember, it was a weekly show about a mobile army surgical
hospital (hence, “MASH”) during the Korean War. It starred Alan Alda as surgeon
Hawkeye Pierce, and a cast of many other talented actors and actresses.
Although fictional, there were some pretty realistic and graphic
scenes in the shows, including some clips from actual news reels of that era.
But even in the goriest, bloodiest of those shows, the characters usually found
something to have fun with and to be joyful about.
The events of Jan. 8 in Arizona reminded me of MASH. The US is
riveted on all the human horror of that day, which is understandable. A
well-known politician, in commenting on that day, said “I hate violence. I hate
Hating anything, even violence and war, is not the solution. As much
as our mainstream news media focus on such events, there is far, far more good
news out there than most folks imagine. It just never makes its way into the
mainstream news headlines.
Here's Chief Joseph.
Chief Joseph
Life is not all that serious. It’s supposed to be fun. Now we realize
those statements, in view of John’s introduction, might be upsetting to some.
But they’re true.
Your souls, when they chose to come into your current lifetimes, had a
pretty good idea of what they were getting you into. Sure, they knew there would
be challenges. There would be experiences, such as the Korean War or the events
in Arizona. None of which most of you would consider desirable.
And yet even from those experiences much good often comes. At the
minimum, they give humans the incentive to do whatever it takes to erase such
experiences from the face of your planet.
Obviously you haven’t completely succeeded in that — yet. But you
will. You must.
All of this is part of your growth as individuals, as countries, as a
planet, a global community. And while none among you would consciously seek out
these experiences, they truly can work for your highest good.
Your souls know that. They chose this particular time in your human
history for you to return to the planet. They know this vast diversity and
contrast your planet holds at this time are powerful vehicles for transformation
— the transformation of every one of you and your beloved planet.
You are transforming into a much higher vibration — what some of you
are calling “ascension.” This is all part of that process.
As John said, there is far more “good” news out there than “bad” news.
You have to look for it, but when you do look it’s easy to find.
Focus on what’s right with your world, on all the quiet unsung acts of
kindness and love, on all that’s right and good in your own lives. Look for the
good in all that is. Even humans such as the Arizona gunman have good in them.
Well hidden, perhaps, but still there.
You are all doing very well, and we know you are doing the absolute
best you can. Your souls know that. We know that. And we want you to know that.
Your souls, and whatever you might perceive God to be, know none of
this is serious. You’re all going to make it home.
So do your best to find some fun along the way. Look for good in
yourselves, in others. Celebrate life. Be joyful. Be joy.
When you do that, you will raise your own individual vibration and
consciousness, thereby helping to raise the vibration and consciousness of
others and of your entire planet.
Every thought you think has powerful effects on everyone and
everything on the planet. So choose thoughts of love and peace. Have fun. Be
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2011 by John Cali
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article was originally published here:
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