Alien abductee turns successful
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
An article from the MAY 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
By Jennett Merioden Russell
Russell now remembers a day in late March of 1962 when she was
driving north on Route 112 in Medford to see her doctor. The
22-year-old mother was pregnant with her fourth child and had a
6:30 pm appointment with her obstetrician. The road, which is now
a congested artery that connects the north and south shores of
Long Island, was still largely desolate at that point.
Ms. Russell recalled that she was nearly an hour late for her
doctor's appointment, but it was a lost hour she could not account
for. She would not remember what occurred that night until 33
years later, when she underwent hypnotherapy, which she said
allowed her to go back in her mind to the night she saw a strange
light in the sky that would change her life forever.
"I remembered being taken by creatures and examined," Ms. Russell
said. "The one who was in charge, the leader, was the most
handsome person I had ever seen, and looking at him straight on,
he looked as human as you or me, but when I looked at him from the
side, I could see he was just a hologram."
Ms. Russell claims that shortly after her alien abduction, she
gained psychic powers, which now enable her to speak to the dead,
foretell the future, and see miles beyond her physical self. The
65-year-old Medford resident and her team of 20 professional
mediums were recently featured during a Psychic Fair, which was
held this past Monday at Violet Cove Restaurant in Mastic Beach.
Over 50 people turned out for the fair, which was part of an event
to raise money for Stephen Kyle Gmelch, Jr., a nine-month-old
Mastic child, who is suffering with a series of deadly heart
defects. Stephen's mother, Michelle DiGiantomasso, said she was
pleased by the amount of people who showed up for the event and
grateful to Ms. Russell.
"The community has been great," Ms. DiGiantomasso said.
"And Janet is terrific."
Ms. Russell ( normally performs
psychic private readings for a cost of $75 for a half hour, which
includes an audiotape of the session. She said, however, that she
enjoys doing charity events and never charges admission for her
Psychic Fairs.
Ms. Russell believes her clairvoyant abilities are a
"gift from
God" and should be shared with others. Using only her intuitions
about her clients, Ms. Russell has formed a strong following of
viewers to her cable access program, "Beyond The Unexplained,"
which appears across the nation, and locally on Channel 20.
She has been a guest on other popular cable programs, including
Channel 11's "Haunted New York." Among her credits, Ms. Russell
claimed to have worked with police and investigators in helping to
find 10-year-old Katie Beers, who on Dec. 28, 1992 had been
kidnapped by a close family friend, John Esposito.
"I went to the private investigator and I said,
'I know where
Katie is,' " Ms. Russell recalled. "I just put my hands over a map
and told them where she was, and that she had a chain around her
On Jan. 13, police found Katie alive in a secret, dungeon-like
vault beneath Mr. Esposito's Bay Shore house, where she had been
chained, tortured and raped for 17 days. Mr. Esposito confessed to
the crime and is currently serving a sentence of 15 years to life.
Ms. Russell said she personally nearly died of congestive heart
failure in June of 1992. That near-death experience, she claimed,
opened a channel for her to communicate with those in the
afterlife. Christopher Maffetone, a manager at Violet Cove, said
he personally witnessed Ms. Russell's ability to speak with the
dead, when one of his bartenders received a surprising reading.
"She said the person she was in contact with on the other side
would have been smoking sausages at around this time of year (if
he were alive)," Mr. Maffetone said. "My bartender just broke
down. He said it was his grandfather, and that he always smoked
sausages in the fall. He couldn't figure out how she would know
that. He said there's no possible way anyone could have known
that, and he was just taken aback. He was just blown away."
Ms. Russell claims, as well, to have predicted the TWA Flight 800
tragedy, in which a Boeing 747 bound for Paris, exploded shortly
after takeoff from Kennedy Airport on July 17, 1996, killing all
230 people on board. The local psychic said she not only predicted
the explosion, but also asserts to have actually witnessed the jet
plummet in the ocean off the coast of Fire Island. Ms. Russell is
among several witnesses on the ground, who reported seeing a
bright object "streaking" towards the 747, and believes the jumbo
jet was deliberately shot out of the sky by terrorists.
"I was just relaxing on the beach when it happened," she said.
"I was there, and I know what I saw. I have no doubt that it was a
missile that blew up the plane."
Just a few weeks before September 2001, Ms. Russell had been
visiting the World Trade Center in Manhattan. She said she
suddenly felt a great sense of danger while standing in one of the
massive towers, and warned a man in the building that the
structure was not safe, and fled from the building.
The psychic also claims to have a souvenir from her alien
abduction over 40 years ago. A thin cylindrical, one-inch long
bump in her upper right arm is an implant that had been inserted
by the mysterious creatures, she said. Ms. Russell maintained that
her daughter, Elizabeth Anne Russell-Day, whom she was pregnant
with at the time of the alleged abduction, has a similar implant
lodged in her leg. Ms. Russell said her daughter also retains the
same psychic abilities.
"I feel I'm successful because I am an honest person," Ms. Russell
added. "I don't make these things up. They're things that happened
to me, and I've been given a gift, and feel I should give back to
the community."
This article was originally printed in the 12/16/05 edition of THE
PRESS of Center Moriches.
Janet Russell's Web site is http:// You can view her listing on Earth Star's Psychic
Readers page at:
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