Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET
by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
article from the AUGUST 2011 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Hello, Sanni,I’m from Australia and I have two experiences that I would like to talk about. The first was when I was a young child. I was playing hide and seek with my cousins when suddenly a UFO appeared on the river tree line near our home. I was only around 7 years old at the time, but I wasn’t afraid when I saw it, instead I was fascinated. I stood at the fence and watched it for a while as it changed colors and moved up and down and side to side. And I remember thinking to myself, wow, I wonder if it will do what I ask? So I said (in my mind) change color to blue; it did; red, it did; green and it did, to my amazement. I continued to ask it to move left, right, up and down, and once again it did. I was wondering, do I have any connection with those beings that I communicated with that night? I have seen so many lights in the sky since then.
My second experience was when I was traveling with my cousin on the interstate and the trip was to take at the most three days, from Alice Springs, Northern Territory to Brisbane, Queensland. We left our location around midday and traveled until we were ready to camp on the side of the road for the night. We woke about 5 or 6 in the morning and continued on our journey. I had my eyes shut, resting, while my cousin drove, and then about an hour or so into the trip my cousin says to me in a concerned voice, “Shell, Shell, look, something is weird, what’s going on?” I sat up and noticed the atmosphere was hazy and windy, and a strange color. We drove through this weather for what didn’t seem like long at all. Then as we went through what seemed like fog, suddenly we came to a sign at the end of it that said Dinmore, a suburb on the outskirts of Brisbane! We got to Brisbane in like 24 hours! Needless to say, we were just freaked out and confused! We got to my mother’s house and she was shocked to see us there so soon. We didn’t cross the state border, nor went through any towns whatsoever, we just woke up and drove a couple of hours and before we knew it, we were at our destination! That was definitely one of the most amazing experiences in my life! It still baffles me to this day!.... My question is, are you able to tell me what happened that morning?
Thank you for your time.
Love & Light to you, Michelle
A: Dear Michelle,
Yes, you are connected
to these beings and they helped you get to your destination. The reason that UFO
responded to your asking it to change colors was a test by the Grays and the
Pleiadians, to see how advanced you were becoming. You are a starseed and were
meant to have this encounter for your evolutionary process into a being of
The trip you described
was a time warp or intradimensional slip in your time/space continuum, in which
the fog and strange atmosphere you described was the portal blending your Earth
3D reality with another realm beyond your linear time, which would explain why
this trip was shortened from the regular amount of time to travel into a rapid
This intradimensional
passage was a type of wormhole. The reason you had communication with these
Pleiadians and Grays is you received a tiny implant about the time around the
earlier event or prior to it, which allows you to see beyond the frequencies
that limit most humans to this dimension.
. Love, Commander Sanni
Dear Commander,
Please tell us what role
Osama bin Laden had in the 9-11 catastrophe and what compensation he was to
receive. Thank you very much.
Dear Larry,
He was into setting the
foundations for the Reptoids to bring about the loss of freedoms and rights by
creating these changes to bring onto the scene the NWO.
Love, Commander Sanni
Dear Commander,
Most of the ETs that
visit Earth are mostly white or blue skins as the case may be. My question is ,
are there ETs who are of the Negroid race who are still visiting Earth today?
And are they in contact with anybody? Where are these ETs from?
Thank you.
Dear CJ,
Yes, there are many different
species that gave rise to the Negroid species on Earth. The Annunaki are one
such species.
Love, Commander Sanni
If you have a question for Commander Sanni Ceto, please e-mail it to
and put “Ask ET” in the subject line. The Commander is happy to answer any and
all questions.
This page updated August 7, 2011
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