Transformation 2012:
Celebration of Light
An article from the JUNE 2012 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
The Institute of Light in Pagosa Springs, Colo., is
hosting a three-day intensive of presentations and workshops on Aug. 16-18, to
help you understand the need to raise your vibration in light of events,
experience living in higher frequencies, and learn techniques to maintain that
Learn how with Mark Kimmel, Suzy Ward and Dr. Norma Milanovich plus 10 other
presenters. The conference begins with a welcoming reception on Thursday, Aug.
15 at Pagosa Lodge. Cost is $295 (price good until June 15).
Adrienne Goff, author, healer, and crystal energy expert. Her book,
Healing for the Whole Being: 10 Practical Techniques for Personal
Transformation, is full of diagrams, color photographs, techniques, and clear
instructions for creating crystal healing layouts and grids designed to help you
shift into higher vibrational living.
Celestial Blue Star (of the Pleiades) is a Pleiadian walk-in (July 1989),
daughter of Blue Star the Pleiadian, receiver of the Blue Star Transmissions and
messages from The Masters, and a bevy of other off-world highly evolved beings.
She is also a scribe for God in the God Book Series as well as the receiver of
the messages from God when He wants information to be passed around to the
David of Arcturus
walked-in in May 1963; he was unaware of who he was until
2002. He is a receiver of messages from Archangel Michael, Cammeron of Arcturus,
Commander Theda, and other off-world commanders and spirits, and is a scribe for
God in the God Book Series as well as other messages from God. He is also a
teacher of Universal Truths.
Don Daniels, author of Evolution Through Contact, has had a series of UFO/ET
encounters (and now utilizes CE-5 protocol to interact with them). As the result
of these experiences Don embarked on a spiritual and philosophical quest that
resulted in enlightenment about our place in the universe and where humanity is
headed. He is a commercial airline pilot with one of the major US airlines.
Dr. Norma J. Milanovich has been a visionary and channel for the Ascended
Masters for over 20 years and has appeared as a keynote speaker worldwide, at
hundreds of spiritual and UFO events. She is the co-author of The Light Shall
Set You Free, We the Arcturians, and Sacred Journey to Atlantis, to name a few.
Dr. Milanovich has also led spiritual journeys for the Celestial Hierarchy to
nearly every country on Earth, always fulfilling agendas designed to raise
Earth's vibrational field that assist humanity in their Ascension Process.
G.W. Hardin is a New York Times bestselling author, having written or co-written
eight books having to do with true stories about the extraordinary. Hardin
specializes in the bringing together of opposite worlds, using science and
scientific research as a backdrop to his unexplainable stories. He is one of the
foremost authorities on the angelic realm while also writing about the parallels
that quantum physics has to metamessages from non-ordinary sources.
Lisa Greene-Culver
has been a practitioner of the healing arts since 1990. She
is a seer, psychologist, and has appeared on talk shows such as Living
Successfully with Bob Keaton and has her own radio program, Living From The
Pamela Angelique Hughes is the founder of HarpSong International--a "sound
sanctuary" for your body, mind and spirit. She has over 25 years experience as a
singing harpist, sound therapist, voice healer, and speaker/ facilitator. Her
music can be heard on the meditation CDs of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue and in
numerous documentary films.
Mark Kimmel
has spoken at international forums, been a guest on radio
and television shows, and has conducted workshops based on his unique insights
into the current transformation of Earth and her humans. Mark is the author of
Trillion, Decimal, One and Transformation. He is the founder
of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, an international group dedicated to manifesting
a new Earth civilization and, at the urging of celestials and Andromedans,
created the Institute of Light, a foundation dedicated to energizing Earth’s
Janet Purcell
works with
off-planet beings to bring messages of love and to provide "visual evidence" of
these beings and their ships, through the lens of her camera. She is in constant
contact to provide pictures that she is requested to take. Janet is a Master
from the Pleiades who has returned to help with the awakening of new searchers
and to assist them into the Ascension Process. She is an author (Threads of Two
Voices), healer, certified Life Coach, and spiritual counselor.
Ron Radhoff's profound spiritual experience in 1971 was followed by messages from guides, the Angelic Kingdom, the Deity, starbrothers and starsisters, and 5th Dimension beings from Inner Earth. Ron presents an expanded consciousness of what humans need to do to raise their vibrations to be compatible with the new Earth. He is the author of Evolving Life and Transition to the World Beyond.
Sophia is a psychotherapist,
shaman, author and founder of Pathways to Soul Mastery. She specializes in
reading Akashic and Galactic Records, and making Soul contact across parallel
worlds, thus assisting clients in Soul Retrieval and the activation of
extrasensory perceptions.
Suzy Ward--Since her
telepathic connection opened in 1994 with her son Matthew, who was 17 when he
was fatally injured in 1980, she has published four books of information she has
received from him (starting with Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven) and many
other off-planet sources. A fifth book (Amusing to Profound--My Conversations
with Animals) tells about her communication with animals, published in 2009.
It came out this year with an addition. Suzy's contact with all her sources
continues, and Matthew's monthly messages are sent to 7,500 subscribers
Uqualla--The Havasupai
Nation, People of the Blue-Green Waters; Guardian of the Grand Canyon, the
birthplace and homeland of Uqualla, Ceremonial HeartWays Priest. Mentored from
infancy into the ancient ways by medicine men, women and Wisdom Keepers. Uqualla
inspires. The novice, the curios, and the two-legged rise to a new beginning
when in presence of Uqualla.
Victoria Liljenquist is an
international lecturer, recording artist, visionary, clinical certified
hypnotherapist, LTM, clairaudient, clairvoyant and intuitive who assists
individuals to heal their mind, body and spirit. She is a creator of healing CDs
for the subconscious mind and cellular memory. Victoria is an award-winning film
producer of the DVD Encounters with Angels, UFOs and Divine Messages.
Tentative Agenda
August 15, 7:00 pm: Reception
August 16,
9:00 am to 6:00 pm: Presentations and Workshops
August 16,
8:00 pm: Presentation and Sky Watch
August 17,
9:00 am to 6:00 pm: Presentations and Workshops
August 17,
8:00 pm: Q & A
August 18,
9:00 am to 5:00 pm: Presentations
August 18,
5:00 pm: Transformation Meditation
high (elevation 7,000 ft.) in the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado,
Pagosa Springs is a summer playground. The area features hiking, fishing,
camping, skiing, bicycling, golf and the world's largest hot springs. The summer
weather should be mild, daytime highs in the 70s and 80s, nighttime in the 50s.
Lodging is
available at Pagosa Lodge (, 970-731-4141), which has blocked
rooms for our event at $79. Ask for the "Institute of Light" or "Transformation
2012." Also nearby is Pagosa Springs Inn and Suites (,
970-731-3400). We are organizing room sharing--more information soon.
There are 16 restaurants near Pagosa Lodge. Breakfast and a buffet lunch will be
served daily at Pagosa Lodge (not part of conference fee).
Transportation: Nearest airport is Durango, Colo.--about an hour drive away. Car
rentals are available. (We are arranging for shuttle service--more information
soon.) Flying into Denver or Albuquerque is an alternative. Contact us for
carpooling and ride-sharing options.
For hotel
options, local attractions and other questions, contact Dan McCamman at
Please make
your reservation, using PayPal or a credit card (for information visit the Web
site at You may also send a check to Institute of
Light, P.O. Box 303, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.
This page updated June 3, 2012
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