Cosmic Book Review


The extraordinary story of Suzan Woods


A Sparkle on the Water
by Suzan Woods, 1997
ISBN 0-9659736-0-3, White Wolf Path Publishing, 404 pages, paper

By Ann Ulrich Miller

        A Sparkle on the Water is a book by Suzan Woods that was published in 1997 by White Wolf Path Publishing. I recently read the book after it had sat on my bookshelf for many years. As editor and publisher of The Star Beacon, I am often inundated with various books people send to me, in hopes that I will read and review some of them. Suzan's book was one of these that appeared in my mailbox several years ago, but at the time I was either too busy or had simply cast it aside to be examined later.
        Recently, I was going through books I had weeded out to lighten our load in the upcoming move and I saw A Sparkle on the Water, remembering that I had intended to read it. I almost tossed it at that point. But something "nudged" me, and I changed my mind and added it to my "reading pile."

        Am I ever glad that I did. The stories of the different lives portrayed by the star characters intrigued me to the point where I felt compelled to keep on reading. Serra and Lokhan, divine counterparts, were space beings who spent many different lifetimes on Earth as well as other worlds, always returning to "the between," where they met with their guides and sometimes compared their experiences and discussed what they had learned from them.
        In Part Three is where the book really begins to take off. This final portion of the book is actually more autobiographical and tells how the author (she changes her name to Sarah) comes together with her soul mate, Lokhan (she changes his name to Thomas). Her incredible gift for channeling plays a big part in her story, and includes challenges and some life-changing experiences, and even instances where Sarah is able to prevent a major disaster near her home in northern California.
        I was touched by this book and by the fact that Suzan's guides suggested she write it to reach out to others who are exploring and searching for answers. It was particularly special to me to find a personal autograph on the title page, "To Ann, with respect and best wishes. Suzan."
        I spent the morning searching on the Internet to try and find the author of this book. I really wanted to let her know how much I appreciated her story and how it was presented. Her address at the end of the book had been crossed out by a pen and I tried using the given email address, but it came back undeliverable. The same thing happened when I tried to email the publishing company. She was not on Facebook, but her books are still being offered for sale on
        That is when I found a note on the book's Amazon page that gave me the answer as to why I could not find her …
        "SUZAN WOODS lived and traveled around the world, but spent much of her time either in San Francisco with friends or in New England, where she enjoyed home and family. Her wolf traveled with her and they could be found walking under the starry skies of this world. The angelic work, which is described in Part Three of her book, was an active part most of her life. Orryka continues to be a constant companion and teacher in her ongoing travels. The author, Suzan Woods, passed away in 2003."





This page updated September 30, 2015


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