Cosmic School
Cosmic Chess in Human Relationships
Winning or losing: the rules of
the game
An article from the FEBRUARY 2013 issue of THE STAR BEACON
by Nina Ansley
of Saturn, a teacher, came through Nina Ansley in this article published in
TSB May 1995. Nina wrote the novel The Plague of Provence (see DISC-ussion)
and Thokol was Lord Raimond de Turenne when he lived on Earth. Here is the
article by Thokol, titled “Cosmic Chess in Human Relationships, Winning or
Losing: The Rules of the Game.”
Thokol here.
Now the time has come when this cosmic class must tackle the rules for winning
the social games we are playing, or discover why we are losing. Same thing goes
for football, marriage, live-withs, business partnerships, government contracts.
All part of the relationship game—based on cosmic chess and cosmic cycles.
Win or lose, we have not much time left before the end of this cosmic cycle. Lose, we start all over with the same lessons we did not learn this cycle. Win, we move onto new dimensions with new lessons.
This school is designed to give the student more assurance of success in our lives and in our relationships in a multidimensional omniverse.
So let us work together -- and put the winning rules of this chess game under a microscope. With your third-dimensional senses, you cannot see a germ nor a virus -- and it is even more impossible with the naked eye to SEE the dynamics of energy paths you are caught up in. If we cannot see nor touch the stuff of electrokinetics (integration, disintegration, attraction, cohesion, inverse energy), how can we know when a purple passion begins to fade into pink -- or if purple passion might instead go straight on into inky black, yes?... and never once get a glimpse of pale pink. Pale pink is the area where it becomes possible to avoid the black holes or our lives.
You want me to speak in plain English, yes? Right now. Right where you live and struggle with your various kinds of relationships. Then let us come to terms with a bewildering array of cosmic laws governing our lives -- whether we like or not -- or even if we know how to work with them very well or not at all. The cosmic laws are there, unseen in the third dimension, but operating in all dimensions. In the lower dimensions or first grade, the laws get broken more often than used correctly -- because you cannot get a handle on what you cannot see.
These cosmic laws not only hold the galaxies together. They also can hold our relationships together with the harmony of the stars and planets, if we but learn how to use them.
Our Relationships, the Chessboard of Our Lives
All our relationships, whether in the are of love, business, school, marriage or
just live-ins, etc., make up the patterns of our lives. Before we were created
in the beginning, already certain rules were set into operation to maintain a
balance of powerful forces and safeguard life forms -- planets to live on, climate
to help us grow food and clean up our messes caused by living -- all these things
you need if your molecular forms can survive long enough to learn who you are
and what you were born to do. Free Will means it is up to you how you apply
these pre-created rules. You cannot change the rules. You can work with them and
win. Or you can ignore the rules, or break them, and lose.
But how do you reach out and take hold of these invisible energies? How do you
go about working with these cosmic laws?... which very few people of Earth ever
heard of.
Here is one way: If you know how to stay in touch and talk to your soul, your
subconscious will tell you what to do. The name of that ability is INSTINCT. God
gave it to every man, woman and child, and every animal, fowl, fish and insect.
Because He cares for us. With instinct (some call it intuition) we build inner
guidance systems for staying alive. Prayer is one way to stay in touch with your
soul. Meditation is another.
If you want to use something, you must learn how it works. You must define the
working parts and how they fit together to do what you want. In human
relationships, there are no instruction manuals. But there is a way to
understand what you need to do to make them work. To understand, you must ask
questions about the following:
1. Situations we find ourselves in
-- every situation brings a problem we must
solve -- and every situation has relationships which can cause the problem -- or
resolve the problem.
2. What energy or energies are involved
-- fear, love, hate, attraction?
3. What phase is the energy or energies moving on
-- integration or disintegration?
4. When the stress point or collision occurs, where to then? What path will the
change-overs of energies take? Creation or disintegration? Turnaround -- energies
of a different kind? Or forms of a different kind?
5. How do we deal with disintegration after collision has been reached?
On Earth, these questions are answered in classes on physics, but not on people
or relationships. In classes on electrical engineering, meteorology, physics,
the student can learn how to demonstrate the presence and nature of nearly every
energy known to man ... and also learn how to measure, control, and apply these
But where is there a school that tackles these same questions in the science of
human relationships?
Yes, I know. You think you study these subjects in social sciences, psychology,
behavioral sciences. You believe you have the answers. But do you? Case
histories are collected, statistics pile up and are analyzed, conclusions are
drawn—conclusions that are intended to solve human relationship problems.
Sometimes they help; most times, not. The people who work in these fields see no
connection between cosmic laws governing energies and the human being. The human
methods are not based on human movements in electrokinetics. On Saturn we have a
science called HUMAN ENERGETICS -- and this science is the study of human
relationships compared to cosmic energies. I’ve said before and I must say it
again: Logic which begins on wrong premise always ends in wrong conclusion.
When the problem is defined, you can apply the laws of physics and
electrodynamics to human energies -- and expect to end with some good working
conclusions. So what example in human behavior can we tackle today? The number
one problem that is all too common with most human beings from the beginning of
Let us get one thing straight. It makes no difference in your problem-solving
that marriage vows are made on Earth, not in Heaven. Or that partnerships in
business or contracts in government are made on Earth. What is important is that
when you make a contract—written or spoken -- you have a responsibility not to
betray confidences of any nature whatsoever. This kind of betrayal makes bad
karma. See? First rule of winning the game.
When you in your confusion or lack of understanding make bad rules, these rules
cry out to be broken. That is where loving rebellion works to your advantage -- and
violent rebellion destroys all you have worked so long and so hard to build.
Let Us Apply This to Marriage ...
and Unfaithfulness
Traditionally on your planet this problem has plagued men more than women
because the creative force (which is what sex is) is believed to activate man
more on the physical level -- and woman more on the emotional level. Notice I said
traditionally. Actually, man has no exclusive options in this matter. Both man
and woman possess electro-positive and electro-negative charges within their
force-fields. There is no such thing as all-man or all-woman. If you operate on
that age-old assumption -- male versus female differences -- you will nearly always
fail. Because your premise is wrong, your techniques for living together are
wrong. Your man-made rules are dysfunctional. And the rules women today are
trying to develop for living and working with men will work no better -- they are
equally dysfunctional. You can already see these new woman-made rules causing
new problems if you look with honesty and not pre-programmed illusions.
Now please do not conclude I am once more finding fault with human beings on
Earth. You are still children -- so many of you. Who of you judges a child in
kindergarten with a college student in determining Intelligence? That would be
like comparing -- oranges and onions!
If you are in cosmic school, you have been promoted to higher education. If you
had not reached this level, you would have too little educational foundation for
understanding what we are discussing in these cosmic classes. Okay?
Now you on Earth have worked out some systems in trying to handle this subject
of love and marriage when those human relationships reach their disintegrative
stage. Let me point out something you might have already guessed or discovered
for yourselves. None of your systems are working. And it does not make any
difference if you are man or woman, young and rebellious -- or mature and
Throughout the galaxies as well as on Earth, we all have the same human nature
... the same propensities for straying, searching for new thrills, for trying
out new relationships. If you are honest with yourself, wherever you are,
married or living-with, heterosexual or homosexual, every human being will find
themselves attracted to others -- because each of us is an energy subject to Laws
of Rhythmic Motion, Attraction of Opposites, Cohesion, Integration and
The homosexuals are even more confused than heterosexuals or anti-sexuals.
Heterosexuals at least have established guidelines to help them in their
confusions. Trouble is those guidelines are about as useless today as no
guidelines. Old guidelines created for old schools and for old problems do not
work for new schools, new dimensions, new problems. I now ask you to consider
this: The Great Am never destroys old laws to create new laws. He re-expresses
them for new levels of consciousness.
So whatever happened to these God-given guidelines? For example, consider this
guideline: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Sounds simple enough -- just don’t do
it, yes?
No! There is a common problem here on Earth: Once in a while when a human being
does succeed in abiding by that commandment, it makes him or her so bitter to
see other people are not obeying and are getting away with it. So a Little I
Am -- being a molecule of the Great Am -- decides in his or her subliminal levels of
mind, if God will not punish the disobedient, perhaps it is his or her
responsibility as “the brother’s keeper” to punish the wrongdoer. With full
confidence in righteousness, he or she sets out to punish adulterers. You’ve
seen it too often. The most moral people are often the most unforgiving, the
lease compassionate, the least charitable in their attitudes and actions. Let me
tell you that is THE WRONG USE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Judging and punishing is
God’s Business, and off-limits for half-educated souls.
Undeveloped and immature young souls, regardless if they have lived one year or
100 years, respond to those Commandments several wrong ways:
1. Finding discipline impossible, not knowing what it is.
2. Turning your backs on the problem as unsolvable.
3. By mistaking repression or suppression as discipline.
4. By envying or hating all who get away with it.
Dear Ones, this is the biggest mistake of all
-- no one ever gets away with
anything. You pay now in this life -- or later, in several successive lives.
The Great Am may not
In Person be in the backseat of your car, may not be
visible in your bedroom, or a back alley or empty office. But let me tell you,
The Great Am is always spiritually present. Refusal to face consequences of your
actions is pure and simple cop-out. COP-OUT IS NO SOLUTION TO THIS BASIC HUMAN
NEED, which is far more than just a biological urge or sex drive unsatisfied.
Purple Passions Come in Cycles
Like all energies. This phase of love happens not only to men, but also to
women. The trouble begins with false expectations -- each expects true love to
remain the same forever. When they see this tantalizing, energizing force begin
to lose its excitement, to fade into boredom under the daily grind of living, in
frantic dismay each believes love is dying. Neither men nor women understand the
disintegrative phase of love, but all can certainly feel it happening. When the
passion reaches a classic stresspoint, positive turns into negative, it certain
feels like disintegration. They assume It is over. They no longer love each
other. Not necessarily so! Love, like spirit, is an eternal energy that goes
through the path all energies are compelled to take by cosmic law. Understand
this and you learn to wait, to bide your time, to stay put -- because you realize
disintegration is always followed by a new phase of integration. Love is
rekindled, but the rebirth comes in time. Rhythmic Motion Time.
The worst scene is when the man and/or woman, not understanding what is
happening to them, begin to blame each other, find fault with each other, even
physically or verbally abuse each other. They begin to think of divorce -- or
murder. Often -- too sadly often --hate is born. Hate is not disintegration,
remember. Hate is inky black, blackhole death that sucks all energies in its
path and squeezes all energy out of life. No light can penetrate this kind of
black hole. The game is over. For a while. You may believe and hope the
relationship died. Not so! A hate relationship reincarnates along with the souls
who hate.
Yes, sometimes, what was believed to be true love is in truth imagination,
racial conditioning, infatuation, or economic necessity. Trouble is, these
falsities in our lives enter into our situations and the bungling begins. The
only way to avoid it is to learn what true love is. How can you tell the
difference in true love and infatuation? Or between all the different kinds of
That is the question we shall attempt to answer next class. Until next time, God
speed you on your soul’s journey towards understanding and mastering these rules
of Life’s Chess Games.
Copyright © 1995 by Nina Ansley
All Rights Reserved

Nina Ansley’s novel The Plague of Provence can be obtained through her daughter, Janis Ansley-Ungar ( or go to:
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